
  1. 全年全国规模以上工业增加值比上年增长2.8%。12月份,规模以上工业增加值同比增长7.3%。

    Output of industrial companies with annual revenue of more than 20 million yuan expanded by 2.8 percent year-on-year in 2020 and 7.3 percent in December .

  2. 规模以上工业增加值达到2034.4亿元,年均增长19.9%。

    Above-scale industries realized added value of RMB 203.44 billion , up 19.9 percent annually .

  3. 然而,3月份社会消费品零售总额、规模以上工业增加值、固定资产投资数据均表现低迷。

    But March retail sales , industrial production and fixed asset investment data all underwhelmed .

  4. 一是工业生产显著放缓,10-12月,全国规模以上工业增加值增幅同比分别回落9.7个、11.9个和11.7个百分点;

    The growth of value-added of large industrial enterprises dropped by9.7,11.9 and11.7 percentage points year on year in October , November and December respectively .

  5. 上周,数据显示中国规模以上工业增加值和社会消费品零售总额均有小幅上涨,表明中国政府采取的刺激举措正在对中国经济产生影响。对于中国经济来说,截至3月份的3个月是6年来增长最慢的一个季度。

    Last week data showed industrial output and retail sales each rising a bit , indicating that stimulative action from Beijing policymakers were filtering through to the economy , which in the three months to March had its slowest quarter in six years .

  6. 前三季度,全国规模以上工业完成增加值22487亿元,比上年同期增长12.2%。

    In the first three quarters , the added value of industrial enterprises above the designated size totaled 2,248.7 billion yuan , up 12.2 percent on last year 's same period .

  7. 面对规模以上工业万元增加值能耗降幅减少的对策建议

    Facing Above-scale Industrial Added Value of RMB Reduce Energy Consumption by Countermeasures and Suggestions

  8. 全省规模以上工业累计完成增加值2926.65亿元,按可比价格计算,同比增长16.8%,增幅高于当期全国平均水平5.8个百分点。

    Enterprises above designated size in the whole province have gained the added value of 292.665 billion yuan , an increase of 16.8 % , according to the comparable prices , which is higher than the current national average level by 5.8 % .