
  1. 她多待了几分钟,想跟尼克谈一谈。

    She lingered for a few minutes to talk to Nick .

  2. 每次我们得分,几分钟后便被追上。

    Each time we scored we were pegged back minutes later .

  3. 打电话后几分钟内救护车就到了。

    The ambulance arrived within minutes of the call being made .

  4. 煮几分钟把汤熬浓。

    Condense the soup by boiling it for several minutes .

  5. 几分钟后我们的眼睛就适应了黑暗。

    After a few minutes our eyes got used to the darkness .

  6. 几分钟就全部结束了。

    It was all over in a matter of minutes .

  7. 过了几分钟她才恢复知觉。

    It took her a few minutes to recover consciousness .

  8. 车站离这里有步行几分钟的路。

    The station is a few minutes ' walk away .

  9. 服用这种药的人说有持续几分钟的亢奋感觉。

    Users of the drug report experiencing a rush that lasts several minutes .

  10. 每次都要让茶泡上几分钟。

    Always let tea brew for a few minutes .

  11. 你应该能为我空出几分钟时间吧?

    Surely you can spare me a few minutes ?

  12. 他们彼此客套了几分钟。

    They exchanged banalities for a couple of minutes .

  13. 不消几分钟整个大楼便成了一片火海。

    Within minutes the whole building was blazing .

  14. 着火后只有几分钟火焰就蔓延到房子的各个部分。

    The flames spread to all parts of the house within minutes of ignition .

  15. 会议只开了几分钟。

    The meeting only lasted a few minutes .

  16. 几分钟后他的注意力就下降了。

    His concentration lapsed after a few minutes .

  17. 几分钟后消防队就到了现场。

    The fire brigade were there in minutes .

  18. 办事处所处的位置很方便,离总站仅有几分钟的路。

    The offices are conveniently located just a few minutes from the main station .

  19. 过了好几分钟她的眼睛才适应了黑暗。

    It took a few moments for her eyes to focus in the dark .

  20. 别生气——我不过晚了几分钟。

    Don 't get in a strop ─ I 'm only a few minutes late .

  21. 他们的视力用激光只要几分钟就可矫正。

    Their eyesight can be corrected in just a few minutes by the use of a laser .

  22. 所有最好的剧院和饭店相隔只有几分钟的路。

    All the best theatres and restaurants are situated within a few minutes ' walk of each other .

  23. 第一批记者在几分钟之内就涌到了实验室。

    The first reporters rolled up to the laboratory within minutes .

  24. 告诉她,我过几分钟就会给她回电话。

    Tell her I 'll ring back in a few minutes

  25. 几分钟之后他在走廊里意外碰到了克雷特纳。

    He ran into Krettner in the corridor a few minutes later .

  26. 把食物抹上面包屑后过几分钟就炸,这一点很重要。

    It is important that food be breaded just minutes before frying .

  27. 她坐在床上盯着时钟看了几分钟。

    For a few minutes she sat on her bed watching the clock

  28. 没几分钟,我就走开了,留下他们在那儿叽里咕噜地说个不停。

    After a minute or two I left them there jabbering away .

  29. 几分钟不到,大厅里就弥漫着呛人的烟雾了。

    Within minutes the hall was full of choking smoke .

  30. 我昏迷了几分钟。

    I suffered a black-out which lasted for several minutes .