
xī shōu zǔ zhī
  • absorptive tissue
  1. 大鼠牙移动性根吸收组织内组织蛋白酶K及白细胞介素6mRNA的表达

    Expression of cathepsin K and IL-6 mRNA in root-resorbing tissue during tooth movement in rats

  2. 结论DEI和白光技术等同步辐射成像技术可显示弱吸收组织及血管等微细结构,具有较好的应用前景。

    Conclusion The SR imaging technique including DEI and white light can be used for the identification of weak absorption tissue and minuteness of structure including blood vessels .

  3. 论文采用重叠灵敏度矩阵、面积比、重建图像、双吸收组织模型、不同深度下的信噪比等评价参数,对提出的多边形探头分布模型的性能进行评估。

    The overlapping sensitivity matrix , area ratio ( AR ), reconstruction image , two-absorber model , and contrast-to-noise ratio ( CNR ) in different depths are used to evaluate the performance of PG.

  4. IL-1,TNF-α参与大鼠牙根吸收的组织病理学研究

    A histopathological study of the role of IL-1 and TNF - α during mechanical inducing dental root resorption in the rat

  5. 目的:研究醋己氨酸锌(zincacexamate,ZA)在大鼠体内的吸收、组织分布、排泄等药代动力学特点。

    AIM : To study the pharmacokinetic character of zinc acexamate ( ZA ) in rats .

  6. 目的:探讨可吸收引导组织再生胶原膜(BME10-X)的生物相容性,构建引导组织再生膜。

    AIM : To evaluate the guided tissue regeneration collagen membrane ( BME10-X ) as tissue engineering scaffolds for periodontium formation .

  7. 骨组织吸收骨组织分解和吸收的过程。

    The process of dissolution and resorption of bony tissue .

  8. 醋己氨酸锌在大鼠体内的吸收、组织分布和排泄

    Absorption tissue distribution and excretion of zinc acexamate in rats

  9. 治疗过程中除对病人进行脉冲离子导入和轻微的电按摩作用外,还加入了红外线热辐射功能,可以加速药物离子的吸收和组织代谢,进一步提高治疗效果。

    In addition , the instrument makes use of infrared ray radiation to accelerate medicine ions assimilation and metabolizability , improving the treatment effect .

  10. 在组织文化方面,知识传播主要依赖组织的归属感,知识吸收依赖组织的宽容度、归属感和信任度。

    Knowledge transmitting mostly relies on the sense of affiliation in the organization while knowledge absorbing mainly relies on toleration , affiliation and trust .

  11. 说明消瘀止痛膏具有抑制创伤局部无菌性炎症反应、降低血液粘度、改善微循环、促进伤区血肿吸收和组织修复的作用。

    It was suggested that it could inhibit aseptic inflammatory reaction reduce the blood viscosity , improve blood circulation and benefit the repairing of soft tissue .

  12. 目的:探讨牙周膜成纤维细胞与可吸收引导组织再生膜生物相容性,为牙周组织工程中支架材料选择提供依据。

    Objective : To evaluate the biocompatibility on guided tissue regeneration membranes combined with cultured human periodontal ligament fibroblasts ( PDLFs ) in periodontal tissue engineering .

  13. 结论:冰黄消肿镇痛剂能较快消除肿胀、瘀斑,且具有良好的改善局部血液循环,促进伤区病变吸收和组织修复的作用。

    Conclusion : BHXZZTR can alleviate swelling and ecchymosis soon , improve local blood circulation , accelerate the absorption of pathological tissue and promote tissue repair .

  14. 同时也说明杂合模型不太适合模拟强吸收生物组织的漫反射光分布。

    At the same time , the results also demonstrate that the hybrid model is not suitable for simulating diffuse reflectance in biological tissue with strong absorption .

  15. 分析了差频选取、组织声吸收、组织弹性以及共焦换能器聚焦性能等几种重要因素对生物组织声发射的不同影响。

    The dependence of USAE in tissue on several important factors , including the choice of difference frequency , tissue absorption of sound , tissue elasticity and focusing performance of the confocal transducer , was discussed .

  16. 穆格拉比表示这3年间各派政府为了吸收民兵组织,都在赋予该组织权力,但是却无法进行控制或者让他们对自己的行为负责,因此人权境况愈加恶化。

    Mughrabi says human rights deteriorated through three years of various governments empowering militias in an effort to bring them into the mainstream , but not being able to control them or to hold them accountable for their actions .

  17. SJ-1型插销式附着体义齿支持组织的应力分析Ⅱ基牙牙槽骨不同程度吸收对支持组织应力分布的影响

    Effect of the abutments with reduced periodontal support on stress distribution of support tissue

  18. 超声介导TFO脂质超声微泡对TFO的细胞吸收率及组织因子表达的影响

    Effect of ultrasound-mediated triplex-forming oligonucleotide lipid ultrasonic microbubble on cellular absorption rate of TFO and expression of tissue factor

  19. 作为植骨材料,珊瑚颗粒较HA颗粒有更好的骨引导活性,能降解吸收为骨组织替代,而HAG不能吸收,影响骨改建。

    And coralline granules have better bone guided activity than HA granules . They can be absorbed and taken the place of by mature new bone , while HA granules can ' t.

  20. 结果表明,3-NPA具有经胃肠道吸收快,组织分布广泛、转化、消失较快的特点。

    It was shown that after administration to the rat , 3-NPA was quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract , widely distributed in the tissues , and fast excreted from the body .

  21. 动物的肽吸收机制及组织利用

    Absorption Mechanisms and Tissue Utilization of Peptide Nutrition in Animals

  22. 激光容积吸收对生物组织内双曲型导热的影晌

    Influence of volumetric absorption on the hyperbolic heat conduction in laser-irradiated tissue

  23. 智力资本、吸收能力与组织创新关系研究

    A Research on the Relationship Among Intellectual Capital , Absorptive Capacity and Organizational Innovation

  24. 企业家社会资本、吸收能力与组织动态能力&以小型科技企业为例

    Entrepreneur 's Social Capital , Absorptive Capability and Dynamic Capability & Taking Small Technological Enterprise as an Example

  25. 大鼠股骨骨折愈合中双能X线吸收法和组织学观察

    The observation of bone mineral density by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and histology during fracture healing at the femoral fracture site of rat

  26. 吸收能力是组织学习研究领域中的一个关键概念,自1990年以来已经被国内外学术界广泛使用。

    Absorptive capacity is a key concept in the field of organization learning , and it has been applied widely in domestic and foreign academy circles since1990s .

  27. 采用硝酸-高氯酸化学消化法,将待测标本消化为液态,用原子吸收法测定组织中银的含量。

    Adopt the nitric acid-perchloric acid chemical digestion method , digest the specimen to be tested into the liquid state , and measure Ag content of the tissue with the atomic absorption method upon the constant volume .

  28. 当羟基磷灰石被植入人体后伴随着被人体降解和吸收,骨组织在其内部生长,它的强度、刚度逐渐增加,最终成为活体骨的一部分。

    After the substitute are implanted into body , on one hand it will be absorption and biodegradation by body , on the other hand bone tissue grow in it , its strength and rigidity increases . Then it becomes a part of bone in vivo .

  29. 北京铁路分局工会在深入调研的基础上,以北京铁路职工培训中心为试点,把不同用工形式的进城务工人员吸收到工会组织中来,加大了维护其合法权益的力度。

    On the basis of a thorough investigation and study , different kinds of recruitment system have been tried out in Beijing railway staff training center , trade union organization in Beijing railway minor office has paid close attention to safeguard legitimate rights and interests of rural workers .

  30. 无序只有包含于组织中才能够导致复杂性,组织外的无序对组织的复杂性产生影响,但它不能导致组织的复杂性,只有被组织吸收,成为组织内的无序,才能构成复杂性。

    The disorder contained can only cause the complexity in the organization , disorder outside organization has the influence to organization complexity , but it cannot cause the organization the complexity , only if it is absorbed and in the organization , can the disorder constitute the complexity ;