
  • 网络prescriptive language
  1. 黑尔认为道德语言是一种规定语言,绝非个人主观情绪、欲望、偏爱和态度的纯粹表达,道德判断不可能是一种随意的个人情感表达,道德原则必须具有普遍性和规定性。

    Hare holds that moral language is a kind of prescriptive language but not expression of personal feeling , desire , favor or attitudes . From his standpoint , moral judgments can not be a random expression of personal feelings ; moral principles must be universal and prescriptive .

  2. 创建新语言的时候,开发者定义代码编排和表达的规则,还可以规定语言类型系统的组成元素。

    They can also specify the language type-system elements .

  3. 道德语言是一种规定语言,它指导人们作出行为选择和原则决定。

    The Language of Morals is a land of prescribing language that directs individuals to make varieties of choice of deeds and the decisions of principles .

  4. 他们同样也对一些大学和学院展开了调查,因为这些学校没能保证他们的学生达到移民局规定的语言水平标准。

    They 've also investigated a number of colleges and universities for their failure to ensure that their students meet the criteria set out in immigration rules .

  5. 由于软件构件蕴含了大量的信息,所以使用准确、简洁的语言来描述这些信息是极其困难的,因此本文选择了提供语法元素、元素属性及语法解析规则规定的XML语言。

    Because the software component contains a wealth of information , accurate , it is difficult to describe this information by concise language . So this paper chooses XML language which has syntax elements , element attributes and parsing rules .

  6. 如果拉丁文被规定为官方语言,日常生活中仍使用凯尔特方言。

    If the official language was latin , the normal spoken language was a Celtic dialect .

  7. 英语和汉语分属两种毫无亲缘关系的不同家族,但都是联合国规定的工作语言。

    English and Chinese respectively belong to two different " families " without genetic relationship , but both are the working languages employed in the United Nations .

  8. 就侵占罪法条的规定及立法语言的表述上存在的缺陷进行探讨,并提出相应的完善建议。

    This part makes a debate and discussion and puts forward suggestion of perfection dealing with regulation of the crime of embezzlement and defect existing in legislative statement .

  9. 规定式,对语言正确用法的权威性规定。

    The study of linguistics to lay down rules for " correct and standard " behavior in using language .

  10. 在许多情况下,形合与意合不具有语言系统的规定性,而是语言使用者在实际的话语中所作出的语用选择。

    On many occasions , they are not obligatory regulations of language systems but pragmatic choices made by language users .

  11. 因此有理由说,是结构而不是用法决定了一种语言的同一性,规定了一种语言不同于另外一种语言。

    Thus , we can say that it is the structure rather than the use that determines the identity of a language .

  12. 葡萄牙律师尤其炙手可热,因为他们会说澳门法庭规定的两种语言之一,并熟悉澳门的葡萄牙法律传统。

    Portuguese lawyers are in particular demand , as they speak one of the courts ' two languages and are familiar with Macao 's Portuguese legal tradition .

  13. 在互联网上,最重要的是人们可以相互交流没有人有权利规定该使用何种语言,巴伦说。

    On the internet , all that matters is that people can communicate - nobody has a right to tell them what the language should be , says Baron .

  14. 所有这类的思维规定大都包含在语言里面,所以儿童学习文法的用处,即在于使儿童不自觉地注意到人们平日思维中的种种区别。

    Language is the main depository of these types of thought ; and one use of the grammatical instruction which children receive is unconsciously to turn their attention to distinctions of thought .

  15. 基因决定了我的体形,使我每只手上有五个指头,嘴里长32颗牙齿,它还规定了我的语言能力和大约半数的智力活动。

    It was genes that prescribed my shape , gave me five fingers on each hand and32 teeth in my mouth , Laid down my capacity for language and defined about half of my intellectual capacity .