
  • 网络affective computing;Affective Computting;emotional computing;emotion computation
  1. 基于Agent和情感计算的车辆行为仿真的研究和设计

    Research and Design on Vehicle Behavior Simulation Based on Agent and Affective Computing

  2. 情感计算在e-Learning系统中的应用探索

    Application of Affective Computing in e-Learning System

  3. 基于Agent和情感计算的司机驾驶行为模型研究

    Study of driving behavior model based on Agent and ambient intelligence

  4. 基于情感计算的E-Learning模型框架

    Framework of an E-Learning System based on Affective Computing

  5. 本文在情感计算理论和软件Agent技术基础上,研究教学Agent心智模型,以期构建和谐人机情感交互系统。

    This paper studied the research and implementation on mental modeling of teaching Agent based on Affective Computing and software Agent technology to construct harmonious human-machine motion interactive system .

  6. 论文最后总结了全文的研究工作,归纳了基于Agent和情感计算去研究和设计仿真系统的优势,并对该研究方向的未来进行了展望。

    Finally , the thesis sums up our works during the design and development , concludes the predominance of the agent and affective computing based system , and discusses how to improve the platform in the future .

  7. 情感计算将是未来发展趋势,Jibo是一个具有改革意义的社交化、情感化机器人,它就像是家庭的一员那样为人们提供帮助。

    ' The next wave , emotive computing , is upon us and Jibo is a transformative , social and emotive robot that will help people thrive like part of the family . '

  8. 语音情绪识别是情感计算的重要分支,在人机交互中有着广泛的应用。

    Speech emotion recognition is a key branch of affective computing .

  9. 基于情感计算的多机器人舞蹈系统设计

    Design of multiple robot dancing system based on affection computing

  10. 在这种背景下,基于文本的情感计算也应运而生。

    In this context , the affective computing based on text has appeared .

  11. 基于控制原理和情感计算的信息推荐

    Information recommendation based on control theory and affective computing

  12. 基于情感计算的机器人学习系统研究

    Research of Robot Learning System Based on Affective Computing

  13. 依据计算文体学的工作模式,提出了情感计算的模式。

    Based on the working model , this thesis proposes an emotion computation model .

  14. 情感计算在可用性测试中应用的研究

    Research of Affective Computing Used in Usability Testing

  15. 基于情感计算的图像检索系统在现代远程教育中的应用研究

    The Application of Image the Retrieval Model Based on Affective Semantics in Modern Distance Educational

  16. 情感计算和逻辑计算的融合才能实现真正的人工智能。

    The combination of affective and logical computing is the request of real artificial intelligence .

  17. 一种虚拟人物的情感计算方法

    Method to compute virtual person face expression

  18. 情感计算是让计算机具有人类的情感,以及能够理解人类的情感状态,并且使它具有识别情感状态的能力。

    Affective computing is to make computer own , understand , and moreover , recognize human emotions .

  19. 情感计算发出了一个信息通过颜色或声音来表达对他人的情绪状态。

    Affective computing sends a message via color or sound to express an emotional state to others .

  20. 心理健康服务,即咨询服务,受益于情感计算应用时,确定客户的情绪状态。

    Psychologicalhealth services , ie counseling , benefit from affective computingapplications when determining a client 's emotional state .

  21. 情感计算的应用也正在开发的技术用于交际的人患有自闭症。

    Affective computing is also being applied to the development of communicative technologies for use by people with autism .

  22. 隐喻计算在情感计算、文本蕴含、信息检索以及机器翻译等领域发挥着重要的作用。

    Metaphor computing plays an important role in the fields of affective computing , text entailment , information retrieval and machine translation .

  23. 在情感计算研究领域,语料资源的标注以及信息的校对工作一直是困扰研究人员的难题。

    In the field of Affective Computing , annotations on corpus and revision on information have been considered difficult problems for researchers .

  24. 运用情感计算和文本挖掘技术,可以从在线评论中获取与网络消费者非理性购买行为相关的信息。

    Using sentiment calculation and text mining technology , the information about consumers ' irrational buying behavior can be got from online comments .

  25. 在和谐人机交互与人工智能领域,情感计算作为一个新的研究方向,日益受到关注。

    In the field of harmonious human-computer interaction and artifical intelligence , affective computing as a new research direction has attracted increasing attention .

  26. 人工智能的情感计算已经涉及到三种情感技能&感知情绪,识别情绪,表达情绪的能力。

    Affective computing in artificial intelligence covers three kinds of emotion skills - emotion perception , emotion judgment , the ability for expressing emotions .

  27. 因此,作为情感计算研究的一个重要方向,语音情感信息处理备受研究人员的重视。

    Therefore , as an important direction of affective computing research , speech emotion information processing is drawing more and more attention of researchers .

  28. 情感计算中的实验设计和情感度量方法研究积极/消极情感量表中文版的结构和效度

    Investigation on Experiment Design and Affect Measure in Affective Computing Factorial and Construct Validity of the Chinese Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Student

  29. 包括情感计算和情感识别在内,以人为中心的,对人的情感和认知的研究是目前人工智能领域的一个热点研究方向。

    The study of human centered emotion and cognition , including affective computing and emotion recognition , is a hot research topic in artificial intelligence .

  30. 这里介绍了虚拟人实体的建立和控制,以及虚拟人的情感计算模型和情感决策机制。

    Here the virtual human virtual human entities to establish and control , as well as the virtual human model of affective computing and affective decision-making mechanism .