
  • 网络UNEP;UNAIDS;UNDP;Planning Department;WHO-HPR
  1. 粮农组织/环境规划署关于养护、管理和利用海洋哺乳动物全球性行动计划

    FAO / UNEP Global Plan of Action for the Conservation , Management and Utilization of Marine Mammals

  2. 粮农组织/环境规划署非洲干旱地区进程萨赫勒国家间抗旱常设委员会成员国可持续森林管理标准及指标国家协调员讨论会。

    FAO / UNEP Workshop of National Coordinators for Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in CILSS Member Countries , Dry-Zone Africa Process .

  3. 联合国环境规划署(UnitedNationsEnvironmentProgramme)最近的一份报告称,2006年,可再生能源领域的投资额已从2005年的800亿美元攀升至1000亿美元。

    Investment in renewables climbed to more than $ 100bn in 2006 from $ 80bn in 2005 , according to the recent United Nations Environment Programme report .

  4. 联合国环境规划署(unenvironmentprogramme)近期发表的一项研究发现,哥本哈根协议中的承诺将不足以将气温升幅控制在2摄氏度以内。

    A study published recently by the UN Environment Programme found that the pledges in the accord would not be sufficient to limit temperature rises to 2 degrees Celsius .

  5. 她敦促说“任何防止HIV携带者禁入公共场所和私人服务的政策都应该修改。”联合国艾滋病规划署估计在中国有780000人携带HIV。

    She urged that " any other policiespreventing people living with HIV from accessing public or private servicesalso be revised . " UNAIDS estimates that there are 780000 peopleliving with HIV in China .

  6. 6月,总统防治艾滋病紧急救援计划和联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)发起一项全球计划,要求在2015年前消灭儿童新感染的病例。

    In June , PEPFAR and UNAIDS launched a global plan for eliminating new infections among children by2015 .

  7. “我们处在正确的轨道上,我们已经证明什么措施有效,现在我们需要去做更多的事情”联合国艾滋病规划署规划事务副执行主任PaulDeLay博士说。

    " We 're on the right track , we 've shown what works and now we need to do more of it ," said Dr Paul De Lay , Deputy Executive Director , Programme , UNAIDS .

  8. 世界卫生组织(WHO),联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS),联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)周二联合发布了一项新报告。

    The World Health Organization , UNAIDS and UNICEF , the United Nations Children 's Fund , released the new report Tuesday . W.H.O.

  9. 2009年12月4日,联合国艾滋病规划署在上海发布的《2009年全球艾滋病流行状况更新报告》显示,2009年全球艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染人数约为3340万,死亡200万人。

    December 4,2009 , UNAIDS released " 2009 Update on the Global AIDS Epidemic " in Shanghai , shows that in 2009 the global AIDS virus ( HIV ) infection of about 33.4 million , killed 200 people .

  10. 为保护臭氧层,联合国环境规划署通过了《蒙特利尔协议》,规定必须逐步淘汰CFCs,寻找其替代品。

    To protect the ozone layer , the Montreal Protocol stipulates that CFCs must be phased out and substitutes for CFCs must be found .

  11. 最近,卫生部与联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)举行联席会议。

    The Ministry of Health recently held a joint conference with the United Nations Program on HIV & AIDS , or UNAIDS .

  12. 根据联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)的数据,全世界约有3500万HIV携带者,其中有不到1400万人正在接受治疗。

    Fewer than 14 million of the estimated 35 million people infected with H.I.V. around the world are on treatment now , according to U.N.AIDS , the United Nations AIDS-fighting agency .

  13. 联合国环境规划署(unenvironmentprogramme)主任阿齐姆施泰纳(achimsteiner)警告称:“不应低估小国或最不发达国家的力量,它们可能会明显影响哥本哈根会议的结果。”

    Achim Steiner , head of the UN Environment Programme , warned : " do not underestimate the power of small nations or least developed countries to significantly affect the outcome in Copenhagen . "

  14. 联合国环境规划署的副执行主任AngelaCropper说,全世界每年由于破坏生物多样性造成损失达5万亿美元。

    Annual losses because of the destruction of biodiversity worldwide amount to US $ 5 trillion , said UN Environment Programme deputy executive director Angela Cropper .

  15. 其他城市(如剑桥和Somerville)的地图,可向当地规划署查询。

    For other cities , like Cambridge and Somerville , you should check with the local planning commission .

  16. VOA获得的这份录像资料显示,本月,难民洗劫了世界粮食规划署在Badbaado难民营的一个食品运送点。

    This footage , ed by VOA , shows looters ransacking a World Food Program delivery of dry food at Badbaado camp this month .

  17. 移动自组网(MANET)是每个移动节点都具有路由功能的无基础设施网络,源于美国国防部高级研究规划署(DARPA)分组无线网络项目。

    Mobile Ad hoc Network ( MANET ), origined from The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ), is a network that every node processes packet routing without infrastructure .

  18. RogerEngland在《英国医学杂志》(BMJ)上说,联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)的建立既错误又有害,这个部门应该被迅速关闭。

    The mandate of UNAIDS the UN programme for HIV / AIDS is wrong and harmful , and the programme should be closed down rapidly , says Roger England in the British Medical Journal .

  19. 联合国环境规划署(UNEP)上周(10月16日)在内罗毕发布了一份广泛的文献综述,还包括了对独立专家的访谈。

    The UN Environment Programme ( UNEP ) launched an extensive literature review , combined with interviews with independent experts , in Nairobi last week ( 16 October ) .

  20. 在场的联合国机构其它首长还包括儿童基金会执行主任AnnVeneman,联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任PeterPiot博士以及劳工组织总干事JuanSomavia。

    Other heads of UN agencies present included Ann Veneman , Executive Director of UNICEF , Dr Peter Piot , Executive Director of UNAIDS , and Juan Somavia , Director-General of the ILO .

  21. 全球环境基金是由政府支持的,通过联合国环境规划署(UNEP)、联合国开发计划署(UNDP)和世界银行开展的项目来实现。

    This is financed by individual governments , and projects are developed through the United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP ), the United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) and the World Bank .

  22. SusannahNicoll表示,世界粮食规划署在寻找方法救助饥荒地区的难民方面不排除任何可能性。

    Susannah Nicoll says the World Food Program is not ruling out anything as it looks for ways to reach people in the famine zone .

  23. 领导全球抗击艾滋病的联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAids)的执行主任米歇尔•西迪贝(MichelSidibé)说,要实现到2030年时结束艾滋病疫情的目标,需要发动一场大规模攻势。

    Michel Sidib é , executive director of UNAids , which leads the global response to HIV , says a push is needed to meet a target to end the epidemic by 2030 .

  24. 联合国环境规划署的官员在高高的喜马拉雅山上召开一次记者招待会,强调碳化合物HCFC对臭氧层的危害。

    Officials from the United Nations Environment Programme have held a news conference high in the Himalayas to underline the dangers still facing the ozone layer from carbon compounds known as HCFCs .

  25. 世界粮食规划署的Sheeran表示,如果没有早期预警系统和多年来设立的快速反应项目,非洲之角的危机会更加严重。

    World Food Program chief Sheeran says the crisis in the Horn of Africa would have been even worse if not for the early warning system and quick response programs established over the years .

  26. ANTHONYFAUCI:“大量有力证据将有利于全球政策指引的制定,世界卫生组织,联合国艾滋病规划署,以及帮助发展中国家提供药物的国际组织都可以将这个因素考虑在内。”

    ANTHONY FAUCI : " This is a powerful bit of evidence that will go into the thinking and of guidelines and of global policy , policy by WHO , by UNAIDS , by the international organizations that help to provide drugs in the developing world . "

  27. 本文以联合国环境规划署化学加工助剂专家组(PAWG)最近开展的研究工作为背景综述了消耗臭氧层物质(ODS)在化学加工过程中使用及其替代技术的现状与趋势。

    Based on the research work currently carried out by the UNEP Chemical Process Agent Working Group ( PAWG ) , the present situation and tendency of the use of Ozone Depleting Substances ( ODS ) in chemical process industries and their alternatives are globally summarized in this paper .

  28. 环境规划署海洋和沿海地区规划活动中心

    Programme Activity Centre for Oceans and Coastal Areas of the UNEP

  29. 世界卫生组织与联合国艾滋病规划署行政办公楼,日内瓦,瑞士

    Who and UNAIDS administration building in geneva , switzerland , 2005

  30. 运输研究及中央资料组〔规划署〕

    Transport Studies and Central Data Section [ Planning Department ]