
xī yǐn lì
  • attraction;affinity;seduction;magnetism;charm;pulling power;stickability;interest;allure;pull;punch;glitter
吸引力 [xī yǐn lì]
  • (1) [appeal;attraction;drawing power]∶吸引的能力,特指吸引交易或顾客的能力

  • (2) [attraction]∶即作用在带电相反的物体或磁化相反的物体之间倾向使它们拉在一起并阻止其分开的力

  1. 无人能比的彼得·亨宁格尔自然是主要的票房吸引力所在。

    The major box office attraction was , of course , the inimitable Peter Hunningale

  2. 最富吸引力的是热闹的市场。

    The main attraction was the bustling market .

  3. 这种游戏为什么具有经久不衰的吸引力呢?

    What is the reason for the game 's enduring appeal ?

  4. 城市对青年人有着强大的吸引力。

    Cities have a powerful magnetizing effect on young people .

  5. 这些广告把吸烟描绘得充满刺激和富有吸引力。

    The advertisements depict smoking as glamorous and attractive .

  6. 这家旅馆风格独特,极具吸引力。

    The hotel is full of charm and character .

  7. 对重视人际关系的人,护理工作很有吸引力。

    Nursing attracts people who place relationships high on their list of priorities .

  8. 月球对地球的吸引力引起潮汐。

    The moon exerts a force on the earth that causes the tides .

  9. 公司里全是些缺乏个性、毫无吸引力的男人。

    The company was full of faceless grey men who all looked the same .

  10. 水对多数孩子都有极大的吸引力。

    Water holds a fascination for most children .

  11. 在英国度假对我并不特别有吸引力。

    Spending the holidays in Britain wasn 't a prospect that I found particularly appealing .

  12. 这种生活对于一个20岁的年轻小伙子不大可能有吸引力。

    This sort of life is not calculated to appeal to a young man of 20 .

  13. 她现在是空中乘务员了,去国外旅行对她已失去吸引力。

    Now that she 's a flight attendant , foreign travel has lost its glamour for her .

  14. 即便对方的报价很有吸引力,他们也有可能拒绝进行交易。

    They may refuse to trade , even when offered attractive prices

  15. 大家都很熟悉电视屏幕的吸引力。

    Everyone is familiar with the TV screen 's hypnotic power .

  16. 经济变化本身对他并没有吸引力。

    Economic change for its own sake did not appeal to him

  17. 法律行业对年轻人的吸引力越来越大。

    A career in law is becoming increasingly attractive to young people

  18. 人有点吸引力和幽默感总是好的。

    A bit of charm and humour would not go amiss

  19. 对于去托斯卡纳东南部探险的人们来说,这两家酒店是很有吸引力的驻扎地。

    The two hotel-restaurants are attractive bases from which to explore southeast Tuscany

  20. 新的党名意在使该党对公众具有更强的吸引力。

    Its new title was meant to give the party greater public appeal

  21. 他是其中最没有吸引力的角色,至少对我来说是这样。

    He is the least appealing character , to me at any rate .

  22. 她极具吸引力,清幽如鬼魅,令人着迷,令人难忘,是个独具特色的演员。

    She is compelling , spectral , fascinating , an unforgettably unique performer .

  23. 除了他那些铁杆崇拜者外,这位将军对于其他人并无吸引力。

    The general was an unattractive man to all but his most ardent admirers

  24. 我们喝醉时感到异性更具吸引力。

    We find members of the opposite sex more attractive when under the influence .

  25. 市场对许多保险公司依然没有吸引力。

    The market is still unattractive to many insurers

  26. 红利股票的高收益率对私人投资者极具吸引力。

    The high yields available on the dividend shares made them attractive to private investors .

  27. 通货膨胀会更低,因此名义利率换算成实际利率会更具吸引力。

    Inflation would be lower and so nominal rates would be rather more attractive in real terms

  28. 品位高雅的批评家们轻蔑地表示,该节目“太深奥”,对多数观众没有吸引力。

    Highbrow critics sniff that the programme was ' too sophisticated ' to appeal to most viewers .

  29. 这些债券对个人投资者的主要吸引力在于其安全性,令人放心。

    The main appeal these bonds hold for individual investors is the safety and peace of mind they offer

  30. 邪恶具有吸引力。虽然人们憎恶它,但还是被它的力量所吸引。

    Evil has charisma . Though people are repulsed by it , they also are drawn to its power .