
  • 网络standard chinese
  1. 论现行规范汉字的定义及其特征

    Talking About The definition and characteristics of standard Chinese characters

  2. 推广普通话,推行规范汉字,是我国语言文字的基本政策。

    It is one of Chinese government 's basic policies to extend the using of mandarin and implement standard Chinese characters .

  3. 对H师范大学中文系三、四年级学生的问卷调查发现:绝大多数学生基本树立了职业语言的观念,普通话水平和使用规范汉字的水平还比较好;

    The result of a questionnaire distributed to the 3rd and 4th year students at H Teachers University shows that most of them , as they have on the whole formed the language sense for their profession , have a rather good command of Putonghua .

  4. 抓住机遇,扎实推进语文改革&规范汉字及其拼写工具的完善

    On Standardization of Chinese Characters and Perfection of Spelling Means

  5. (二)普通话、规范汉字运用和推广

    ( II ) The Use and Promotion of Putonghua and Standard Chinese Characters

  6. 《规范汉字表》研制的基本构想及研制进展情况;

    The basic idea and progress of making The Standardized Chinese Character List ;

  7. 论规范汉字与书法艺术的统一

    On Integration of Chinese Character Norm and Calligraphic Art

  8. 《规范汉字表》的研制

    The Development of the Standardized Chinese Character List

  9. 所得资料可给正在研制的《规范汉字表》提供参考。

    The result can be a reference for the making of the List of the Standardized Chinese Characters .

  10. 《通用规范汉字表》的争鸣&坚持科学性原则适应社会的需要

    Contention of " Universal Standardized Chinese Character List " & Adhere to the Scientific Principle and Adapt to the social Needs

  11. 广告用语用字应符合普通话和中文简体规范汉字的要求。

    The expressions and characters used in advertisements shall be in accordance with the requirements of mandarins and of simplified standard Chinese .

  12. 学校及其他教育机构通过汉语文课程教授普通话和规范汉字。

    Putonghua and the standardized Chinese characters shall be taught in schools and other institutions of education by means of the Chinese course .

  13. 本文围绕该课题研制,谈四个问题:(1)为什么要研制《规范汉字表》;

    Around making the list , this paper discussed four problems : ( 1 ) why to make The Standardized Chinese Character List ;

  14. 规范汉字字形,应该从字形的内在矛盾及其规律出发,结合汉字的职能、汉字的历史和现状,制定必要的原则与方法。

    Combine with its function , its history and the present situation of the character and then formulate a set of principles and methods .

  15. 地方各级人民政府及其有关部门应当采取措施,推广普通话和推行规范汉字。

    Local people 's governments at various levels and the relevant departments under them shall take measures to popularize Putonghua and the standardized Chinese characters .

  16. 要解决这些问题,可将规范汉字章节从《现代汉语》教材中分离出来,建立与汉语普通话相匹配的规范汉字学学科。

    In order to solve these problems the chapter of Standard Chinese Characters can be taken away and the subject of standard Chinese characters study can be established .

  17. 第二章就汉字的笔形、笔顺、结构等相关概念进行阐述并介绍了国家关于规范汉字的规定。

    Chapter II elaborates the pen type of the character , stroke order , structure and other related concepts and presents the national provisions on the standard Chinese characters .

  18. 贯彻《通用规范汉字表》需要澄清误解&以朱大可《汉字革命和文化断裂》为例

    Misunderstandings to Be Clarified in the Implementation of The Common Standard Chinese Characters Table : With Zhu Dake 's " Revolution of Chinese Characters and Cultural Fracture " as an example

  19. 第三十一条中外合作办学机构根据需要,可以使用外国语言文字教学,但应当以普通话和规范汉字为基本教学语言文字。

    Article31a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school may , if necessary , use foreign languages in teaching , but shall use the standard Chinese language and standard Chinese characters as the basic teaching language .

  20. 为了推行《国家通用语言文字法》,要有《规范汉字表》。研制《规范汉字表》就要对现有的规范进行整合与调整。

    To popularize the National Law on General Language and Characters demands the development of The Standardized Chinese Character List , which calls for the integration and adjustment of all the current regulations .

  21. 因此,应从识写汉字的态度、汉字使用的相关规定、大众传播媒体等方面予以高度重视,不断规范汉字的使用。

    Therefore , should critically regard from the aspect of writing Chinese letter attitude 、 the relative stipulations in using it and of public medium and so on , and constantly standardize it for using .

  22. 第三章归纳分析了《通用规范汉字表》(征求意见稿)关于44个宋体字进行的笔形调整并指出其存在的问题,讨论笔画形变规则存在的问题和形成的原因。

    The third chapter analyses the adjustment of the 44 pen-shaped characters in General Standard Chinese Characters Table ( Exposure Draft ) and points out its problems as well as the reasons for such problems .

  23. 笔顺规范对于汉字的教学、研究、排检和计算机信息处理等都具有非常重要的作用。

    The standardization of Chinese character stroke orders is essential to Chinese language teaching , research , information retrieval and computer processing .

  24. 因此,汉字笔画自身的研究对于汉字规范、汉字字形规律研究具有重要意义。

    Therefore , it is Significance for Chinese characters norms and the study Of Chinese Characters laws to research Chinese character strokes its own .

  25. 现代汉字部件规范和HSK汉字等级大纲部件的属性调查

    Modern Chinese Character Component Standard & A Survey on the Characteristics of the Character Components in Chinese Character Grading Teaching Program for HSK

  26. 准确掌握多音异读字是人们规范认读汉字的关键。

    The command of the accurate pronunciation of polyphonic characters is the key to the standardization of Chinese character pronunciation .

  27. 因此,规范地使用汉字,掌握汉字的书写技巧和弘扬汉字书法艺术,对于弘扬中华民族文化有着十分重要的意义。

    In order to develop Chinese culture , it is vital for us to master its writing skills and develop its writing arts .

  28. 简化字应在保持总体稳定的基础上,局部微调,加强规范,使汉字既符合自身的发展规律,又更加便于使用和管理。

    On the basis of keeping it in its general stability , simplified Chinese should be adjusted in some parts and strengthened in its specifications so as to make Chinese not only conform to the law of language development and facilitate its use and regulation as well .

  29. 非汉字词语的性质和规范原则&非汉字词语问题讨论会纪要

    Character and Norm Principle of non-Chinese-Character Words & Colloquium summary Problems

  30. 汉字的自然发展规律与人为规范&兼谈《规范汉字表》研制的科学理念坚持法制、监管、自律、规范的方针,证券业在逐步规范中发展。

    The Intrinsic Evolutionary Law and the Artificial Standardization of Chinese Characters ; Upholding the principles of law , regulation , self-discipline and standards , the securities industry has developed through progressive standardization .