
  1. 他不是来筹备葬礼的,只是过来向遗体告别的。

    He had nothing to do with arranging the funeral , but came along to pay his last respects .

  2. 他们赶来向那位深受尊敬的老教授的遗体告别。

    They came to bid farewell to the body of the highly respected professor .

  3. 我们向他的遗体告别

    We did the last honors to his remains .

  4. 他们向帕特的遗体告别。

    They paid their last respects to the remains of pat .

  5. 老百姓点着火把,站在铁路两旁,向林肯的遗体告别。

    Citizens lit torches along the railroad track to pay their last respects to Lincoln .

  6. 这一地区的人口统计数字与事实不符。数以百计的人前来向总统遗体告别。

    The population figures of this district do not correlate with the facts . Hundreds come to pay their last respect to the dead president .

  7. 隔了三天他们给矮小的公爵夫人举行安魂祈祷,安德烈公爵和她的遗体告别时,走上了灵柩的阶梯。

    Three days afterwards the little princess was buried ; and Prince Andrey went to the steps of the tomb to take his last farewell of her .

  8. 我向父亲的遗体告别时把词典和笔放在父亲的那双大手里,那双手曾经是那样温暖,那双手曾经让他生活得很美满,但却从来没有学会写字。

    I bade Dad good-bye by placing them in those big hands , once so warm , which had lived so well , but had never learned to write .

  9. 对遗体的告别就是对上帝的尊重。

    That to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord .

  10. 去世的领导人的遗体安放在大教堂里,让人们向遗体告别。

    The body of the dead leader reposed in the cathedral for the people to pay their respects .