
jǐ shí
  • what time;when
几时 [jǐ shí]
  • [when;what time] 什么时候,哪一天

  • 你几时来

几时[jǐ shí]
  1. 你几时起床?

    At what time do you get up ?

  2. 你们几时走?

    What time are you leaving ?

  3. 不知几时咱们能再见面!

    Who knows when we 'll meet again ?

  4. 你们几时需要,我几时到。

    I 'll come whenever you need me .

  5. 明月几时有,把酒问青天。

    When did the moon begin to shine ? | lifting my cup I ask of heaven .

  6. 肯尼?罗杰斯(KennyRogers)在通过百代(EMI)旗下的国会唱片公司(CapitolRecords)发行的一首歌中,这样低声吟唱道:“聪明的牌手知道何时叫牌,他懂得扣牌的时机,他还明白几时该重返牌局”。

    A WISE gamble involves knowing when to hold , when to fold and when to run , croons Kenny Rogers , an artist released through EMI 's Capitol Records .

  7. 你几时向逼迫我的人施行审判呢。

    When wilt thou execute judgment on them that persecute me ?

  8. 我不知道电视天线是几时给吹倒的。

    I don 't know when the TV aerial blew down .

  9. 耶和华阿,我们要等到几时呢?

    Relent , O Lord ! How long will it be ?

  10. 我几时才可如你一样写作?

    When shall I do exactly as what you can do ?

  11. 顺便问一句,您几时开立信用证呢?

    When do I have to open the letter of credit ?

  12. 你祖父昨夜几时去世的?

    What time did your grandfather go to glory last night ?

  13. 美丽的你几时再我看一看?

    When will you beautiful again , I take a look ?

  14. 我已经告诉病人几时去。

    and I 've told my patients when I 'm going .

  15. 我该几时来?星期二早上会更合适吗?

    When should I come ? Is Tuesday morning any better ?

  16. 你几时在纽约见过这种情况?

    When was the last time that happened in New York ?

  17. 唯一的问题是:几时倾盆?

    The only question is , when will the sky open ?

  18. 耶和华阿,这要到几时呢?你要将自己隐藏到永远吗?

    How long , O Lord ? Will you hide yourself forever ?

  19. 你告诉你母亲,几时来玩都行。

    You tell your mother it 's hers anytime she wants it .

  20. 耶和华阿,你忘记我要到几时呢。要到永远吗。

    1How long , O Lord ? Will you forget me forever ?

  21. 主阿,你看着不理,要到几时呢?

    O Lord , how long will you look on ?

  22. 选举的结果几时宣布?

    When will the results of the election be declared ?

  23. 您几时看到过我违背了您的教训?

    When have you found me false to your teaching ?

  24. 你掩面不顾我要到几时呢。

    How long will you hide your face from me ?

  25. 我几时骗过你,杰?

    Would I lie ? No , never to you , jer .

  26. 我上个月几时借一本书给你?

    B ︰ When did I lend you a book last month ?

  27. 我的派几时才能进烤箱?

    I 'm never going to get that pie in the oven !

  28. 寒来暑往几时休,光阴逐水流。

    As summer goes and winter comes , time flows like water .

  29. 亲爱的,你的胡萝卜几时好?

    Honey , you have an ETA on that carrot ?

  30. 几时可如大人坐飞机?

    When shall I fly on an airplane as a big guy ?