
  • 网络authority file;spec file;spec;RFCs
  1. 另一种形式的词汇表标准是规范文件(authorityfile)。

    Another form of vocabulary standard is an authority file .

  2. 在更换外壳时SLIK用到了一个规范文件。

    SLIK uses a skin spec file when changing skins .

  3. remotewpar.cf是用于创建remotewparWPAR的规范文件。

    Remote_wpar.cf is the specification file used to create remote_wpar WPAR .

  4. lex可以接受规范文件并构建一个相应的词汇分析器(用C编写的)。

    Lex takes a specification file and builds a corresponding lexical analyzer , coded in C.

  5. 可以将RPC规范文件视为当今世界服务接口开发中的第一步。

    The RPC specification file may be considered the first step in the development of the services interface in today 's world .

  6. RPC还引入了一个通过使用规范文件定义客户端和服务器之间接口的根本方法。

    RPC also introduced a rudimentary way of defining an interface between the client and the server through the use of a specification file .

  7. 项目不能把SunJDK作为RPM重新进行发布,但是您可能找到自行构建RPM的指南和RPM规范文件。

    The project can 't redistribute the Sun JDK as RPMs , but you 'll find instructions and RPM spec files for building them yourself .

  8. CNAS发布认可规范文件和认可体系运作过渡转换政策

    Specification and transition policy for operation of accreditation system issued by CNAs

  9. SLIK本身会编译成为一种“HelloWorld”应用程序,此程序可以展示外壳部件,比如控件、外壳编辑器、外壳规范文件和外壳浏览器。

    By itself , SLIK will compile into a sort of " Hello World " application that demonstrates skin features such as widgets , skin editors , skin spec files , and skin browsers .

  10. 所有材料材质及设备规格按国家规范文件要求。

    All material and equipment is accordance with national standardized document .

  11. 企业未按要求提交规范文件、材料的,产权登记机关有权不予受理。

    Documents and materials not in compliance with the above shall be rejected .

  12. 控件依照外壳规范文件中定义的一组规则加载。

    Widgets are loaded according to a set of rules defined in a skin spec file .

  13. 图书馆组织方案中经常使用规范文件来明确定义一组术语。

    Authority files are often used in library-organization schemes to unambiguously define a set of terms .

  14. 修订页将编入规范文件中,被替代页将被标记为“已作废”。

    Revised pages will be incorporated into the Code , superseded pages will be identified as'Superseded ' .

  15. 非法源性行政规范文件是国家行政机关依法行使职权,从事管理活动过程中不可或缺的规章与制度。

    Administrative statutes under the administrative regulations are the indispensable rules for administrative bodies to exercise their authority and administrative power .

  16. 我国目前尚无制定出完整的民法典,对于履行不能的规定多散见在一些单行性的民事法律规范文件之中。

    Now we have not enact civil code in our legislation . The provisions on impossibility of performance are scattered in a number of single civil legal statutes .

  17. 这将可以定义一套可以跨越许多需求规范文件的问题和行为,对于这些规范的读者来说也是可以理解的。

    This entails defining a set of questions and activities that will be applicable across many requirements specification documents , and be understandable to the readers of the specifications .

  18. 在世界性的规范文件中,对审前羁押活动中所涉及到的有关被羁押人应受到的程序性保障以及具体待遇情况都作了非常详尽的规定。

    In some world-wide official documents , the human rights of the detainees in the pretrial detaining were expressed very distinctly , especially detailed in the procedure protection and the treatments .

  19. 对已出台的规范文件如《农村资金互助社管理暂行规定》等,则应根据农村地区的反馈信息作相应修正。

    Normative documents have already been promulgated , such as " Provisional Regulations on the management of rural credit union funds ", should be amended in accordance with feedback from rural areas .

  20. 本文在评价国外股权激励理论的基础上,论述了推动我国上市公司的股权激励机制的必要性,提出了包括制定相关规范文件的一些建议措施。

    Based on evaluating share ownership encouragement theory , this paper discusses the necessity of establishing the share ownership encouragement mechanism for our listed companies and puts forward some suggestions including related normative documents .

  21. 随着融资融券交易制度在我国的普及和发展,我国融资融券交易的相关法律制度也日渐完善,出台了多层次的法律规范文件。

    With the popularization and development of the margin trading system in our country , the legal system of margin trading in our country has become more perfect . Our country Promulgate a multi-level legal normative documents .

  22. 在这方面,学术界已经有了大量研究成果,实践中在一些地区也出现允许人力资本出资的规范文件和真实案例,人力资本出资已是大势所趋。

    In this respect , there are a lot of research results in academia . In some regions governments also allow the specification file of the human capital contribution and some real cases has appeared in practice . Human capital investment has been the trend of the times .

  23. 加入WTO与广东省地方性法规、规章及其它规范性文件的清理

    WTO System and the Clearing Work about Local Relations , Decrees and Other Standardized Documents of Guangdong Province

  24. 我国在入世议定书已经承诺行政规范性文件将予以公开,因此,加入WTO以后其将成为行政法治中的一个重要问题。

    We have promised to put the executive standard document into public in the contract for the entry into WTO .

  25. 在WTO视野中,我国行政法治面临着挑战,即地方保护主义、内部规范性文件、行政审批制、行政性垄断。

    China 's entry of WTO challenges the country 's administrative law , such as its local protection , internal documents , administrative approval and monopoly .

  26. WTO争端解决程序中,经常会涉及到第三方加入的问题,而作为调整争端解决的规范性文件《关于争议处理规则与程序的谅解书》对此规定很不明确。

    The third party is always involved in WTO dispute settlement proceedings , while ironically , dispute settlement understanding , as the rules , scarcely deals with it .

  27. 用Java语言在机顶盒实现符合MHP规范的文件和目录对象的接收

    Implement of file and directory object receiving by Java at the set-top box according to the MHP standard

  28. FIDIC联合会制定和颁布了许多规范性文件,被广泛应用于国际工程中。

    FIDIC league constitutes and promulgates many files of criterion , which are applied in international engineering project area .

  29. 其次,分析其他规范性文件在行政审判中的法律地位。

    Secondly , analyze the status of other administrative normative documents .

  30. 继续用正确规范的文件,使电影。

    Proceed make film with the file with the correct specification .