
zhǒng zi
  • seed;grain;germ;semen
种子 [zhǒng zi]
  • (1) [seed]

  • (2) 植物的胚发育而成的颗粒状物,能萌发成新的植株

  • 蔬菜种子

  • (3) 进行分组淘汰赛时,被安排在各组里的实力较强的运动员,也指这样的运动队

  • 种子队

种子[zhǒng zi]
  1. 虎皮鹦鹉匆匆地啄了一下种子。

    The budgerigar gave a quick peck at the seed .

  2. 这种植物可由种子繁殖。

    The plant can be propagated from seed .

  3. 冬天种子在土壤中休眠。

    During the winter the seeds lie dormant in the soil .

  4. 他被确定为下周温布尔登网球赛的第14号种子选手。

    He has been seeded 14th at Wimbledon next week .

  5. 种子和花粉是随风传播的。

    Seeds and pollen are spread by the wind .

  6. 这些种子几天后就会发芽。

    The seeds will sprout in a few days .

  7. 这些种子是由风传播的。

    The seeds are transported by the wind .

  8. 主要论点是资本主义播下了自我毁灭的种子。

    The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction .

  9. 春天把种子播在地里。

    Sow the seeds outdoors in spring .

  10. 在抽签系列比赛的上半区就只剩下两名种子选手了。

    There are only two seeded players left in the top half of the draw .

  11. 坚果和种子里含有丰富的维生素E。

    Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E.

  12. 把一个西葫芦切成两半,挖出种子。

    Cut a marrow in half and scoop out the seeds .

  13. 2月或3月里把种子播种在温暖的地方。

    Sow the seed in a warm place in February / March

  14. 富庶的工业国家播下了全球变暖的种子。

    Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming .

  15. 我学会了如何称出袋装种子的重量。

    I learned how to weigh out packages of seed .

  16. 报春花应该开始沿着陡峭的山坡一路撒播种子了。

    The primroses should begin to seed themselves down the steep hillside .

  17. 所有种子选手都闯过了第一轮比赛。

    All the seeded players got through the first round .

  18. 我把种子种在几盆掺有堆肥的土里。

    I sow the seed in pots of soil-based compost .

  19. 有一些种子发芽快,所以差不多每天得察看一下。

    Some seed varieties germinate fast , so check every day or so

  20. 在决赛中,三号种子选手卡普里亚蒂击败了凯特林娜·马莉娃。

    In the final Capriati , the third seed , defeated Katerina Maleeva .

  21. 欧白头翁可以通过种子进行繁殖。

    The pasque flower can be propagated from seed .

  22. 这种球形种子荚里含有大量的小种子。

    The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds .

  23. 将土耙松,把种子种在土里,然后轻轻地盖上土。

    Rake the soil , press the seed into it , then cover it lightly

  24. 让种子发芽后,其营养含量会提高。

    When you sprout seeds their nutritional content increases

  25. 研究人员首先让种子发芽。

    First , the researchers germinated the seeds .

  26. 他被列为二号种子选手,位居布拉德·贝文之后。

    He is seeded second , behind Brad Beven

  27. 该方案提供种子基金融资,其贷款只收取4%的利息。

    The scheme offers seed corn finance with loans at only 4 % interest .

  28. 我正在同一些金融家协商,为我最新的风险项目募集种子资金。

    I am negotiating with financiers to raise seed capital for my latest venture .

  29. 这些种子并不是给人吃的。

    The seeds were not meant for human consumption

  30. 二号种子顺利地进入了锦标赛第二轮。

    The number two seed is safely through to the second round of the tournament .