
  • 网络Heritage Park;Site Park;Archaeological Park
  1. 面对这一极具挑战性的难题,建设遗址公园是一个行之有效的方法。

    Faced with this challenging problem , the construction Heritage Park is a well-established method .

  2. 遗址公园作为遗址保护的一种全新的模式,已经得到了大众广泛的认可。

    As a new mode of the relic protection , heritage Park has been widely recognized .

  3. 遗址公园是遗址保护的一种方式。

    The ruins park is a kind of method of ruins protection .

  4. 北京东便门明城墙遗址公园

    The Ming Dynasty East Wicket Wall Relic Park in Beijing

  5. 圆明园遗址公园水文地质条件分析

    An analysis of hydrogeologic conditions near the Yuanmingyuan Ruins Park

  6. 郑和宝船厂遗址公园呢。

    The Zhen He treasure ship park is in progress .

  7. 绥远古城城墙遗址公园的保护与规划构想

    Protecting and Planning Speculation of History Remains Park of the Suiyuan Ancient Wall

  8. 通过对皇城根遗址公园景观现状的调查,对其植物配置情况进行了分析。

    Investigated the landscape , this article analyzed the plant arrangement ofHuangchenggen Relics Park .

  9. 广州新石器遗址公园&广州第一村规划设计

    Planning and Design of the Neolithic Relics Park & " The First Village of Guangzhou "

  10. 皇城根遗址公园位于市中心,是集多重功能为一体的带状公园。

    Huangchenggen Relics Parklocates in the center of Beijingis a strip-shaped park taking on several roles .

  11. 概括了城市遗址公园规划设计中应当遵守的特殊原则。

    Summing up the special principle of the urban heritage park planning and designing . 5 .

  12. 场所的回归&鸿山遗址公园博物馆景区景观设计

    Back to Site & Landscape Design of the Museum Zone of Hong Mount Cultural Site Park

  13. 对日本的遗址公园保护规划进行分析,并提炼出我国可借鉴的方法。

    Ruins Park conservation planning , analysis , and refining our country can learn from . 4 .

  14. 西方景观设计思潮影响下的遗址公园景观设计实践

    The Landscape Design Practices of the Ruins Park under the Influence of the Western Landscape Design Thoughts

  15. 第一次战役发生在现在的弗吉尼亚州马纳萨斯国家战场遗址公园。

    One of the first battles took place at what is now Manassas National Battlefield Park in Virginia .

  16. 明确考古遗址公园相关概念和类型,阐明了考古遗址公园应该遵守的原则。

    Concepts and types of clear Archaeological Park , to clarify the Principles of Archaeological Park . 3 .

  17. 目前有皇城根遗址公园等15项工程完工,在施项目达44项。

    At present , 15 projects have been completed , including the Huangchenggen ruins park.44 projects were under construction .

  18. 历史保护区建设中的审美取向&淹城遗址公园规划设计

    Aesthetic Orientation in the Construction of Protected Historic Sites & The Planning and Construction Design of Yancheng Historic Relics Park

  19. 遗址公园是依托遗迹而存在的,同时也在对遗迹的表现与展示过程中成为一个新的景观艺术作品。

    Relying on the existence and show of remains , Ruins Park can be changed into a new landscape works of art .

  20. 20世纪北京城垣的变迁以北京市元大都城垣遗址公园应急避难所作为实例,计算表明,这种方法具备一定的实用性和科学性。

    The Evolution of the City Wall at Beijing in the 20th Century Calculation examples indicate that the method is scientific and practicable .

  21. 遗址公园是在我国城市开发过程中,为解决遗址保护与城市更新的关系而产生的。

    City ruins park is in the process of China 's urban development , to address the relationship of the protection and urban renewal .

  22. 遗址公园这种集遗址保护、美化环境、休闲娱乐于一体的园林开发模式得到人们广泛的关注和青睐。

    This set of ruins park site protection , landscaping , leisure and entertainment in one garden development model and widely attention and favor .

  23. 一个更有争议性的建成项目是北京东便门明代城墙遗址公园(2001-2003)。

    A more controversial project that was realized in a big city is the Beijing Dongbianmen Ming Dynasty City Wall Relics Park ( 2001-2003 ) .

  24. 站在文化遗址公园上空的周围道路旁望去,这些雕塑品俨然已经成为了这里的重要标志。

    Viewed from the upper street level , they become an important sculptural icon that identifies the park within the fabric of the overall site .

  25. 从遗址公园分类看保护和开发摘要:遗址公园的设计不仅要考虑到遗址的保护和保存,还要处理好其与人的活动的关系。

    The design of the relic park should not only take into account the preservation and conservation , but also consider its relationship with human activity .

  26. 建成后大明宫国家遗址公园将是绿树成荫,鸟语花香的城市绿肺。

    After completing , Daming Palace National Heritage Park will be an Urban Green Lung featured by big clusters of trees and flowers and large herds of birds .

  27. 而后,以景观要素景观节点景观序列的逻辑顺序,对北京市城墙遗址公园的景观的设计手法进行系统性研究。

    Then , in order to " landscape elements-landscape node-landscape series " logical order , in Beijing City Wall Site Park , systematic study on the landscape design technique .

  28. 遗址公园是将古迹遗址的实物遗存与产生它的环境一起保存,并向公众和社会开放展示的一种形式。

    Ruins Park is a form to save the historic sites and the environments which produced them , in order to show them to the public and the open society .

  29. 并以北京元大都遗址公园防灾绿地建设为例说明了绿地防灾与减灾功能的具体应用。

    Taking the green land of Yuan Dynasty City Wall Relic Park in Beijing as an example , it proved the application of the functions that take precautions in against disasters and reducing disasters .

  30. 遗址公园区别于其他公园,具有遗址保护、历史文化教育、生态环境保护的特殊职能,因此在景观规划上具有自身的独特性。

    Ruins Park is different from other parks , with the special functions of the site protection , history and culture , education , ecology , environmental protection , landscape planning has its own uniqueness .