
yí hái
  • remains;body;corpse;dust;remains of the dead
遗骸 [yí hái]
  • [remains of the dead] 曾是有生命的躯体的化石骸骨(如人的尸体);遗体

  • 烈士遗骸

遗骸[yí hái]
  1. 他们发现过人的遗骸。

    They had discovered human remains .

  2. 煤是由淡水植物遗骸形成的。

    Coal is formed from the remains of freshwater plants .

  3. 北部又挖掘出了更多的人体遗骸。

    More human remains have been unearthed in the north .

  4. 莎士比亚的遗骸被诅咒给守护著。

    Shakespeare 's remains were guarded by a malediction .

  5. 当时,加拿大阿尔伯塔省某处发现了十几只霸王龙的遗骸。

    That was when a dozen of the creatures were found at a site in Alberta , Canada .

  6. 仰韶文化人类遗骸古DNA的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Ancient Human DNA from Yangshao Culture

  7. 从中国新石器时代人骨遗骸中提取出古代DNA。

    Ancient DNA was extracted from Neolithic human skeletal remains excavated in China .

  8. 古DNA技术在人类墓葬遗骸研究中的应用及进展

    The Development of the Ancient DNA Technology in the Research of Human Remains in Tumulus

  9. 而保存在古代动物遗骸中的古DNA能够提供古代家养动物的遗传信息,摆脱研究现代家养动物受到的时间陷阱的束缚。

    While the ancient DNA of animal remains can cast offtime trap , and provide the genetic information of ancient domestic animals .

  10. 首席法医办公室(OfficeofChiefMedicalExaminer)已经确认了65%的世贸中心遗骸的身份。

    The Office of Chief Medical Examiner has identified 65 percent of remains recovered from the World Trade Center .

  11. 新石器时代人骨遗骸中古代DNA的提取及X-Y染色体同源基因片段的PCR扩增

    Ancient DNA extraction from Neolithic human skeletal remains and PCR based amplification of the X-Y homologous amelogenin gene

  12. 考古工作中得到的生物遗骸由于长期的风化,自然侵蚀等因素的影响,遗骸本身含有的古代生物的DNA的大部分会分解,使得对遗骸中的生物遗传信息研究变得非常困难。

    With the influence of weathering and hydrolyzation , very little of the ancient DNA of human remains was found by the archaeological excavation , so it is very difficulty to study the genetic information .

  13. 2004年上映的电影《寻宝假期》(WithoutaPaddle)描述了三名友人深入林野搜寻失落的赎金,最终他们找到了库珀的遗骸。

    The 2004 movie " Without a Paddle " was about three friends who headed into the wilderness in search of the lost ransom money and ended up finding his skeleton .

  14. 荧光引物扩增AMG基因鉴定古代人骨遗骸的性别

    Sex identification of archaeological human remains based on amplification of AMG genevia fluorescent-labeled primers

  15. 在马德里赤足三一教徒修道院(ConventoftheBarefootTrinitarians)的地下墓穴里,安放着西班牙伟大作家米格尔·德·塞万提斯(MigueldeCervantes)的遗骸。

    In the crypt beneath Madrid 's Convent of theBarefoot Trinitarians lay the skeleton of the great Spanish writer , Miguel deCervantes .

  16. 在一个治安不好的街区发现了一句外科医生的遗骸,Brennan发现了多处骨折痕迹,却不能确定她是怎么会沦落到如此地步。

    Brennan discovers the body of a surgeon found in a tough neighborhood with multiple skull fractures , but no indication of why or how she was there .

  17. 建立一种用荧光标记引物扩增AMG基因的性染色体同源片段方法,对古代人骨遗骸进行性别鉴定。

    A sensitive and reliable method , based on the amplification of AMG gene by fluorescent-labeled primers , was established to identify the sex of archaeological human remains .

  18. 科学家最近用碳标记法检测男人遗骸的一份样品来证明他生活在什么年代,DNA检测会帮助澄清男人和波拿蒙派克社会的关系,Gallaga说。

    Scientists are currently carbon-dating a sample of the man 's remains to verify when he lived , and a DNA test should help clarify the man 's relationship to the Bonampak community , Gallaga said .

  19. 弗吉尼亚州政府在Albemarle郡试图鉴定周六在树木葱郁地区发现的人类遗骸。

    Authorities in rural Albemarle County , Virginia are trying to identify the human remains found in a heavily-wooded area Saturday .

  20. 研究区的二叠系硅质岩类,主要由大量硅质生物遗骸溶解成溶胶状态的SiO2并保存在沉积物中,在成岩&后生阶段早期发生交代作用而形成。

    In the study areas , the Permian siliceous rocks consisting mainly of large amount of siliceous organic remains which dissolved into colloidal solution of SiO2 and preserved in the sediments were formed by the replacement during the early stage of diagenesis - epigenesis .

  21. 但是意大利艺术家、47岁的尼古拉?波拉将施华洛世奇水晶制成了一组凶险之物――AK47攻击步枪以及人类遗骸等恐怖、死亡的象征。

    But Italian artist Nicola Bolla , 47 , has transformed them into something a bit more sinister-macabre tokens of death that include an AK47 assault rifle and human remains .

  22. 这一猛犸遗骸现已修复陈列在列宁格勒古生物博物馆。

    HAS now been restored in the Palaeontological Museum in Leningrad .

  23. 1985年,泰坦尼克号的沉船遗骸被发现。

    " Titanic " was found the remains of the shipwreck .

  24. 我小心地穿行在阵亡同袍们的遗骸间。

    I step carefully around random pieces of deceased brethren .

  25. 这个钩骨不属于这些遗骸。

    This hamate bone does not belong with these remains .

  26. 此次共有109名中国士兵的遗骸荣归故里,

    This time , remains of 109 Chinese soldiers have been returned ,

  27. 我们下去,到遗骸那里。

    We go down there , we go down in that wreck .

  28. 机组人员在寻找失踪的学生汉娜格雷厄姆的时候,发现了这些遗骸。

    A crew found them while searching for a missing student Hannah Graham .

  29. 我们应该把遗骸暂时保存。

    We will store the remains in the interim .

  30. 不过现在科学家们在那些猛犸象的遗骸中留意到了一个奇怪的趋势。

    But now scientists have noticed a strange trend among those mammoth remains .