
hónɡ ɡuān jīnɡ jì ɡuǎn lǐ
  • Macroeconomic management;macro economic management
  1. 无论宏观经济管理还是微观经济管理都应很好地把握这些发展趋势。

    Thus such a development tendency should be taken into consideration in both macro economic management and micro economic management .

  2. 用户满意度指数已经成为许多国家衡量经济产出质量的重要指标,为宏观经济管理提供了有效的决策参考依据。

    CSI has become an important guideline for many countries to evaluate the quality of their economic output , which provide efficient reference for macro economic management .

  3. 因此,汇率安排及其对全球宏观经济管理的意义,应作为国际社会特别是国际货币基金组织(imf)的首要议题。

    Exchange rate arrangements and their implications for global macroeconomic management should thus be a priority topic for the international community and especially the International Monetary Fund .

  4. 单纯用一个全国统一的CPI指标已不能满足宏观经济管理和分析的需求,编制不同经济区域CPI已成为当务之急。

    Simply using a unified national CPI index has been unable to meet the needs of market development , the preparation of different economic regions CPI has become imperative .

  5. 政府激励企业ESTs的手段有开展环保教育、制订宏观经济管理政策、调整经济体制和结构、加强经济手段和实施环境法。

    Ways for the government to encourage the ESTs in enterprises include carrying on environmental education , making macro-economic management policy , adjusting economic system and structure , strengthening economic means and implementing the Environmental Law .

  6. 以CGEM为基础,综合运用投入产出分析和最优控制理论,设计出一个二层次的宏观经济管理模型。

    Based on CGEM and with the application of input-output analysis and optimistic control theory , a two-level model of macroeconomic management is established .

  7. 经济增长速度是宏观经济管理的一个重要目标。

    The economic growth rate is an important goal macroeconomic management .

  8. 改革宏观经济管理方式,转变政府职能。

    Reform the macroeconomic administration , transform the functions of government .

  9. 经济信息在宏观经济管理中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Economic Information in the Management of Macro-Economics

  10. 日本经济的发展与宏观经济管理

    The Development of Japanese Economy and Macro - economy Regulation

  11. 本文将对我国产能过剩的研究限制在宏观经济管理视角。

    This paper shall limit itself to macroeconomic management perspective .

  12. 实现稳定的、可预测的政策决策和审慎的宏观经济管理又成为可能。

    Stable , predictable policy-making and prudent macro-economic management are again possible .

  13. 要实现这一点,需要非常有技巧的宏观经济管理。

    To achieve this will require very deft macroeconomic management .

  14. 完善宏观经济管理理论体系的探讨

    How to Perfect the Theoretical System of Microeconomic Control

  15. 货币政策是政府宏观经济管理的一项重要手段。

    Macroscopic Monetary policy is an important instrument of macroeconomic management of government .

  16. 发展中国家经济调整与宏观经济管理

    Developing Countries : Economic Readjustment and Macroeconomic Management

  17. 我国金融机构宏观经济管理的一项政策工具分析

    Analysis of One Policy Tool of Macro-Control Management for the Country 's Financial Organizations

  18. 信息网络化对宏观经济管理的影响

    Impacts of information networks popularization on macroeconomic management

  19. 但是这段插曲却一直给宏观经济管理蒙上着阴影。

    But the episode did lasting harm to the credibility of its macroeconomic stewardship .

  20. 国务院已将土地定位为国家最重要的宏观经济管理手段。

    The State Department has set the land as the most important macro-economic management method .

  21. 论国家审计与宏观经济管理

    Study on State Auditing and Macroeconomic Management

  22. 本文运用网络分析技术对宏观经济管理手段进行了分析。

    The paper analyses the means of macroeconomic management adopting the technique of network analysis .

  23. 一个国家的政府管制受其政治体制和宏观经济管理体制的制约。

    Government regulation of one country is restricted by political structure and macro-economy managerial system .

  24. 2003-2004年宏观经济管理信息系统建设概况

    Macroeconomic Administration Information System in 2003-2004

  25. 四小龙宏观经济管理经验对佛山的启示

    Inspirations to Foshan of the Experiences in macro & Economy management of the Four Small Dragons

  26. 区域经济增长是我国宏观经济管理中需要认真研究的问题。

    Growth in regional economy stands as a problem demanding serious study in China 's macroscopic economy .

  27. 工业产品质量状况的综合评价是宏观经济管理中的重要问题。

    The comprehensive evaluation of industrial product quality situation is an important problem in macroscopic economic management .

  28. 中国古代经济管理思想与我国的宏观经济管理

    Economic Managerial Thought in Ancient Times of China and Macroeconomic Management of Present Days in Our Country

  29. 以管理思想史的研究对象来看,一些研究偏重于宏观经济管理思想、行政管理思想;

    From the perspective of the research object , some research emphasizes on macroeconomic management or administration thought history .

  30. 作者认为,当前我国会计目标应首先考虑宏观经济管理的需要。

    / The author thinks that the macroscopical economic management is the most important objective of accounting of our country .