
xī chén jī
  • vacuum cleaner
  1. 我的吸尘机坏了,你可以修理吗?

    A.my vacuum is not working ; can you do something about it ?

  2. 今时今日,在巴西销售的吸尘机外型也要更加美观。

    Today , in Brazil , sales of vacuum cleaners have to look more beautiful .

  3. 吸尘机的多功能吸嘴,属于环卫机械领域。

    A multifunctional suction nozzle of a dust suction machine belongs to the field of environmental sanitation machinery .

  4. 现有一种吸尘机吸嘴较短或机身较大,对不同形状位置的尘埃不能有效地清洁。

    Because of a shorter suction nozzle and a larger machine body , the prior dust suction machine can not effectively remove dust in parts in different shapes .

  5. 在真空吸水箱内插装滤尘袋(12)时,即可作吸尘机用。

    When the dust filter bag ( 12 ) is inserted in the vacuum water suction box , the utility model can be used as a suction cleaner .

  6. 我想佩妮的意思是,想到你俩下矿井的画面挺有趣的,就像一只猫骑着自动吸尘机。

    I think what Penny meant is , the thought of you two in a mine is kind of funny , it 's like a cat riding a Roomba .

  7. 文章介绍了静电吸尘机的原理、结构以及影响吸尘效率的因素,并重点介绍了公路隧道采用静电吸尘的纵向通风方式以及隧道内静电吸尘站的布置方式。

    In this paper , it presents the principle and structure of electrostatic precipitator as well as the factors affecting the dust collecting efficiency , especially the longitudinal ventilation with electrostatic precipitator ( EP ) and its layouts .

  8. 家用吸尘器风机噪音产生的原因及降低噪音的方法

    Reason of the fan noise and the way of reducing the noise

  9. 他可以再学学使用吸尘器、洗衣机和其他家用电器。

    He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner , the washing machine and other household appliances .

  10. 家用电器类:电视机、空调、吸尘器、榨汁机、水壶、烤箱、风筒、焗油机、DVD及车载系列、音箱、开关及插座等。

    Home Appliances : TV , air-conditioner , cleaner , juicing machine , kettle , oven , wind cone , hair steamer , DVD and on-vehicle series , speaker , switches , sockets and etc.

  11. 吸尘器电风机系统的设计计算

    Design Calculation of Electric Blower Fan System in Vacuum Cleaner

  12. 家用真空吸尘器电风机

    Household vacuum cleaner-blower motor

  13. 吸尘器、缝纫机及其他家用电器等多用此种电动机。

    Vacuum cleaners , sewing machines and other household appliances , such as the use of such motor .

  14. 真空吸尘器的吹风机,割草机,是的,解放油罐车都需要摄入空气的正常工作。

    Vacuum cleaners to hair dryers to lawn mowers and yes ; cars , all require the intake of air to work properly .