
shēng gé
  • promote;upgrade
升格 [shēng gé]
  • [promote;upgrade] 升级。地位或级别提高

  • 将各自外交代表由公使升格为大使

升格[shēng gé]
  1. 职业教育迈出新步伐,县职教中心、玉井农职中升格为职业中专。

    New steps have been taken vocational education , county vocational education center , Tamai farmers to upgrade the level of vocational secondary school .

  2. 金天会七年(公元1129年)升格改名寿州,天德三年(1151年)更名献州。

    Golden days will be seven years ( AD1129 ) to upgrade renamed Shou Zhou , Tian-De three years ( in1151 ) changed its name to Xian state .

  3. 皇家学院于1967年获得升格为大学的特许状。

    The Royal College received its charter as a university in 1967 .

  4. C是校正值。中专校升格为高职后办学特色的重构

    Reconstruction of the Characteristics of Running School after Secondary Specialized School Upgraded into Higher Vocational School

  5. 今年九月,他为真人秀明星金•卡戴珊(KimKardashian)设计婚纱裙后,一下子让对方升格成了时尚偶像。

    In September , he enshrined Kim Kardashian 's status as a fashion idol when he designed the reality star 's wedding dress .

  6. MOU生效后,台湾7家已符合规模的大陆银行办事处可升格为分行;

    After the MOU becomes effective , seven representative offices of Taiwanese banks in China with conforming sizes can be upgraded to branches ;

  7. 升格后山西中等师范学校发展问题研究

    Research on Development of Upgraded Normal School of Shan Xi Province

  8. 论新升格高职院校校园文化建设的问题及对策

    Views on Campus Culture Constructing in New Promoted Higher Vocational College

  9. 升格高校图书馆面临的困难和采取的对策

    Problems for the Newly-qualified College Libraries to Face and Countermeasures to Adopt

  10. 高师院校升格后的形势与对策

    Situations and Countermeasures after Higher Teachers College Rising from School

  11. 论升格高校图书馆的自我提升

    A Discussion on the Self - Upgrading of Libraries in Promoted Colleges

  12. 新升格本科院校制定生物科学专业培养目标应注意的几个问题

    Problems of the Training Goal for Biology Specialty in the Newly-Established Universities

  13. 试论新升格高职院校的战略执行力建设

    On the Construction of Strategic Implementation Capacity of New High Vocational College

  14. 确立高职理念探索教学改革&新升格高职学院的紧迫任务初探

    Establish New Notion of Education and Probe into Teaching Reform Chen Jianzhong

  15. 好吧你可以升格当守护神

    Oh , all right ! You can be a guardian again .

  16. 浅析新升格本科院校化学实验室的人性化管理

    On Humanized Management of Chemical Laboratory in New Upgraded University

  17. 新升格本科院校档案服务功能拓展初探

    Exploration on Service Functions of Archives in New Undergraduate Universities

  18. 什么时候升格为大教堂?

    When was the latter elevated to cathedral status ?

  19. 论我校升格为本科院校广州海运学院的必要性

    On necessity of upgrading from Guangzhou Maritime College to Guangzhou Ocean Transportation University

  20. 新升格本科院校开放实验教学的研究与探讨

    Research and Discussion of the Open Experiment Teaching in the Newly Promoted Universities

  21. 论高校升格与图书馆评估

    The Upgrading of Higher Colleges and Evaluation of libraries

  22. 新合并升格高校必须走特色化发展道路

    The new amalgamated and upgrading universities must be develop by the road of specializing

  23. 浅谈影响高职教育健康发展的升格意识

    Some " Upgrading Awareness " Opinions about Impacting the Development of Higher Vocational Education

  24. 中专校升格为高职后需思考的基本问题

    The Basic Problems Higher Vocational School which Upgraded from Secondary Specialized School should Think

  25. 该领事馆已升格为大使馆。

    The consulate was upgraded to embassy status .

  26. 新升格本科院校学报是我国学术出版事业的新生力量。

    The journal of newly-upgraded universities is a new force in Chinese academic publishing course .

  27. 在肖邦练习曲中钢琴的各种技术手段都被扩展,是钢琴技术的升格。

    In Chopin 's practice music , various piano techniques have been developed and promoted .

  28. 新合并组建升格的本科院校学生工作面临的问题与对策

    Problems and Their Countermeasures of the Education and Management of Students in a Newly-Built College

  29. 高校升格中图书馆藏书量评估标准质疑

    On the Evaluating Standard about the Library Books Volume in the Process of Upgrading of Colleges

  30. 法语借词进入英语之后,其词义出现扩展、缩小、升格、降格等现象。

    There appeared the changes of meaning such as extension , specialization , elevation and degradation .