
  1. 它的转变固然有政府方面的原因,但职役的承担者在其中所起的作用也不容小视。

    It is the transformation of government reasons , but the duty service commitment in which the role should not be underestimated .

  2. 用新制度经济学的理论来衡量,职役集中体现了国家对土地所有权产权的确立和保护而收取的一种管理费用。

    Evaluated by theories in neo-institutional economics , service servant is focused on the management expenses with the purpose on ensuring and protecting land-ownership .

  3. 两宋作为职役制度确立和发展的关键时期,对此后的职役制度的发展有着相当大的影响。

    The two song as the duty service system establishment and the critical period of development , the position service system development has a considerable impact on .

  4. 职役制度是唐宋以后社会最为主要的社会制度之一,对基层社会,特别是乡村的治理起到了相当大的作用。

    The duty service system is the most important since the Tang and Song Dynasties social society system , the grass-roots society , especially rural governance has played a considerable role .

  5. 而在宋代职役按财富、户等高下排役政策下,他们又是职役,特别是乡村职役的主要承担者。

    While in the Song Dynasty the duty service according to wealth , households with rows of existing policy , they are also the duty service , especially in rural job service main undertaker .

  6. 职役具有国家凭借政治权力,采用强制手段,将部分财政支出、财政欠收的风险以及财政运行和调度的成本,转移给应役民户的财政属性。

    E. , it was levied by virtue of the political power and the nation could transfer , through the compulsive means , part of its fiscal expenditure and operation cost to the households .

  7. 在宋代,职役作为一种基层管理制度正式登上了历史的舞台,特别是乡村职役,是宋代进行基层管理最为主要的方式。

    In the Song Dynasty , the duty service as a grass-roots management system officially boarded the stage of history , especially in rural job service , Is the Song Dynasty was the most important way of basic management .

  8. 吏养是为驻军中的一般官吏提供饮食服务的人;但有学者研究显示,汉代社会存在一种职役性的群体,其也称为吏。

    Officials are providing catering services to the garrison from the ordinary official person ; but some scholars study shows that social existence of a professional service groups of the Han dynasty , also known as the " official " .

  9. 中国传统社会发展到唐宋时,社会发生了一系列大的变革,反映在基层管理制度上,即由原来的乡官制向职役制转化。

    Chinese traditional society to the development of the Tang and Song Dynasties , the society has undergone a series of major changes , reflected in the management system , from the original township government system to the duty service system transformation .

  10. 《文献通考》是宋末元初史学家马端临编撰,分田赋、钱币、户口、职役等24门类,共348卷。

    Wen Xian Tong Kao was compiled by the historian Ma Duanlin in the early years of the Yuan Dynasty . It covers more than twenty-four fields such as tax , monetary , registered permanent residence and the positions etc. The book has three hundred and forty-eight volumes .