
  • 网络technical training
  1. 国外职业技术培训教育特色的启示与借鉴

    Enlightenment and Lessens from the Educational Characteristics of Vocational and Technical Training in Western Countries

  2. 另一方面建设有中国特色的职业技术培训体系。

    On the other hand building socialism with Chinese characteristics , vocational and technical training system .

  3. IT职业技术培训课程的教学策略分析与应用

    Analysis and Application of Teaching Strategies in IT Skill Training Classes

  4. 三角科技学校是宾州的一所职业技术培训学院。

    Triangle Tech is a technical school with six locations throughout Pennsylvania .

  5. 加强对农民的职业技术培训。

    Reinforcing vocational training among the farmers .

  6. 面向农村牧区的职业技术培训严重短缺。

    Lack of vocational technology training meeting the needs of rural and pastoral areas are severe .

  7. 现为国家信产部《数据恢复职业技术培训》指定技术支持单位。

    Now it is appointed by National Information Industry to be the tech support company for Vocational Training of Data Recovery .

  8. 国内外职工教育、职业技术培训的实施中,不断有新的同步发电机电压调整、频率调整实验装置面世。

    Now new voltage and frequency adjusting equipment come true continuously in the fields of training and technology education in China and abroad .

  9. 在普通高校扩招、“洋教育”抢滩大陆和其它一些职业技术培训的夹击下,高职学院必须选好增强竞争力的突破口。

    With the college expanding and foreign education entering , as well as some vocational technical training , vocational colleges should select the competitive breakthrough .

  10. 而促进农村劳动力转移的有效举措就是要加强农村劳动力转移前和转移过程中的职业技术培训。

    An effective initiative to promote the transfer of rural labor is that to strengthen the vocational and technical training which before or in the transfer process .

  11. 重视对农村劳动力的职业技术培训,逐步形成完善的农村职业培训体系。

    More attention shall be paid to job skill training for rural workers , and a sound job training system established and improved in rural areas step by step .

  12. 大部分农民对职业技术培训持欢迎态度,但是由于农民的认知水平差异,对职业技术培训的心理态度具有复杂性特征。

    Most farmers are welcoming professional technology . However , due to differences in the cognitive level of farmers , vocational and technical training on mental attitude have complex characteristics .

  13. 本文针对各类IT职业技术培训课程的共同特点,通过对比传统的教学模式,分析了该类课程的教学策略以及策略的应用。

    By comparison of traditional teaching modes and in view of the common features of different kinds of IT skill training classes , this article analyzes teaching strategies and their application .

  14. 美国、欧盟等国家在农业职业技术培训的发展过程中,从立法、管理体制、培训层次、培训方法、考试制度及经费保障等方面,采取了许多得力措施。

    America and EU take actions on the legislation , supervisory system , training level , training measures , examination system and treasury to improve the development of the rural polytechnic training .

  15. 实施“非洲人才计划”,为非洲培训3万名各类人才,提供政府奖学金名额18000个,并为非洲国家援建文化和职业技术培训设施;

    China will implement the " African Talents Program " to train 30000 personnel in various sectors for Africa , offer 18000 government scholarships , and build cultural and vocational skills training facilities in African countries .

  16. 必须有效控制农村人口相对较快增长,提高农村教育质量,强化农村职业技术培训,优化农村人口素质结构;

    First of all , we must efficiently curb the rapid increase of rural population , improve the quality of education , reinforce the training of professional technology , and optimize the quality structure of the population .

  17. 制定长期稳定的健康教育和促进计划,提升职业技术培训人员的医学专业素质或让尘肺病防治人员参与职业技术培训,促进尘肺病防治知识的传播。

    Institute long-term stable health education and health promotion planning , promote the medical professional level or made the occupational disease prevention personnel participate the professional technical training , in order to make the occupational disease prevention knowledge spread . 4 .

  18. 高职院校要搞学历教育,更要注意搞好职业技术培训,这不仅是职业院校生存和发展的空间问题,也是职业院校应具备的社会职能,更是社会经济发展的需要。

    Diploma education is necessary in higher vocational college , but more emphasis should be put on vocational technical training . This is not only the problem of survival and development , the social function of a vocational college , but also the need of social economic development .

  19. 两年制的社区学院,不发学位,而强调职业和技术培训。

    A two-year community-college not issuing degrees , but rather , vocational or technical training .

  20. 被农业部批准为全国农业职业技术教育培训示范基地。

    Been the Ministry of Agriculture approved vocational and technical education and training national agricultural demonstration base .

  21. 但是江苏现有的农机职业技术教育培训体系已不能适应形势的需要,急需建立农机职业技术教育培训的新体系。

    But now the system of the Vocational and Technical agricultural mechanization - culturing in Jiangsu does not adapt to the position , needs to found new training system .

  22. 职业技术教育与培训的新理念

    New Ideas of Vocational and Technical Education and Training

  23. 德国的农业职业技术教育和培训

    Agricultural Professional Education and Training in Germany

  24. 《非洲职业技术教育与培训振兴战略》之评析

    The Review of " The Strategy of Revitalizing Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Africa "

  25. 在国家有关部门的指导下积极开展职业技能和技术培训工作。

    Under the guidance of relevant state departments , to carry out vocational and technical training programs .

  26. 在继续加强正规学校教育的同时,必须大力加强职业技术教育和培训,逐步构建终身教育的学校型社会。

    And we should strengthen the vocational education and training , construct the society of life-long education besides enhancing the regular education .

  27. 其人力资源发展尤其是员工技能开发和培训方面对高等职业技术学院师资培训也有很好的借鉴作用。

    And also Vocational institutes can learn a lot from them in terms of their modern HR principles , especially in the field of training and development .

  28. 芬兰成为世界非常具有竞争力的经济体,得益于其对职业技术教育与培训的重视。

    For three years Finland is continuously evaluated as the most competitive economical body by world economics discussion forum , all of which credit that Finland pays more attention to education ;

  29. 国务院教育行政主管部门,应当将清洁生产技术和管理课程纳入有关高等教育、职业教育和技术培训体系。

    The relevant administrative departments responsible for education under the State Council shall integrate relevant courses of study on cleaner production technologies and management into higher education , professional education and technical training programs .

  30. 本论文研究,加纳职业技术教育和培训财政问题,政府和国际援助机构的作用。

    This research paper strives to study the financing of Technical Vocational Education and Training in Ghana and particularly looking at the role of the Government of Ghana and that of International Donor Agencies .