
  • 网络Genetic programming;genetic programming,GP
  1. 遗传编程的Matlab语言实现

    Implementation of Genetic Programming for Matlab

  2. 基于遗传编程(GP)与键合图的机电系统自动设计

    Automated Design of Mechatronic System based on Genetic Programming Bond Graphs

  3. 基于遗传编程(GP),提出了一种用于电力变压器绝缘故障诊断的判别函数法。

    A new kind of insulation fault diagnosis method for power transformers using genetic programming ( GP ) based discriminant functions was presented .

  4. 讨论了在前馈网络构造性设计中如何基于遗传编程(GP)实现神经元激活函数类型自动优化的问题。

    Aiming at typical feedforward neural networks ( FNN ), a constructive FNN designing algorithm with the auto-optimization of neuronal activation function types based on genetic programming ( GP ) is investigated .

  5. 另外,将Bootstrap统计模拟技术与遗传编程结合,以克服从小样本数据中进行知识获取的瓶颈。

    In addition , in order to eliminate the bottleneck of insufficient sample size , a kind of statistical resampling technique called bootstrap is incorporated as a preprocessing step into genetic programming .

  6. 本论文主要是研究遗传编程(GP)在多传感器故障的数据融合诊断与恢复中的应用,即用一种全新的数据处理方法应用于多传感器信息融合领域。

    This paper applies genetic programming ( GP ) to the multi sensor failure detection and recovery , which is a new technique applied in the area of the multi sensor data fusion . GP is based on GA.

  7. 针对常规遗传编程方法建立NARMAX时表现出的不足,提出了一种新的建立NARMAX模型的智能方法-基于遗传编程与粒子群优化的混合智能方法。

    As the traditional genetic programming show some shortage when used to modeling the NARMAX model , a novel modeling method is put forward based on the genetic programming and the particle swarm optimization .

  8. 采用了3种方法建立单元机组协调控制系统的NARMAX模型:常规遗传编程;多目标遗传编程;遗传编程与粒子群优化。

    There are three different methods used to modeling the NARMAX model : the traditional genetic programming ; the multiobjective genetic programming ; the commixed intelligent method based on genetic programming and particle swarm optimization . 4 .

  9. 利用遗传编程的符号表达式逼近任意非线性函数

    Approximation of Arbitrary Nonlinear Function Using Symbol Express of Genetic Programming

  10. 通过调节种群适应度改善遗传编程的收敛特性

    Improving Convergence Property of GA Programming by Adjusting Fitness of Population

  11. 基于谓词逻辑和约束网络结构的遗传编程方法

    Genetic programming based on predicate logic and constraint network architecture

  12. 一个基于遗传编程的机器人足球系统

    Design and Implementation of Genetic Programming Based Robotic Soccer System

  13. 用遗传编程方法提取和优化机械故障的声音特征

    Extracting and Optimizing Sound Features in Mechanical Fault Diagnosis Using Genetic Programming

  14. 随机故障下单机鲁棒调度算法的遗传编程方法

    Learning single-machine robust scheduling heuristics subject to stochastic breakdowns using genetic programming

  15. 利用遗传编程提取齿轮多重故障分类特征

    Classification feature extraction of multiple gear faults using genetic programming

  16. 基于遗传编程的电力变压器绝缘故障诊断模型研究

    Research on Insulation Fault Diagnosis Models for Power Transformers Based on Genetic Programming

  17. 遗传编程运行期个体多样性分析方法及应用

    Analysis and Application of Diversity of Genetic Programming Runtime

  18. 遗传编程是计算智能理论中一种崭新的、重要的方法。

    The genetic programming is a brand-new and important method of computational intelligence theory .

  19. 遗传编程局部最优化问题分析

    The analyze of local optimization in genetic programming

  20. 基于遗传编程判别函数法在电力变压器绝缘故障诊断中的应用

    Application of Genetic Programming Based Discriminant Functions in the Insulation Fault Diagnosis of Power Transformers

  21. 遗传编程的软件工程设计策略

    Software engineering design strategy for genetic programming

  22. 对遗传编程这一进化计算方法的新分支进行了系统阐述。

    The genetic programming , a new branch of the evolution calculation method is described systematically .

  23. 因此,所提出的遗传编程方法是不确定调度环境下相当有效的机器学习方法。

    Hence the GP methods are good machine learning paradigms for robust scheduling problems in uncertain environments .

  24. 基于遗传编程与粒子群优化方法建立单元机组协调控制系统的动态解耦网络。

    A dynamic decouple controller is schemed out based on the genetic programming and particle swarm optimization .

  25. 提出一种基于遗传编程与功率键合图的机电一体化等多领域系统的自动设计方法。

    This paper proposes an automated design methodology for mechatronic systems based on Genetic Programming and bond graphs .

  26. 遗传编程则采用树形编码,试图求出解决问题的程序。

    Genetic Programming uses tree structure as chromosome code , and want find out the programs for the problems .

  27. 最后,研究了机器随机故障环境下的预测调度问题,提出了适应于不确定制造过程调度问题的基于预测调度思想的遗传编程方法。

    Finally , a Genetic Programming system is proposed to learn effective predictive scheduling heuristics subject stochastic machine failures .

  28. 键合图是一种系统动力学建模方法,本文提出了结合遗传编程与键合图对机电系统的辨识研究。

    The paper proposed the method of identification of mechanical and electronic system based on genetic programming and bond graph .

  29. 在重构的相空间中,利用遗传编程算法对实测时间序列进行了建模。

    In the reconstructed phase space , Genetic Programming ( GP ) with strong global analytical ability is used in modeling of measured time series .

  30. 另一种对于遗传编程概念的解释是将教师扮演者的行为视为实验所处的社会环境的结果。

    An alternative to this notion of genetic programming is to see the'teacher-subject'actions as a result iof the social environment under which the experiment was carried out .