
àn hóng
  • Dark red;dull-red
暗红[àn hóng]
  1. 集群核火球冷却到黄色,然后变成暗红。

    The collective nuclear fireballs cooled to yellow and then dull red .

  2. 大部分分布在YR色调系内,低明度范围(L~,V值较低)。呈偏黑色、暗红褐色的深材色树种。

    Most of these are in YR color and in low lightness .

  3. 暗红玫瑰:感激和谢意,“谢谢你!”

    Dark pink roses : appreciation and gratitude ," thank you !"

  4. 两道暗红的胎记,交叉而成斜十字。

    Two dark and red birthmarks cross but become inclined ten wordses .

  5. 舌质以暗、暗红、淡红、红舌较为多见。

    Dark , dark red , pink and red tongue were more common .

  6. 注意在纤维上有许多无规律暗红的呈波浪状的收缩带经过。

    Note the many irregular darker pink wavy contraction bands extending across the fibers .

  7. 它的颜色从暗红到棕褐色都有,视脂质的成分而定。

    It varies in color from dark red to tan , reflecting lipid content .

  8. 血的颜色是鲜红还是暗红?

    Was the blood bright ordark in colour ?

  9. 暗红里无数红宝石闪着微光。

    In the red darkness glinted innumerable rubies .

  10. 屏保中暗红的点表示已知的超新星遗迹。一类壳型超新星遗迹非热辐射含时模型的研究与应用

    Study and Application of a Temporal Model on the Multiwavelength Non-thermal Emission from Shell-type Supernova Remnants

  11. 舌苔主要为苔薄黄腻、质暗红、脉细滑。

    The tongue is dark red with thin yellow greasy coating and the pulse is thin slippery .

  12. 主要表现在:(1)血色暗红出现率增高。

    The main changes were : ( 1 ) The occurrence rate of sanguinolent red dark was increased ;

  13. 暗红甚至是灰色的梗死肠段与下部的粉红色正常肠段有着明显的区别。

    The dark red to grey infarcted bowel contrasts with the pale pink normal bowel at the bottom .

  14. 而贝拉里丝那张脸刚刚还是喜悦的红光满面,此刻却变得丑陋的暗红。

    Bellatrix 's face , so recently flushed wit happiness , had turned an ugly , blotchy red .

  15. 莫大的圆盘吊灯,紧贴着暗红的花梨木天花板,突显出豪华的气场。

    Besides , the big round droplight clung to the ceiling of bolarious rosewood , features the luxury aura ;

  16. 它的第一个生命是青绿的,第二个生命是焦黄的,第三个生命是暗红的。

    It 's the first life is green , second life is brown , the third life is dark .

  17. 舌象以暗红,红,紫暗,紫,暗,淡黯为主。

    Tongue with dark red , red , purple , dark purple , dark , light dark were most common .

  18. 木犊骇尽,骤然如跌在地上,嘴上掉下一个烟蒂,划一道暗红不见了。

    Mu Du , startled , nearly fell , the cigarette butt between his lips streaked dark red and disappeared .

  19. 近端股骨已被截肢并切成两半而在干骺端显露出一暗红黑色血肿。

    The proximal femur has been amputated and cut in half to reveal an irregular dark red-black hemorrhagic mass in the epiphyseal region .

  20. 麦草构筑的丰富色彩会吸引你的视线,不同颜色,包括紫红,暗红,绿色等的组合成为方的圆的,或者椭圆形的形状。

    Mats-straw-coloured as well as in eye-catching combinations of dark pink , purple and green – come in square , round and oval shapes .

  21. 廉署表示警员贪污问题未有恶化迹象。屏保中暗红的点表示已知的超新星遗迹。

    The ICAC noted there had not been any worsening of corruption among police . Dark red dots mark the locations of supernova remnants .

  22. 不同点:两组患者的一种舌质和两种舌苔的出现频率存在差异。即暗红舌、剥苔、白苔。

    The difference : Dark red tongue , strip tongue coating , white coating in two groups are different in the frequency of tongue coating .

  23. 当那一大片暗红的血朝一英里深的海里下沉并扩散的时候,它从水底深处上来了。

    He had come up from deep down in the water as the dark cloud of blood had settled and dispersed in the mile deep sea .

  24. M组右后肢肌肉、皮肤颜色稍暗红,温度稍低。

    In the group M , the color of right posterior limb muscle and skin was slightly dark red , and the temperature was slightly lower .

  25. 暗红的鲜血沿着颈上清晰的齿痕淌下,一滴一滴渗入脚下的雪,消失殆尽。

    The scarlet blood streamed down along the explicit teeth-print in the neck , permeated through the snow on the ground , and , finally , vanished .

  26. 因此,5类舌象按心功能指标的优劣排序,则为淡红舌>红舌>暗红舌>淡白舌>紫瘀舌。

    According to cardiac function index , the cardiac function displayed that : pale red tongue > red tongue > dark-red tongue > pale tongue > purplish tongue .

  27. 血瘀证证候表征常见胸痛、胸闷、舌色暗红、脉弦、乏力、失眠。

    In blood stasis syndrome commonly appeared symptoms are chest pain , chest tightness , dark red tongue , string pulse , spontaneous perspiration , fatigue , insomnia . 2 .

  28. 学生们跟他进去的地方又暗又热,实际上可以看见的东西都呈红色,像夏天午后闭上眼时眼里那种暗红。

    And in effect the sultry darkness into which the students now followed him was visible and crimson , like the darkness of closed eyes on a summer 's afternoon .

  29. 舌尖微循环观察畸形毛细血管襻增加,襻顶扩张瘀血,渗出明显,血色暗红,血液流态异常;

    Added macrocephalic capillary Ioops were observed in the tongue tip microcirculation with extension and blood stasis , obvious effusion , dark red blood and abnormal bloodflow pattern on their tops .

  30. 现在正是绿的时候,乔拉爵士同意,你该瞧瞧花开时的景象,满山遍野都是暗红的花,活像一片血海。

    Here and now , Ser Jorah agreed . You ought to see it when it blooms , all dark red flowers from horizon to horizon , like a sea of blood .