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  1. 你的人会少几个头被打破的。

    Your men will get a few more broken heads for their pains .

  2. 你看到这里有几个头?

    How many do you see at the tip ?

  3. 这几个头戴高帽、身穿燕尾服的洋人就是鸦片战争时侵略我国的英国侵略者;

    These men wearing tall hats and tailcoats are supposed to be the foreign aggressors .

  4. 止痛药的药效好几个锺头之仍未消失

    The effect of the painkilling drug didn 't wear off for several hours .

  5. 她知道汤姆口袋里还有一根整蜡烛和几个蜡烛头但他必须节约着用。

    She knew that Tom had a whole candle and three or four pieces in his pockets & yet he must economize .

  6. 他马上叫人把那几个法官的头砍掉。

    He immediately had their heads struck off .

  7. 对不起,先生。但我不能把暖气开大,因为有好几个人抱怨这里头太暖。

    I 'm sorry , sir , but I can 't turn up the heat because we 've had several complaints that it 's too warm in here .