
  • 网络Macro benefits;Microscopical Benefit
  1. 我国固定资产投资宏观效益分析

    Analysis on the Macro Benefits of China 's Fixed Assets Investment

  2. 注重金矿勘查的宏观效益

    Macroscopic Observation Play Attention to Macroeconomic Benefit in Gold Exploration

  3. 小水电的综合效益指其宏观效益、微观效益及技术效益。

    The small hydropower benefit includes macroscopic benefit , microcosmic benefit and technical benefit .

  4. 金融创新是各种金融要素的重新组合,是为了追求微观利益和宏观效益而进行的金融改革。

    Finance innovation is the regroup of all finance element and it is a finance reformation for microcosmic and macro benefit .

  5. 最后,从社会宏观效益角度,强调了物联网的应用对于民生改善、提高幸福指数方面的意义。

    Finally , from the view of social macro benefit , this paper emphasizes the significance of the application on improving the people 's livelihood and increasing happiness index .

  6. 从技术效益、投资效益、结构效益和宏观效益等四个方面,建立了由14个指标构成的能够全面反应技术引进项目经济效益的综合评价指标体系;

    In terms of technology benefit , investment benefit , structure benefit and macro benefit , a 14 index synthetic evaluation index system on economic benefit of technological introducing projects was established .

  7. 从不同标准出发,办馆效益可分为社会效益与经济效益、宏观效益与微观效益、正面效益与影子效益、真正效益与虚误效益,等等。

    From different points of view , benefits can be divided into social and economic benefits , macroscopic and microscopic benefits , front and mirror benefits , real and virtual benefits , etc.

  8. 通过对外直接投资获取企业或国家必需的资本、技术、自然资源和人力资源与管理经验等,以解决要素配置的矛盾,实现微观和宏观效益的最大化。

    Through outward direct investment , we gain the enterprises ' or the national essential capital , technical , the natural resource , the human resources and the managerial experience , and so on ;

  9. 论文首先介绍了高速公路项目投资效益的内涵,并运用经济学中准公共物品的特性分析了高速公路项目投资宏观效益和微观效益的产生机理。

    Firstly , this paper introduces the meaning of the benefits of the expressway project investment and use the characteristic of quasi-public goods to analyze the producing mechanism of expressway project investment 's macro-benefit and micro-benefit .

  10. 战略研究和优化设计的效果强调综观经济效益,必须从宏观效益着眼,从微观效益着手。

    The effect of strategy research emphasises the overall economical benefit , with the view of macro benefit and starting from micro benefit . The paper approached the developing strategy of seabeach cultivating and processing mechanization .

  11. 最后,对营口港十一五期间的投资活动进行了投资效益的预警实证研究,结果表明营口港十一五期间的港口投资活动具有较好的微观效益和宏观效益,预测结果显示无警。

    Finally , making an early warning empirical research on Yingkou Port investment activities during " Eleventh Five-Year " period , which shows that the Yingkou Port investment activities has good micro efficiency and macro efficiency .

  12. 对政府投资效益的评价要从社会效益、宏观效益、长期动态效益及投资的相关效益等方面来分析,要科学地建立一套适合政府投资效益评价标准的方法及其指标体系。

    So government investment efficiency should be evaluated through four standards : society benefits , macro-benefits , long-term dramatic benefits and investment-related benefits . At the same time , an applicable system of government investment efficiency evaluation methods and standards should be established scientifically .

  13. 市场主导的生产力布局的合理与否直接影响着生产力系统的整体功能和发展,影响经济资源配置的宏观效益,影响着一个国家或地区各种战略目标的实现。

    Market-oriented pattern of the productive forces of the reasonable or not direct impact on the productivity of its overall function and development of the economic impact of the macro-effective allocation of resources , the impact on a country or a region of strategic objectives .

  14. 关于全面提高宏观经济效益及其综合评价指标体系的初步研究

    On improving overall macro economic results and its comprehensive evaluation system

  15. 积极财政政策宏观经济效益分析&基于宏观计量模型的研究

    The Study on the Macroeconomic Effects of Expansionary Fiscal Policy

  16. 环境噪声达标区建设的宏观经济效益分析方法

    The analysis of macro economic benefit in urban areas with permissible noise level

  17. 从宏观经济效益上探讨甘蔗渣原料标准化的最佳选择问题

    Optimization of Bagasse Fiber Standards Through Macro-Economical Aspects

  18. 基于系统动力学模型的铁路建设项目宏观经济效益评价

    Study on Macroeconomic Benefit Evaluation of Railway Construction Project Based on System Dynamic Model

  19. 我国城市土地宏观级差效益浅析

    Research on Macro-differential Benefits of Chinese Urban Land

  20. 本文从民营经济的宏观经济效益和银行融资中的微观成本对立出发,从一般理论和沈阳市个案角度分析民营企业融资问题。

    This paper studies the general theory and case in Shenyang on private business finance .

  21. 推广范围越大,宏观环境效益越显著。

    The more extended of this technique , the more distinct of its macroscopical environment benefit .

  22. 在这一周期中的每一步,其边际宏观经济效益可能会递减。

    With every step in the cycle , the marginal macroeconomic benefit is likely to fall .

  23. 宏观投资效益衡量指标的评述&兼对我国宏观投资效益变化的讨论

    Review of the Indicator of Evaluating Investment Efficiency : Discussing the Change of Investment Efficiency in China

  24. 1980-1983年我国各行各业科技进步宏观经济效益分析

    An analysis of the macroeconomic benefit of scientific and technological advances of different industries in China during 1980 to 1983

  25. 宏观经济效益内容广而杂,给其分析计算工作带来了一定的难度,对其推广和应用也带来了阻碍。

    Given the wideness and the complexity of the macroscopic economic benefit , there exists the difficulty in its analysis , promotion and application .

  26. 或许,最重要的宏观经济效益将来自于信贷违约掉期,通过这种工具,投资者可以对支付违约进行保险。

    Perhaps the most important macroeconomic effect will come from credit default swaps , instruments through which an investor can insure against payment default .

  27. 宏观经济效益综合评价结果还反映这样一个基本事实,即在改革开放以来,我国宏观经济效益呈现出明显的阶段性和波动性。

    The evaluation result also tells such a fact that China 's macro economic results fluctuated periodically since the practice of Reform and Opening Up .

  28. 研究利率市场化对我国宏观投资效益、存贷款先后次序安排及汇率的效应分析,有利于改进资金使用的宏观效益。

    The corresponding research can be conducive to the efficiency of macro investment , the arrangement for loan order and the effect analysis exchange rate .

  29. 但是轨道交通将极大地促进所在城市和地区的经济发展,所产生的宏观社会效益远远超过其建设者或运营者本身的微观经济效益。

    But urban rail traffic can tremendously promote the local city 's economic growth , Its macroscopic social benefit far exceeds its microcosmic economic effect .

  30. 区域物流系统的建立既要考虑其宏观经济效益,也要考虑其本身的微观经济效益。

    Setting up a regional material system needs to take account not only of its macro economic effect , but also of its micro economic interests .