
  • 网络inductive definition
  1. 归纳定义是定义某些概念时常用到的一种定义方法,但是,什么叫做归纳定义并没有严格的说法,本文从代数系统的观点出发,对归纳定义进行了严格的数学定义。

    Inductive definition is a method which is used to define some concepts , but what is the inductive definition bas not a strict description yet . In this paper the auther , proceeding from the algebra system , gives a strict definition to the inductive definition .

  2. 归纳定义的数据集是根据自身定义的数据结构&这叫做归纳定义(inductivedefinition)。

    An inductively-defined data set is a data structure defined in terms of itself & this is called an inductive definition .

  3. 不过,使用归纳定义的(inductively-defined)数据集可以令子问题的获得更为简单。

    Dealing with inductively-defined data sets , however , makes finding the sub-problem considerably easier .

  4. 行列式的归纳定义及其性质的证明

    The Definition of n-Order Determinants by Mathematical Induction and Proof of Its Properties

  5. 最后,归纳定义了算子次序约束条件并证明了其可终止性。

    Finally , we introduce ordering constraints conditions for compositional operator and prove it 's property of termination .

  6. 模型对每个关键步骤的技术和目标进行了归纳定义,对综合运用软件再造各项研究成果和技术具有重要的指导意义。

    The model defines goals and classifies applicable research achievements for every reengineering step which has an important guideline value .

  7. 由于节点结构体内部包含有一个指向节点结构体的指针,所以称之为是归纳定义的。

    Because the node structure contains a pointer to a node structure within it , it is said to be defined inductively .

  8. 现代艺术是个混杂的概念,它本身反对被归纳和定义。

    Modern art is an ambiguous concept and thus difficult to summarize or define .

  9. 第一部分对风险间的关系进行了研究,归纳和定义了风险之间的五种基本关系;

    The first part of the paper distinguishes and defines five relations among risks in a project .

  10. 这是一种归纳型的定义,事实上我们能够归纳性地证明它?

    Actually we could prove inductively that it holds , but how do we know it stops ?

  11. 依超限归纳法的定义

    Definition by transfinite inductio

  12. 自感系数是电磁感应现象中的重要概念,关于它的定义可归纳为静态定义、动态定义和能量定义。

    Self-induction coefficient is an important conception in the electromagnetic induction . There are three definitions for it : static definition , dynamic definition and energy definition .

  13. 最后,根据统计结果归纳了已有定义中存在的问题,并以已有定义中的核心内容为基础,重新总结了风景名胜区的定义。

    At the end , existent problems of all the definitions are concluded according to statistical results and new definition of famous Scenic sites is summed up based on nuclear content of all the definitions .