
  • 网络harmfulness of smoking
  1. 吸烟危害健康。

    Smoking is a detriment to one 's health .

  2. 人们受到警告说吸烟危害健康。

    The warning says cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health .

  3. 现在吸烟危害健康已经是不争的事实。

    That smoking does harm to health is now beyond dispute .

  4. 不要让吸烟危害未出生婴儿的生命。

    Do not let smoking destroy the lives of unborn babies .

  5. 首先,吸烟危害人们健康。

    To start with , smoking endangers people 's health .

  6. 吸烟危害健康,这是事实。

    It is a fact that smoking is a danger to health .

  7. 目的在于提高民众对吸烟危害的重视。

    It aims to highlight the dangers of smoking around the world .

  8. 我们可以用很多事实来证明吸烟危害人体健康。

    We may use many facts to prove the smoking harm human body health .

  9. 大多数为轻度吸烟者,知道吸烟危害健康是促使学生戒烟的主要因素。

    Knowing smoking harms health was the main factor that encourage them to abandon smoking .

  10. 每个包装盒上都印有政府部门提醒公众注意吸烟危害健康的告诫。

    Government notice on each packet warms the public about the dangers of cigarette smoking .

  11. 目的:吸烟危害健康,它是许多心脏疾病的病因之一。

    Object : Smoking is harmful to health and it can induce many cardiac diseases .

  12. 政府关于吸烟危害的意旨似乎取得了意想的结果。

    The government 's message about the dangers of smoking seems to have struck home .

  13. 吸烟危害嗓音的客观观察

    Objective Voice Assessment of Cigarette Smoking

  14. 为什么吸烟危害您。

    How smoking harms you .

  15. 成都市区新生儿父母吸烟危害性知识及吸烟态度调查

    A survey of consciousness of hazard of smoking in parents of newborn and their attitudes towards smoking

  16. 卷烟烟气是极其复杂的混合物,而烟气中的有害成分又是导致吸烟危害健康的根本原因。

    Cigarettes smoke is extremely complex mixture . Harmful components of cigarettes smoke is the root cause hazardous for health .

  17. 这项新的研究证明,女性比男性遭受吸烟危害的风险更大。

    The new study findings that women may be more at risk than men for the damaging effects of smoking .

  18. 一名联邦法官称主要香烟制造商确实违反了欺诈法,并且在吸烟危害方面误导了公众。

    A federal judge says top cigarette makers did violate racketeering laws and misled the public about the dangers of smoking .

  19. 提示监测唾液中硫氰酸盐含量是评价被动吸烟危害的较直接和较灵敏的指标。

    The results indicate that the saliva thiocyanate detecting is a direct and sensitive index for evaluating the hazard of passive smoking .

  20. 香烟公司在为其产品做广告时,对那些潜在的消费者负有吸烟危害的注意义务。

    A cigarette company owes a duty of care to potential customers when advertising its product to warn of the dangers of smoking .

  21. 众所周知吸烟危害健康导致心血管病和肺病。

    The health risks of tobacco smoking are well known with regard to diseases of the heart , lungs , and blood vessels .

  22. 在与大烟草公司做斗争,保护美国人不受吸烟危害的过程中,罗登伯格是一名参议院的领导。

    Lautenberg is one of the Senate 's leaders when it comes to fighting Big tobacco and protecting Americans from the dangers of smoking .

  23. 经干预后,干预组学生对吸烟危害的正确认识和对吸烟行为的正确态度较前对照和内对照都有较大提高和改善。

    After intervention , the correct cognition to cigarette smoking of students had increased and the attitude towards smoking behaviors improved among the experimental group .

  24. 对吸烟危害健康的知晓率达到97.7%,表示愿意参加控烟健康教育的达到88.5%。

    Most students ( 97.9 % ) admitted the harm of smoking and about 88.5 % were willing to participate in health education of control smoking .

  25. 它还发现印度只有2%的吸烟者戒了烟&这可能反映了人们缺乏关于吸烟危害的意识。

    It also found that just two per cent of smokers in India have quit & possibly reflecting a lack of awareness regarding the dangers of smoking .

  26. 果不其然,该研究还发现烟民数量上升与吸烟危害认知不足有关。

    The study has also found , not surprisingly , a rising level of smokers coinciding with a low level of understanding about the consequences of smoking .

  27. 对香烟烟雾化学成分的认识率也高(P<0.01);吸烟危害性知晓率低(P<0.01);

    Smoking students had higher cognition on chemical compoment of tobacco smog ( P < 0.01 ) and lower awareness on smoking hazard ( P < 0.01 ) .

  28. 医学新生对吸烟危害健康的知识贫乏,广播/电视和报刊/杂志是获取知识的主要途径。

    New medical college students had poor knowledge of smoking hazards to health , radio / television and newspapers / magazines are the main way to acquire knowledge .

  29. 此外,室内公共场所经营者应当积极开展吸烟危害方面的健康宣传,并对提供戒烟服务做出安排。

    In addition , managers of indoor public areas should actively carry out health education about the harms of smoking , and arrange for smoking cessation services to be provided .

  30. 周三美国食品药品管理局发布了36幅健康警示图,给人们一个关于吸烟危害的更直观的认识,到2012年所有香烟包装上都将印有这些图片。

    The36 " graphic health warnings ," unveiled on Wednesday , aim to depict the negative effects of smoking , and they will be required on all cigarette packages in2012 .