
  • 网络physical product
  1. 例如,价目表比对的是一些实物产品,那么就有理由将它们的缩略图展示出来。

    For instance , if a table compares physical products , then thumbnail of those products should be present .

  2. 目前PLM已经实现了对产品生命周期的前端即产品设计过程以及虚拟产品的管理,但是对于产品生命周期后端&复杂的制造过程和实物产品的状态管理还很缺乏。

    Currently PLM has been achieved at upstream of product life cycle such as product design process and virtual product management , but it is still a lack of state management for the complex manufacturing processes and physical product at downstream of product life cycle .

  3. Facebook称其大部分资金来自在线广告,但同时还表示,希望从虚拟商品销售中收取费用,包括社交游戏中使用的电子产品,而不是实物产品。

    Facebook says most of its money comes from online advertising . But the company also says it expects to earn money from fees charged on the sales of goods . These are digital products used in social games , not physical goods .

  4. 体育二类产业为提供体育实物产品的生产部门;

    It is classes II industry of sports to offer to the production division of products of material object of sports .

  5. 由于旅游产品并不是实物产品,与传统的实物供应链相比,旅游供应链有很多独特的特征。

    Due to the intangible property of tourism product , tourism supply chain has many unique characteristics compared to traditional supply chain .

  6. 东盟内部或许并未完全实现自由贸易,但在较大国家之间,实物产品99%实现了无关税流动。

    Internal trade may not be completely free but 99 per cent of physical goods do move without tariffs between the bigger countries .

  7. 服务区别于实物产品的不同特征导致了服务质量很难直接进行监控。

    The characteristics of service which are different from that of physical product / inventory make it difficult to monitor and control service quality directly .

  8. 由于房地产兼具实物产品和虚拟产品的特性,价值基准也分两类:基于实物产品的基准和基于虚拟产品的基准。

    Because the real estate both has the properties of physical product and virtual product , the worth of the real estate has two criteria .

  9. 服务营销在传统实物产品营销中比重加大,己将成为企业经济发展的新的利润增长点。

    Service marketing in the traditional product marketing has increased specific gravity ; service marketing will become the enterprise economic development of the new profit growth point .

  10. 保险交易中,不存在实物产品的交换,保险中运用电子商务比一般产品更具有优越性。

    In insurance industry , there is no exchange of object products , so it is more advantageous for insurance industry to apply e-commerce than for other products .

  11. 周转资金、分割重组债权的活动愈演愈烈,甚至在重要性上超过了有用的实物产品的生产。

    The business of moving money around , of slicing , dicing and repackaging financial claims , has soared in importance compared with the actual production of useful stuff .

  12. 实物产品尤其是机械零件的表面通常是由一些可以称为特征的几何曲面组成,这些几何特征曲面主要包括二次曲面、自由曲面和过渡曲面等。

    Generally the surface of objects such as mechanical parts is mainly composed of quadric surface , free-form surface and blending surface , which are defined as features in this paper .

  13. 但目前在汽车整车及零部件的生产中,其原始模型往往并非来自设计概念而是实物产品(油泥模型)。

    However , at present in the production of the entire vehicles and parts , the primitive models do not come from design concept but from practical objects ( clay models ) .

  14. 但现代生产中,如某些流线型物体、人体假肢、艺术雕塑品和汽车零件产品,其原始模型并非来自设计概念而是实物产品。

    In many situations , however , product is not come from designed conception but from some other entities , and it must be produced without any existing drawing , such as sculpture .

  15. 软件是一零边际成本的无形产品,其质量管理要较实物产品的质量管理更难以进行,需要对过程质量及过程质量控制更加关注。

    Being intangible product with zero marginal cost , software 's quality management is more difficult than physical product , and should place more focus on the process quality and process quality control .

  16. 而一旦发现产品机会缺口,就必然会涉及到相关造型问题,因为实物产品最终是以一定的形态和造型展现在用户面前的。

    Once a product opportunity gap is found , it will inevitably involve issues related to modeling , because the final product must be a kind of form and style to show the customer .

  17. 与其它富裕国家的情况一样,参与实物产品制造的工人比例多年来一直不断下降:从1970年的27%,降至当前的17%。

    The share of the workforce involved making physical objects , as in other wealthy countries , has been shrinking for years : from 27 per cent in 1970 to 17 per cent today .

  18. 目前,餐饮消费领域的需求进入了一个新的时代,表现为客人在购买、消费实物产品的同时,更希望得到与实物产品同时销售的周到、舒适的服务和精神享受。

    At present the requirements in the food and beverage consuming field have stepped into a new era , the expression of which is that while buying and consuming material products customers hope to get thoughtful and comfortable service and mental enjoyment .

  19. 然后,构建了企业资源、业务流程、产成品、顾客价值之间相互关系的概念模型,探讨了业务流程外包的特征及其同实物产品和知识产品外包之间的区别。

    A model illustrating the sophisticated relationship among enterprise resources , business processes , components , product and customer value , was proposed before summarizing the characteristics of BPO ( Business-process Outsourcing ) and its differences against the physical and intellectual goods outsourcing .

  20. 制度经济学认为,货币是一种节约交易费用的制度安排,制度是一种稀缺性产品,它的生产也和其他实物产品一样,是由供应和需求双方力量共同作用的结果。

    Institutional economics think currency is a kind of system to economize transaction expense , a kind of rare a product , and it is too similar to other real product that is produced by both parties ' power of supply and demand .

  21. 以前实证研究的行业多为一般消费品生产行业,而较少涉及轿车这种大额实物产品的品牌资产研究,现在将以前的研究结论应用于轿车行业时,并不一定完全适用,还需要做许多的调整。

    Previously , the empirical of brand equity researches involve manufactures of general consumables , not sedan of such high quantum value . Right now , it leads to the result that the former findings of research maybe not practicable for the sedan industry , needing a lot of adjusting .

  22. 其中要解决的关键问题之一是实现旧图纸和实物模型产品设计信息的重构,以及在当前电子商务和Internet/Intranet异构环境下,产品设计制造信息的有效管理和集成共享。

    One of the chiefly technologies is to realize product information reconstruction from old drawings and modeling , and find the effective methods for managing and sharing of information , especially those related to design and manufacturing , throughout the E-commerce and Internet / Intranet .

  23. 交通运输业作为一个不产生新的实物形态产品的物质生产部门,具有资本密集型特征,与一般的工业、商业和服务业不同,其新增固定资产比例高于外购货物和外购劳务。

    Transportation industry as a material production department that do not produce new material form product , has the capital-intensive characteristics , and is different from the general industrial , commercial and service industry , New fixed assets ratio has a higher proportion of purchased goods and outsourcing services .

  24. 在反求工程CAD建模技术的基础上,介绍了一种从实物样件获取产品实体模型的测量造型技术。

    A measuring modeling technique is presented for obtaining solid model from material product based on CAD modeling technique in reverse engineering .

  25. 反向工程,就是从实物样件获取产品数学模型描述的相关技术,它已经发展成为CAD/CAM中的一个相对独立的领域。

    Surface reverse engineering is a process that creates the geometry models based on the data of real objects and has become an independent and hot field recently .

  26. 音乐和电影产业将他们电子版和实物版的产品捆绑在了一起——比如,给购买电影DVD光盘的消费者提供可以免费从网上下载电子版的代码的方式。

    The music and film industries have started to bundle electronic with physical versions of their products - by , for instance , providing those who buy a DVD of a movie with a code to download it from the internet .

  27. 它向社会提供的不是实物形态的产品,而是一种劳务产品,即集装箱货物的空间位移。

    They provide invisible service , the movement of containerized cargo , instead of physical products .

  28. 随着计算机技术和几何造型技术的发展,反求工程己不再满足于简单的产品仿制,而是基于实物模型的产品创新。

    With the developing of computer and measurement technique , RE concentrates on no longer product copy but innovation .

  29. 世界黄金协会表示,去年欧洲在金币和金条上的投资增长了26%,达375吨,使该地区成为实物黄金投资产品的最大市场。

    European investment in coins and bars rose 26 per cent to 375 tonnes , the WGC said , making the region the largest market for physical gold investment products .

  30. 在产品的开发和制造过程中,几何造型技术的应用相当广泛,从实物样件获取产品数学模型相关的技术,已发展成为CAD/CAM中的一个相对独立的范畴,称为逆向工程。

    During products development and manufacture , geometry sculpt technology is applied widely , and developed from related technology by entity sampling to get products mathematical model into " reverse engineering ", namely a relatively separated category in CAD / CAM .