
  • 网络cultures
  1. 这使得两种文化能相互融合,却又不失其个性。

    This allows the two cultures to intermingle without losing their separate identities .

  2. TheIndependentCritics致力于成为一份国际性的榜单,它囊括了世界各地很多种文化、生活方式、行业和名气。

    The Independent Critics aims to be a very international list and one that is inclusive of many cultures , lifestyles , professions and degrees of fame .

  3. 作为一种文化符号,美国汽车还很年轻。

    As cultural symbols go , the American car is quite young .

  4. 我们可能认为我们有这样一种文化,那就是当闪亮的新玩意儿出现时,我们会立马丢掉旧的去用新的,可一项新研究显示,旧设备过时后我们还是能好好使用它们。

    We may think we 're a culture that gets rid of our worn technology at the first sight of something shiny and new , but a new study shows that we keep using our old devices well after they go out of style .

  5. 每一种文化都是长期积淀的结果。

    Every culture is an accretion .

  6. 科学、文化,科学史、人道主义&C.P.斯诺及其《两种文化与科学革命》和G.萨顿及其《科学史和新人道主义》述评

    SCIENCE , CULTURE , HISTORY OF SCIENCE , HUMANISM & Review C. P. Snow 's " The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution " and G. Sarton 's " The History of Science and the New Humanism "

  7. 先秦诸子散文中两种文化差异成因之浅探

    Differences on the Cultural Reasons were Explored among Pre-Qin Dynasty Proses

  8. 理性选择与道德判断&第三种文化的视角

    Rational Choice and Moral Judgement : A perspective of the third culture

  9. 翻译:一种文化政治行为&20世纪50年代中国译介《牛虻》之现象透析

    Translation as a Cultural and Political Act : The Gadfly in China

  10. 同时,它也指一种文化思想,一种文艺思潮。

    It also means a kind of culture ideology or literature trend .

  11. 地名,从本质上讲,是一种文化现象;

    Place-name , in essence , is a kind of cultural phenomenon ;

  12. 姓名作为一种文化符号,蕴含着极为丰富的文化内涵。

    As a culture symbol , Chinese names contain comprehensive culture connotations .

  13. 禁忌是人类社会广泛存在的一种文化现象。

    Taboo is a worldwide cultural phenomena in human society .

  14. 传统建筑作为一种文化的积淀是城市的有机组成部分。

    Traditional architecture as a culture relics is part of a modern city .

  15. 文化交流是两种文化之间的双向活动。

    Cultural exchange involves two-way activities between two cultures .

  16. 艺术作为一种文化现象总是与一定的媒介有关。

    Art , a form of culture , is always connected to media .

  17. 第四章从饮食和通婚两方面看到两种文化的互相接受。

    The fourth chapter unfolds a picture of reception via diet and intermarriage .

  18. 翻译自然也是一种文化活动。它是不同语言间文化交流的一个重要组成部分。

    Translation activity forms an important part of cultural exchange between different languages .

  19. 移居到另一种文化环境中可能会导致婚姻关系的紧张。

    Moving to a foreign culture can strain marriages .

  20. 它的产生和发展,与其他任何一种文化现象一样,是由多种原因促成的,有其合理性和必然性。

    Its rationality and necessity have many reasons as any other kind of cultures .

  21. 而这两种文化形态相异的艺术语言却在构成这一表达方式上出现了类似的交集。

    However , these two different cultural forms exhibit similar patterns in artistic expression .

  22. 书斋藏书是一种文化,而考察书斋藏书来源则将对这种文化的研究引向了深入;

    Study is a kind of culture .

  23. 两种文化的分裂与沟通

    Division and Connection of the Two Cultures

  24. 翻译中两种文化之间的碰撞及其意义

    Intercultural Conflict in Translation and its Senses

  25. 产品趣味化设计本身是具有独立源头的一种文化现象。

    The interest design of product is a kind of cultural phenomenon with independent source .

  26. 梦幻故事从本质上来说就是这样一种文化形式。

    Essentially , Stories of Meng and Huan is one of this kind of culture .

  27. 农业是一种文化,中国的传统文化就是农耕文化。

    Agriculture is one kind of the culture , Chinese traditional culture is the farming culture .

  28. 礼貌语言是世界上每个国家、每种文化都普遍使用的语言,然而不同的文化对于礼貌语言的使用是有选择性和特殊性的。

    Polite language is universally used in each culture , but is used in culturally-specific ways .

  29. 文化意象是在文化环境下生成的一种文化符号,具有语境依赖性。

    Cultural images , cultural signs resulted from the related cultural environments , are context dependent .

  30. 神话作为文化的基因,反映了一种文化的基本价值观。

    Being the gene of culture , fairy tales reflect the basic value of a culture .