
  • 网络physical inventory;Real Stock
  1. 确保原材料实际库存与BPCS系统里面的数据相吻合;

    Ensure the match between Raw Material actual storage and the quantity in BPCS .

  2. 检查资本支出,协调/缓解实际库存

    Reviewed capital expenditures and coordinated / reconciled physical inventories

  3. 同时还提出了一种有效的多项式启发式算法,为物流企业在实际库存管理中应用这一模型提供了解决方案。

    An effective heuristic algorithm was developed , which provides enterprises with applicable solution in practical inventory management .

  4. 2009年第一季度,美国企业实际库存折合年率下降1040亿美元,达到了创纪录的水平。

    Real US business inventories fell at a record $ 104bn annualised pace in the first quarter of 2009 .

  5. 本论文讨论了以上海六船厂实际库存控制为背景的两级库存问题。

    In this paper , two-class inventory controlling problem based on real inventory controlling of six ship factories in Shanghai is discussed .

  6. 在此进一步确定哪些原因导致企业的实际库存量比实际计算值高,从而提出相应的应对策略。

    And determing what caused the actual inventory of enterprise value higher than the actual calculation , in order to put forward corresponding strategies .

  7. 本文主要采用了分析与实证相结合、定性与定量相结合的方法,来解决企业实际库存管理中存在的问题。

    This thesis adopts the methods of combining analysis with concrete evidence , also the method of combining to determine the nature with the amounts is employed .

  8. 建立基于客户细分的分销系统库存控制模型,以便得到优化库存控制策略,对分销系统实际库存管理具有一定的指导意义。

    Establishing the inventory model of distribution system based on customer segmentation in order to obtain the optimal inventory control strategy would be some guidance to the inventory operation of distribution .

  9. 通过收集并分割日市场订单,并充分考虑实际库存、设备开动能力等相关因素,按照规则智能排程。

    Through the collection and segmentation , market order , and full consideration of the actual inventory , equipment ability actuate the relative factors , such as , in accordance with the rules of intelligent scheduling .

  10. 在提前期确定和不确定两种情形下,给出了合理调度供应链各工作环节中的时间资源,优化库存成本的方法。最后,给出了研究成果应用于实际库存对象的实证。

    Proposing an optimization method of inventory cost by scheduling rationally time resource in all working sectors of supply chain under the condition of determinate and indeterminate lead time . Finally , giving the demonstration by applying the research result to an actual inventory object .

  11. 引入基于惩罚因子和奖励因子的协同机制来协调生产商和供应商之间的关系。最后,给出了研究成果应用于实际库存对象的实证。

    In order to coordinate the relationships between the producer and supplier , the collaborative mechanism of the penalty cost factor and bonus factor are introduced in this paper . Finally , the application of this study achievement to the stock object is given in this thesis .

  12. 同时,分析ERP安全库存的计算模型,认为ERP系统的安全库存计算和半导体需求特点不一致,为此解决安全库存与实际安全库存有较大差距的问题。

    Meanwhile , the calculation of safety stock model ERP , ERP system that the safety stock calculation and characteristics of semiconductor demand , are inconsistent , this address safety stock and safety stock a large gap between the actual problem .

  13. 本文首次通过考虑延期支付而将已有两货栈库存模型作了进一步扩展,为零售商实际的库存管理决策提供理论依据。

    This paper further extends two-warehouse system by incorporating delay in payment for inventory managers ' decision making .

  14. 一般来说,由于原材料的频繁出入,实际的库存水平很难记录。

    In general , it is especially difficult to keep track of the inventory position due to frequent receipts and deliveries of material .

  15. 存储费用模型是在分析了几种确定性库存管理决策模型后给出的一个模型,并且应用到了实际的库存管理系统之中。

    The Fee Of Storage Model is introduced after the analyzing some inventory management decision models and applied to a real inventory management system .

  16. 如果是投机行为人为导致价格上涨,那么,实际原油库存应该出现增长,因为在投机驱动的高价之下,现货市场无法出清。

    If speculation were forcing prices artificially higher , there would be mounting stocks of real crude oil , as the physical market failed to clear at the inflated speculator-driven price .

  17. 基于这种背景,本文试图从库存系统具体流程的关键控制点入手,借鉴现有的研究成果并结合企业实际的库存管理实践,对企业库存系统内部控制进行较为系统的研究。

    Based on this background , this paper attempts to specific processes , inventory management , key control points , draw on existing research results and inventory management combined with actual business practice , corporate internal controls more inventory management system .

  18. 上述研究不仅丰富了风险管理理论的内容,也拓宽了库存控制模型的应用空间,为决策者进行实际的库存决策提供了更充分的科学依据。

    The extensive research results presented above not only enrich the content of risk management theory but also widen the applied areas of the traditional inventory control models , and provide more sufficient scientific evidence for decision makers making inventory decision .

  19. 最后,以实际ERP系统库存管理子系统的实现为例说明该设计方案的可行性。

    It illustrates the feasibility with a specific sample of warehouse management sub-system in ERP system .

  20. 本文对于安全库存的设计是对相关理论的实际应用,对于库存管理的实践具有一定的指导意义。

    The safety design is a practical application for the related theory , which has certain guiding significance for the practice of the inventory management .

  21. 最后,使用精益生产系统采集2007-2009年度150种零部件的基础数据,通过多部件迟单模型计算经济批量及安全库存水平,以2008年实际需求模拟实施库存控制策略,并对控制结果进行分析。

    Then , inventory control strategies based on web-based Kanban are programmed . Finally , demands of 150 kinds of parts between 2007 and 2009 are collected from lean production system . Then the safety stock level and economic order quantities are calculated through multi-part backorder model .

  22. 但是,由于缺乏实际运行的逆向物流库存系统数据,文中的模型与提出的操作方法的实用性尚待实际库存系统运行的检验,并通过数据统计,以对模型和操作方法做进一步优化。

    While , because of shortage of practically data with reverse logistics inventory systems , whether the models and operation ways in this thesis are generally usable needs to be tested with practical inventory systems . Also statistical data can be used to optimize the models and operation ways .

  23. 根据国内航空企业管理模式的实际现状,确定了建立适合企业实际的先进库存管理系统的目标,并给出了需求分析、系统设计,等等;

    According to internal aero enterprise current management mode , the project establishes advanced stock management system fitted enterprise reality , broughtes out the demands analysis and system designing , etc.