
  • 网络the principle of distribution according to work
  1. 搞好这项工作,对进一步贯彻按劳分配原则,克服平均主义,调动工作人员积极性,加快社会主义市场经济体制,更好地促进两个根本转变,有着十分重要的意义。

    There is great significance to us in a series of aspects , such as to put into effect the principle of distribution according to work , to overcome the equalitarianism , to arous the initiative of staffs , and to promote radical transform .

  2. 一方面指出马克思提出的按劳分配原则存在着劳动时间测量问题和资源的合理分配问题等缺陷。

    On the one hand is pointed out that Marx advanced the principle of distribution according to work of labor time measurement problems exist and resources and the reasonable distribution of the defects of the problem .

  3. 贯彻按劳分配原则有好多事情要做。

    There is still a lot to be done to implement the principle " to each according to his work " .

  4. 每一个部门都贯彻精打细算(的原则)。贯彻按劳分配原则有好多事情要做。

    Strict economy is practiced in every department . There is still a lot to be done to implement the principle " to each according to his work " .

  5. 结论以工作量量化法为基础调整临床各科室护士奖金分配原则,是科学合理并值得推广的方法,体现了按劳分配原则,并充分调动了护士积极性。

    Conclusion The method of adjusting bonus allocation to clinical nurses by measured workload is scientific and recommendable , because it enhances distribution according to work and motivates nurses ' work performance .

  6. 在社会主义市场经济中,按劳分配原则是通过竞争过程实现的,开放的劳动市场是必要的实现条件。

    In socialist market economy , the principle of distribution according to one 's performance is realized in the course of competition , with open labor market as its necessary actual condition .

  7. 社会主义生产关系与高度发达的社会生产力相适应,因而是正义的,其按劳分配原则即正义的分配原则。

    The socialist relations of production , under which the principle of distribution based on labor is a just one , are just because they fit in with the advanced social production .

  8. 坚持按劳分配原则。这在社会主义建设中始终是一个很大的问题,大家都要动脑筋想一想。

    We should adhere to the principle , " to each according to his work ", which has always been an important one in socialist construction . All of us should give some thought to it .

  9. 本文认为,要提高职工的劳动积极性,就应该提高他们的主人翁地位,坚持按劳分配原则,创造各种条件充分发挥广大职工的聪明才智。

    To increase the staff 's enthusiasm for work , we should improve their master 's position , stick to prin-ciples of distribution according to work , and create the various conditions to stimulate their wisdom fully .

  10. 研究民营企业薪酬激励机制的模式,要对人力资本进行重新认识,确立人才是企业重要资源的观念;要重新认识按劳分配原则,更好地利用薪酬机制发挥激励作用;

    Then , in order to study on the model of compensation of promotion mechanism of the civilian enterprise , we should re-understand the capital of manpower , and establish the new concept that talents are the important resources for the enterprise ;

  11. 严格执行按劳分配的原则

    Strictly implement the principle of distribution according to work

  12. 我们坚持了社会主义公有制和按劳分配的原则。

    We have always followed the principles of socialist public ownership and distribution according to work .

  13. 利益的分配应该在按劳分配的原则上实现共同富裕;

    Distribution of benefit should obey the principle of distribution according to work to realize common rich ;

  14. 其不仅不符合按劳分配的原则,也不符合按要素贡献分配的原则。

    Not only inconsistent with the principle of distribution according to work , does not conform to the principle of element contribution allocated .

  15. 生产车间质量工资与产量分离,体现不出按劳分配的原则;

    Quality wage disengages from the output in the production workshop , so it can not incarnate the assignment principle more pays more gains ;

  16. 罗尔斯的平等原则对于我们理解市场交易权利的平等、机会均等原则下公平与效率的统一、以按劳分配为原则的国民收入的初次分配都有很大帮助;

    Rawls ' equal rule is helpful for us to understand the unification between the equity and the efficiency , the first distribution of national income .

  17. 而坚持社会主义,实行按劳分配的原则,就不会产生贫富过大打差距。

    But if we adhere to socialism and apply the principle of distribution to each according to his work , there will not be excessive disparities in wealth .

  18. 实行岗位绩效薪点工资就是实行以岗定薪和绩效考核相结合,体现按劳分配的原则,提高薪酬分配的公平性和激励性。

    Implementing post wage is implemented the performance pay to post combination of pay and performance reviews , implement the principle of distribution according to work , improve the fairness of distribution and incentive .

  19. 我们一定要坚持按劳分配的社会主义原则。按劳分配就是按劳动的数量和质量进行分配。

    We must adhere to this socialist principle which calls for distribution according to the quantity and quality of an individual 's work .

  20. 从这一认识出发就能够使工资反映劳动的价值,实现按劳分配方面的原则,使劳动者成为市场的主体,使尊重劳动成为普遍的现实。

    This recognition enables pay to reflect the value of labor , realizes the principle of distribution according to ones performance , makes laborers the main body of market and makes the respect of labor become a universal reality .

  21. 从全社会范围看,按劳分配是一种原则,从微观上看,按劳分配又是一种分配方式。

    It is a principle on the view of the whole society and is a distribution way in microcosmos .

  22. 合营企业的工资、奖励制度必需符合按劳分配、多劳多得的原则。

    The wage and incentive systems of a joint venture must be in conformity with the principle of distribution according to work and more pay for more work .

  23. 其成效集中表现在:有效提高了工资水平、有效实现了按劳分配和公平的原则、有效改善了工资关系与建立了相对稳定的工资管理制度。

    The results were : the effective wage increase , effective and fair implementation of the principle of distribution according to work effectively to improve the relationship between wages and the establishment of a relatively stable wage management system .

  24. 只有认识到劳动具有价值并按个人劳动的价值分配才能真正实现按劳分配的原则。

    The principle of distribution according to work can be implemented by realizing that labor has value and distributing according to the individual labor value .