
  • 网络grand narrative;mata-narrative
  1. 后殖民超小说中宏大叙事的碎片化(英文)

    The Atomization of the Grand Narrative in Postcolonial Metafiction ;

  2. 十七年文学宏大叙事与作家主体的关系

    The Relationship between the Grand Narrative of Seventeen-year Literature and Author Subject

  3. 美国史学中的宏大叙事在不同的历史阶段有着不同的曲折反映。

    Grand narrative in American historiography revealed itself differently on different historical stages .

  4. 后现代主义美学是一种削平深度的平面化美学,以虚无主义的态度颠覆了以往的宏大叙事。

    As a planed aesthetics , postmodern aesthetics overturned grant narrative with nihilism .

  5. 论新写实小说对现实主义宏大叙事的独特解构

    The unique Deconstruction of the Magnificent Narration of Realistic Fiction by New realistic Fictions

  6. 而随着工具理性的无孔不入,这种宏大叙事早已瓦解。

    With the instrumental rationality of the all-pervasive , the grand narrative has collapsed .

  7. 关注当下日常的琐碎生活,忽视史诗性的宏大叙事;

    It took care of trivial everyday life at present and overlooked grand epical narrative .

  8. 所以,所谓后现代历史学家们反对一切宏大叙事和马克思主义而不反对年鉴学派。

    Therefore , postmodern historians opposed all the grand narration and Marxism , except The Annales School .

  9. 知识分子宏大叙事的构建始于改革开放以后。

    Intellectuals ' grand narrative began to be constructed after the introduction of the reform and opening policy .

  10. 新时期小说叙事在20余年间经历了从宏大叙事向个体叙事的变迁。

    During the new time , the novel ′ s narrative changes from the great to the individual .

  11. 其次,反对宏大叙事,尤其反对单线历史和简单的、线性的历史演进模式。

    Secondly , it goes against grand narration , especially against linear and simply unitary evolution of history .

  12. 以技术理性为特质的现代性构成了西方公共行政的宏大叙事背景,并界定了其理论思维与实践走向。

    The context of modernity which is characterized by technical rationality makes the grand narrative of western public administration .

  13. 首先,在文本内容上拒绝承载社会、历史主题等宏大叙事,将目光锁定于细枝末节的日常生活领域。

    First , it refuses to load the grand narratives of social and historical themes in its textual content ;

  14. 再次,我从总体上,重新指认了1990年代中国小说宏大叙事的特点。

    Third , I learned from the whole to re-identify the 1990s the Chinese novel features of grand narrative .

  15. 涵盖全社会的宏大叙事权威,在1990年代中国已趋于解体。

    Covering the community as a whole grand narrative authority , in the 1990s has become the disintegration of China .

  16. 多元化、泛题材化。这三大特征明显表明另类知青文学区别于传统知青文学的宏大叙事和复制现象。

    These traits are entirely different from grand narration and " copy " phenomenon of traditional Intellectual youth of literature .

  17. 由于各种因素的影响,二战后的美国史学出现疏离宏大叙事的趋势。

    For the influence of various factors , American historiography after World War II tended to be alien from the grand narrative .

  18. 首先从宏大叙事方式到环型结构叙事,再到电影解构电影的方式,最后是叙事视角。

    The narrative features are analyzed from grand narrative , circle-structured narrative , movie deconstructing movie method , and the narrative perspectives .

  19. 在其长篇小说《夏伯阳与虚空》中,反英雄的作用体现在作家利用源文本中的某些资源来完成对宏大叙事的颠覆。

    In his novel Chapaev and Void , the role of the antihero is to subvert the grand narration by rewriting the original .

  20. 从内容上讲,大众影像是从宏大叙事转向小叙事,从公众话语转向个人话语,从主流文化转向民间意识形态。

    Its contents have shifted from macro-narration to micro-narration , from public command to individual utterance , from main-stream culture to mass ideology .

  21. 行旅主题小说表现出对自我私人经验的强调和对于公众经验的远离,拒绝小说的宏大叙事,依凭个人化经验重新发现自我。

    Travel novels emphasized own personal experiences and far away public experience , which rejected grand narrative and rediscovered oneself with personal experience .

  22. 其三,从性状而言,中国20世纪上半期的现代性进程总体上讲是一种宏大叙事。

    Thirdly , the modernity progress of the first half period in 20th centuries in China was a kind of Grand narrative totally .

  23. 中国妇女解放叙事与现代性宏大叙事是同时发生的,是包含在宏大叙事中的一个子话题。

    Female liberation narrative and the modern grand narrative nearly happened at the same time . It is a crosshead of the grand narratives .

  24. 传统的“书厄论”,仅仅关注“宏大叙事”,缺乏对图书事业灾害的科学认知。

    The traditional theory of book 's disasters merely pays attention to Grand Narrative , and lacks scientific cognition to the books undertaking disaster .

  25. 历史寓言书写及对德国成长小说宏大叙事传统的超越&评《朗读者》

    On the Writing of Historical Allegories and Its Transcendence over the Grand Narrative Tradition of German Bildungsroman & A Comment on The Declaimer ;

  26. 建筑经典化的实质是表现意义的过程,体现在对宏大叙事的诉求、品牌商品的塑造和文化身份认同的建构三个方面。

    The canonization of architecture is a process to express meaning , which is embodied in great narration , branded commodity and cultural self-identity .

  27. 与前几类宏大叙事中的革命话语不同的是,宗教、伦理、道德等话语进入了叙事的知识框架。

    Different from the preceding two grand narratives ' revolutionary discourse , religion , ethics , morality discourses entered the knowledge frame of narratives .

  28. 历史人类学会对中国近代史研究产生有益的影响,会成为一种介于宏大叙事与经验性实证研究的中层理论。

    Historical anthropology will have useful influence on modern Chinese research and become a kind of middle theory between grand narrative and experimental research .

  29. 理性主义在教学认识中的特征表现为:单一化的认识主体、唯概念化的思维逻辑、本质主义的探究取向、宏大叙事悱的话语形态。

    The characters of rationalism in teaching understanding are single cognitive subject , only conceptual thinking logic , essentialism , grand narrative inquiry approach of discourse .

  30. 宏大叙事是人文关怀的一个方面,但生活叙事和私人叙事也应列入人文关怀之列。

    Mighty narration is a respect of the humane care , but life narrates and private narration should be listed in the row of humane care .