
  • 网络vocational rehabilitation;vocation rehabilitation
  1. 残疾人职业康复和就业公约;

    Convention concerning vocational rehabilitation and employment of the disabled persons ;

  2. 精神病患者出院后的职业康复研究是目前西方精神疾病康复研究的热点。

    Vocational rehabilitation is a focus of concern among psychiatric rehabilitation researchers in western countries .

  3. 医院内职业康复对精神症状的影响

    The influence of hospitalized occupational rehabilitation on psychiatric symptoms

  4. 影响急性心肌梗死患者早期职业康复的相关因素分析

    Related factors that influence early occupational rehabilitation in patients with acute myocardial infarction

  5. 精神分裂症患者58例职业康复疗效对照及影响因素分析

    An Analysis on the Effect of Occupational Rehabilitation and It 's Influencing Factors for 58

  6. 开展职业康复工作,帮助伤残职工恢复劳动能力。

    Set up working rehabilitation system to help the injured workers regain the ability to work ;

  7. 残疾妇女社会和职业康复政策方案制订问题区域讲习班;

    Regional Workshop on development of policies and programme for social and vocational rehabilitation of disabled women ;

  8. 目的:评估医院内职业康复对慢性精神分裂症患者精神症状的影响。

    Objective : To examine the influence of hospitalized occupational rehabilitation on psychiatric symptoms in chronic schizophrenic patients .

  9. 已设立日托服务中心,精神障碍患者可在那里接受心理、社会和职业康复。

    Day-care centres have been established where people with mental disorders receive psychological , social and occupational rehabilitation .

  10. 慢性精神分裂症患者职业康复训练的疗效观察小提琴手慢慢地训练找到准确的音调

    Curative Effectiveness of Vocational Rehabilitation on Patients with Chronic Schizophrenia The violinist had Been schooled to practice slowly to assure accurate intonation

  11. 职业康复:强调治疗的最终目的是恢复技能,重返社会。

    Occupational rehabilitation : It was emphasized that the final purpose of treatment was the recovery of skills and return to society .

  12. 目的了解不同群体工伤职工流行病学及再就业情况,为工伤预防和职业康复提供依据。

    Objective : To understand the situations of various groups of injured workers reemployment and epidemiology to further provide evidences for prevention and vocational rehabilitation .

  13. 现代意义上的残疾人康复包括了医学康复、教育康复、职业康复、心理康复等全面性康复的内容。

    In the modern sense , disability rehabilitation is a comprehensive conception , includes medical rehabilitation , education rehabilitation , occupation rehabilitation , and psychological rehabilitation .

  14. 开展职业康复工作,帮助伤残职工恢复劳动能力。结论:社区康复训练对患者有良好效果,开展社区康复工作势在必行。

    Set up working rehabilitation system to help the injured workers regain the ability to work ; Conclusion Community-based rehabilitation is good for the rehabilitation of stroke .

  15. 在抗精神病药治疗的同时,对干预组施以小组工作制、院内职业康复的两种技能训练,共10周。

    Both groups received the antipsychotics treatment , but the teamwork education , occupational therapy , and two kinds of skills training were only given to the strategy intervention group .

  16. 结果直肠癌结肠造口患者术后的康复问题主要集中在造口局部护理、建立规律排便、造口用品选择、性生活困惑、职业康复方面;

    Results Rehabilitation problems and difficulties of patients with rectal carcinoma after colostomy mainly concentrated on local nursing , regular defecating , choosing articles , worries about sex life and occupational rehabilitation .

  17. 因此为了保障工伤职工获得待遇支付和职业康复各国都设立了工伤保险,以此来分散企业工伤风险以及提高社会职业安全健康水平。

    Therefore to ensure that injured workers receive pay and benefits all countries in the establishment of vocational rehabilitation , industrial injury insurance , industrial injury in order to spread business risk and improve occupational safety and health community .

  18. 采取健康监护和功能康复来缓解负向因子影响,通过健康教育、家庭社会支持和职业能力康复等来增强正向因子作用,提高GWS患者生存质量。

    Important measures should be taken to improve the life quality of GWS , such as health surveillance and rehabilitation to mitigate the effects of negative factors , and health education , family and social support and rehabilitation of professional ability to enhance the positive factors .

  19. 浅谈高等职业教育康复治疗技术专业运动疗法学的课程建设

    Course Construction of Physical Therapy for Higher Vocational Education

  20. 以需求为导向改革高等职业技术教育康复治疗专业课程

    Reform of Higher Vocational Rehabilitation Therapy Curriculum Based on Demand

  21. 结论早期系统的康复治疗有助于断指再植术后患者的手功能和职业能力的康复。

    ConclusionThe early systemic rehabilitation trainings are very useful for the hands function and vacation ability of the patients after replantation of severed digit .

  22. 利用logestic回归检验影响生活质量的主要因素为年龄、发病到治疗的时间、职业、早期康复治疗以及婚姻状况。

    The main factors influencing the quality of life include age job , early rehabilitation , marry . and the time from onset to the beginning of treatment .

  23. 为了保障因工作遭受事故伤害或者患职业病的职工获得医疗救治和经济补偿,促进工伤预防和职业康复,分散用人单位的工伤风险,应当建立和完善工伤保险制度。

    In order to protect those who suffer work-relate injuries or occupational disease receive medical treatment and compensation , promote of work-relate injuries prevention and vocational rehabilitation and spread the risk of the work-relate injuries of employers , we should establish and improve the workers ' compensation system .