
  • 网络Career information;occupational information
  1. 另一个原因是,年轻人获取职业信息和机会的渠道越来越便利。

    Another reason is that the youth are savvier in accessing career information and opportunities .

  2. 得出求职问题数据库结构,生成职业信息表、可拓变换表以及一阶传导变换表。

    Obtained the database structure of job problems , generated career information table , extension transformation table and an order of conduction transformation table .

  3. 它们展现了一个人的过往经历、他所来自的岛屿或他的职业信息。

    They show information about a person 's history , their island or their job .

  4. 您将以PERSONAL数据表开始,并且使用一个JOIN操作从PROFESSION数据表中获得职业信息。

    You will start with the PERSONAL table and use a JOIN operation to get the professional information from the PROFESSION table .

  5. 高校图书馆如何做好毕业生职业信息开发工作

    How to Unfold Information Development for Graduate Occupation in Universities Libraries

  6. 但是这些调查也包含了被调查女性的父亲所从事的职业信息。

    But the surveys also contained information on what jobs the fathers held .

  7. 职业信息是劳动力市场实现就业的基础性资源,职业信息的获取直接影响了新生代农民工的就业。

    Occupation information is a basic resource to obtain jobs in the labor market .

  8. 信息化战争对军人的职业信息素质提出了更高的要求。

    The informational war has put higher requirements on the information literacy of military officials .

  9. 问卷设计从如下角度出发:学习者的职业信息;

    The two questionnaires are designed from the following aspects : professional information about the learners ;

  10. 您可以为那些提供地址和职业信息的用户提供一些高级的特性。

    You could make some advanced features available to users who provide address and occupational information .

  11. 而几家精子库公开了捐献者的外貌特征,有些还提供了职业信息和兴趣爱好。

    Several banks do offer lists of basic physical traits , and some give occupations and hobbies .

  12. 据劳工统计局和职业信息网络的数据显示,如下这些行业的就业在未来是充满希望的。

    These industries project promise and jobs for the future , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Occupational Information Network database .

  13. 对高校图书馆开发职业信息资源的必要性与可行性进行了阐述,同时就职业信息开发工作中应遵循的原则及职业信息的传播方式进行了探讨。

    This paper expounds the necessity and feasibility of developing professional information by university library , and probes into the principles and transmission modes of developing professional information .

  14. 作为答谢,完成这份问卷的朋友将首先获得最新职业信息,并有机会被邀请参加我们主办的社交活动。

    Those who complete the survey will be invited to be the first to take advantage of the career information and networking opportunities that these results will help to inform .

  15. 根据职业信息网和美国劳工部的数据信息,以下列出了10个美国竞争最激烈的工作。

    Based on data from the Occupational Information Network ( OINET ) , a U.S. Department of Labor database full of detailed information on occupations , below are the 10 most competitive jobs in America .

  16. 其中培训开发、发布职业信息、建立职业通道、奖励进步对感知的外部竞争力有较弱的正向影响作用,咨询与评估、实行平衡计划则与其无显著相关性。

    Training and development , releasing career information , implementing balance plane , and rewarding the progress have a little positive prediction function on perception of outside competition while consultation and assessment and establishing career channel have no significant function on it .

  17. 使用结果表明,大亚湾核电厂的IDOSE符合国家有关专业标准的要求,也与国际原子能机构(IAEA)职业照射信息系统(ISOE)的要求接轨。

    Its application shows that IDOSE meets the requirements of the concerning occupational standards of the state and matches with the requirements of IAEA / ISOE .

  18. 高等职业院校信息工程专业学生的培养之我见

    Vocational College of Information Engineering of the Cultivation of Students of Me

  19. 国外职业足球信息综述

    A Summary of the Information for the Professional Football abroad

  20. 区域性职业教育信息平台的实践研究

    Practical Research on Information Flat of Regional Vocational Education

  21. 在中等职业学校信息技术与《机械设计》课程整合的研究

    Research on the Integration of Information Technology and Machine Design Subject in College

  22. 我的小孩上高中时,他们获得的职业相关信息可谓铺天盖地。

    S.My kids when they were in high school were bombarded with career-related information .

  23. 合肥市职业卫生信息监测控制漏报的对策研究

    Study of Countermeasures on the Missing Reporting Control in Occupational Health Information Surveillance in Hefei

  24. 为底层社会提供更多关于新职业的信息是更加重要的,因为传统上他们很少成为专业人士。

    Providing them with information about alternative careers is particularly important in disadvantaged communities where , historically , people do not join the professions .

  25. 在自我介绍中,你给出关于你的名字、来自哪里、职业等信息。

    In a self-introduction you give information about your name , where you come from , what you are doing , and so on .

  26. 许多高等职业学校信息流繁多、数据环境混乱,与实际需求存在很大差距。

    The information of many high etc. occupation school flow numerous , the data environment confusion , with actual the need exists the very big margin .

  27. 投资者用于职业经理人信息搜索和监督方面的成本最低时,投资者对职业经理人能力的基本预期仅为其潜能的一半,而当潜能的发挥正好等于个人能力意愿的发挥时,职业经理人的价值最大。

    The lower the capitalist 's cost applied on information search and superintendence , the less investor 's expectation to managerial capacity . While potential usage is just the same as that of personal willing , the value of a professional manager is at maximum .

  28. 时间是一项重要的资源,本文帮您回避那些分心的事情,把时间专注于最有益于您作为Java语言程序员职业生涯的信息源。

    Time is a vital resource , and this article should help you bypass the distractions and focus on the sources of information that are most likely to improve your life as a Java language programmer .

  29. 职业健康检查信息管理系统的设计与开发

    Occupational health management information system to check the design and development

  30. 职业健康监护信息管理系统平台建设探讨

    Exploration on development of Information Management System for Occupational Health Surveillance