
  • 网络Ostensive Definition
  1. 其内容包括语言游戏、实指定义、家族类似性和哲学。

    It contains language-game , ostensive definition , family-resemblance and philosophy .

  2. 实指定义的使用预设使用者的在场,这意味着意义的解释是语用学与语义学的交融。

    The use of ostensive definition presupposes the presence of its user , which means that the interpretation of linguistic meaning is a fusion of pragmatics and semantics .

  3. 本文通过颠倒色觉和实指定义分析,证明我们的感觉也是符号,一种符号和它反映的物性完全不像似。

    By analyzing inverted color perceptions and ostensive definition , this paper proves that our sensations are also symbols and a symbol is totally different from the material property reflected .