
  1. 如何进行专业课程考核改革,以适应新形式下尤其是我国加入WTO后,行业对高等职业技术人才培养的需要,是我国高职教育面临的重要课题。

    It is an important issue our higher vocational education faced that how to reform the major-course examination to meet the need of various industries for higher professional and skillful staffs under the new situation , especially after our country entered WTO .

  2. 论高等职业技术人才的素质结构

    On the Quality Structure of Talent for Higher Vocational Education

  3. 高等职业技术人才培养目标初探

    The Research of Cultivating Aim on the Talented in Higher Professional College

  4. 我国软件职业技术人才培养模式初探

    The Analysis of Software Professional Technological - Talents Training Mode in China

  5. 人文社会科学对职业技术人才素质培养的探讨

    The Discuss for Training Person at New Days with the Humane Society Ology

  6. 拟从我国相对发达的东部和沿海地区吸引职业技术人才。

    From China 's relatively-developed eastern and coastal areas .

  7. 基于指标聚类的石化企业职业技术人才评价

    Evaluation of Occupational Skill Talent in Petrochemical Enterprise Based on Index Clustering Analysis

  8. 略论职业技术人才及其重要作用

    The Important Role of Vocational & Technical Talents

  9. 我国旅游产业的发展需要大量的高素质职业技术人才。

    The development of China 's tourism sector needs a large number of professional employees .

  10. 加强产学合作培养航海高等职业技术人才

    Reinforce the Co-operation of Learning and Production to Train the Qualified Maritime Higher Vocational and Technical Personnel

  11. 随着社会发展,现代企业对职业技术人才素质的提出新的要求。

    With the development of the society , the modern enterprises demand high quality of the professional talents .

  12. 德国高等职业技术人才培养有着高素质的师资队伍的保证。

    High-level teaching force is the guarantee for the quality of vocational and technical higher education in Germany .

  13. 金融危机背景下中国职业技术人才供需失衡问题及对策分析

    The Unbalance between Demand and Supply of Vocational Skilled Talents in China under the Background of Financial Crisis and the Countermeasures

  14. 一个国家的振兴,拥有大量的职业技术人才特别是高级职业技术应用型专门人才是一个重要因素。

    The development of a country , a large number of professional technician especially advanced applied specialized personnel of job technology are an important factor .

  15. 强化高等职业技术人才整体素质的几点思考开展农村远程开放教育提高农村人才整体素质&广西一村一名大学生计划试点项目实践初探

    Cognition upon enhancing the overall quality of qualified personnel in higher comprehensive education Preliminary Experiment on the Pilot Project of " One College-student for One Village "

  16. 而本专业就是顺应未来经济发展的需要,为社会培养具有专业理论和实践技能的外向型高等职业技术人才。

    But this specialty is complied with future economy the need to develop , will raise for the society has the specialized theory and the practice skill extroversion higher professional technology talented person .

  17. 它作为科学的职业技术人才培养模式体系,需要高等职业技术教育院校必须按其自身规律和系统要求逐一落在实处。

    As a scientific cultivation pattern system of vocational and technological people ," combining work with study " should be carried out indeed by higher vocational educational institutes according to its rules and requirements .

  18. 随着经济的发展,整个社会对高等职业技术人才的需求日益增多,肩负着培养高等职业技术人才任务的高职院校任务繁重。

    With economic development , the whole community is needing more and more higher vocational and technical persons , as a higher vocational training institution , vocational and technical personnel , s tasks are arduous .

  19. 高等职业技术人才的培养,仅仅依靠在学校的课堂学习是远远不够的,应有足够的时间在实际工作环境中实践才能获得。

    It is not quite enough to foster talented persons with higher vocational techniques just by the class learning in college . There should be adequate time to ensure students to practice in actual working environment .

  20. 学院主要培养通信类高等职业技术人才,以工科为主,兼文、理、经、管等多学科体系,集教、科、产为一体。

    SPTC is the integration of teaching , research and production , taking engineering as its main discipline with the humanities , economics and management so as to train qualified professional and technical personnel for communications .

  21. 四川等西部地区是我国的战略复兴基地,为战争及生产建设提供大量中等职业技术人才是其义不容辞的责任和光荣任务。

    Sichuan and other western regions were the strategic renewed base of our country , it was their duty-bound responsibility and glorious task to offer a large number of secondary professional technicians for the war and construction .

  22. 在这一进程中从市场的角度来观察,职业技术人才的低素质和短缺是我国经济建设健康高速发展的瓶颈之一,如何把丰富的人口资源转变为丰富的人力资源。

    Observing from the view of market in this process , the deficient of the qualities and the quantities of the professional skilled workers is one of the chock-point to the high-speed development of our country 's economy construction .

  23. 本文从江西煤炭职业技术人才及其教育现状入手,指出了存在的问题,并提出了江西煤炭职业技术教育走出困境的几点建议。

    Starting with the vocational technical talents and its education situation , the authors have pointed out the root causes for frequent mining disasters and put forward the solution to the double puzzledom of vocational education of Jiangxi coal industry .

  24. 伴随着社会对中等职业技术人才的需求增多和国家对中等职业教育的重视程度越来越高,促进中等职业学校教师专业发展,优化教师管理,成为办好中等职业教育关键。

    Along with the increased demand and increasingly high degree of attention of the community secondary vocational education . The state of secondary vocational education has become a new spotlight . To promote the professional development of teachers has become a key to run secondary vocational education .

  25. 昆山市是国际资本投入的高密度地区,各行各业都迫切需要大批的具有一定英语水平的中等职业技术人才,英语在这里已经成为参与国际交往和竞争的重要工具。

    The city of Kunshan owns many foreign and domestic capital investments , therefore , it requires all kinds of industrial talents of vocational with special technology and English language abilities and English has become an important language tool to participate in the international communication and competitions in Kunshan .

  26. 对加入WTO后中国高等职业技术教育人才培养模式的探讨

    Discussion on Training Pattern for Higher Vocational Education After China 's Entry WTO

  27. 秦皇岛职业技术学院人才培养模式研究

    Research on Talent Cultivating Mode of Qinhuangdao Vocational and Technical College

  28. 创新人才培养模式对提高教学质量的影响&兼谈盘锦职业技术学院人才培养模式的实践探索

    On Effect of Innovation in Talent-Training Model to Improvement of Teaching Quality

  29. 关于高等职业技术教育人才培养模式的几点思考

    View on Mode of Personnel Training in Higher Vocational Education

  30. 高等工业职业技术教育人才培养目标及素质要求

    Training Goals and Quality Requirements for Qualified Graduates in Higher Vocational and Technical Education