
líng chē
  • hearse;meat wagon;dead wagon
灵车 [líng chē]
  • [healse carriage;dead wagon] 运载灵柩或骨灰盒的车辆

灵车[líng chē]
  1. 随后查尔斯船长唱到:“如果你不想下一个死的是你,当灵车走过时绝不要笑。”

    And then Captain Charles sings , ' Don 't ever laugh when a hearse goes by or you will be the next to die . '

  2. 11月15日周六早上,约翰·索梅斯(JohnSommese)开着一辆租来的灵车,缓缓驶入稀落的车流,向停尸房开去。

    On Saturday morning , Nov. 15 , John Sommese settled into a rented hearse , eased into the sparse traffic and drove to the morgue .

  3. 运载纳尔逊·曼德拉遗体的灵车已到达他家所在部落奇努(Qunu)。

    A hearse carrying the body of Nelson Mandela has arrived home in his tribal village of Qunu .

  4. 送他出殡时,他的灵车跟在其他车子后面。

    At his funeral , his hearse followed the other cars .

  5. 黑色是灵车和出租车的颜色。

    Black 's the colour for a hearse or a taxi .

  6. 一辆灵车载着一年级被害人詹姆斯。马蒂·奥利的棺材缓缓驶出。

    A hearse carried the casket of first-grader James Mattioli .

  7. 灵车要一直滚到坟坑边。

    The hearse will drive directly up to the grave .

  8. 灵车在明天几点钟来取棺材?

    At what time will the hearse come for the coffin to-morrow ?

  9. 然后我就看到你们开着灵车过来。

    Then I saw this hearse coming up the drive .

  10. 黑色的由忧伤组成的灵车不再承载着你了。

    Not where the black coach of sorrow has take U.

  11. 因为你要记住灵车后面不会有搬家卡车

    Because remember this You 'll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse .

  12. 你开的是救护车不是灵车。

    You 're an ambulance not a hearse .

  13. 推车载着棺木来到灵车后部。

    The coffin was wheeled out and guided into the back of the hearse .

  14. 我需要借你的灵车。

    I need to borrow the hearse .

  15. 葬礼上满载着军勋与荣誉,包括传统的运送遗体的灵车。

    A funeral with full military honors traditionally includes a caisson to transport the body .

  16. 在她梦里灵车开到那个人住的地方。

    Ln her dream a hearse turns down the road to where the person lives .

  17. 我再说一遍灵车后面不会有搬家卡车

    I 'll say it again You 'll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse .

  18. 星期二,人群集聚在大急流城,期望能看上一眼带着福特总统棺材送往总统博物馆的灵车。

    Crowds gathered Tuesday in Grand Rapids to catch a glimpse of the hearse carrying Mr.

  19. 过了15分钟,卸载区的门开了,殡葬师将灵车对准门口。

    After 15 minutes , the dock opened up and the undertaker angled the hearse in .

  20. 把新生婴儿的啼哭阻挠,新婚的灵车被瘟疫糟蹋。

    Blasts the new born infant 's tear . And blights with plagues the marriage hearse .

  21. 背后的第二灵车是一个孤独的女子走了比特斗牛就一皮带。

    Behind the second hearse was a solitary woman walking a pit bull on a leash .

  22. 看着辆灵车。

    Look at the hearse .

  23. 他亲眼看见过灵车从小朋友家里开出来,还听见小朋友哭呢。

    He had seen the hearses move away from the house and heard his small friends sobbing .

  24. 灵车停下来,殡仪执事们兜着您的棺材结上一根绳子,把您吊下去。

    The hearse halts , the undertaker 's men knot a rope around your coffin and lower you down .

  25. 记得在送父亲上灵车时,让我真正体会到永远离开的意义。

    I recall that in his father sent the hearse , so I really appreciate the significance of leaving forever .

  26. 这位来自埃塞克斯郡罗姆福德附近的哈罗德山的纹身艺术家,在他闲暇时光里常常定做灵车。

    The tattoo artist from Harold Hill , near Romford in Essex , normally customises hearses in his spare time .

  27. 据了解,菲尔-比赛特是英国艾塞克斯郡哈罗德山市的一名纹身艺术家和前掘墓人,平时经常在业余时间为各种葬礼定制灵车。

    The tattoo artist from Harold Hill , near Romford in Essex , normally customises hearses in his spare time 。

  28. 阿旗队进行了赫里斯塔麦考利夫仍然从一到多佛空军基地在灵车飞机。

    A color guard carries the remains of Christa McAuliffe from a plane to a hearse at Dover Air Force Base .

  29. 最后,美国人搭乘他们最后一次车,躺在黑色的大灵车里,被送往公墓。

    Finally Americans take their " last car ride " - in the big black hearse which carries them to the cemetery .

  30. 丰田公司开始生产普锐斯灵车,他们说这种车比传统的燃气动力的灵车更环保。

    Toyota has begun production on a Prius Hearse which they say will be better for the environment than the traditional gas-powered hearse .