
  • 网络dark coniferous forest;dark conifer forest
  1. 长白山暗针叶林林隙形成木分布最多的径级是20cm~40cm,占林隙形成木总数的61%,云杉在暗针叶林的林隙形成中起主导作用。

    The DBH of most gap makers in dark coniferous forest in Changbai Mountain is between 20 and 40 cm , which accounts for 61 percent of total gap makers , within which spruce have a leading function in the formation of gap .

  2. 川西亚高山暗针叶林降水分配过程中氧稳定同位素特征

    Allocation of precipitation in a sub-alpine dark coniferous forest of Western Sichuan using stable oxygen isotopes

  3. 以卧龙亚高山暗针叶林为研究对象,分析了森林群落林隙的大小结构、形成方式及林隙形成木(GM)的结构特征。

    This paper studied the size structure and formation pattern of gaps and the characteristics of gap makers ( GM ) in subalpine dark coniferous forests in Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve , Sichuan Province , China .

  4. 在14000aBP~9000aBP间,宣化盆地是以油松为主的针阔混交林草原景观,海拔较高的山上还有云杉、冷杉组成的暗针叶林生长,推测当时的气候条件温凉湿润;

    During 14000 ~ 9000aBP the vegetation in the Basin was conifer and broad-leaves forests dominated by Pinus and grassland . In some high mountains , there was coniferous forest composed of Abies and Picea , the climate was cool and wet .

  5. 贡嘎山暗针叶林不同林型的优势木生长动态

    Growth dynamics of dominant tree species in dark coniferous forests on Gongga Mountain

  6. 长白山暗针叶林林冠空隙特征及其形成原因

    Characteristics and causes of canopy gap of dark coniferous forest in Changbai Mountain

  7. 贡嘎山亚高山暗针叶林的层片结构研究

    Studies on the synusia structure of the subalpine dark coniferous forests on Gongga Mountain

  8. 该暗针叶林系统主要树种峨眉冷杉叶片蒸腾速率的季节变化亦呈单峰型。

    Seasonal dynamics of leaf transpiration rate of Abies fabri also belongs to uni-peak-type .

  9. 气候变化对亚高山暗针叶林土壤温室气体排放的影响

    Effects of climate change on soil greenhouse gas emissions in subalpine dark coniferous forest

  10. 贡嘎山暗针叶林土壤优先流形成因素的初步研究

    Study of soil preferential flow in the dark coniferous forest of Gongga mountain , china

  11. 四川亚高山暗针叶林的起源及其基本特征的研究

    Studies on the Origin and the Basic Characteristics of Subalpine Dark Coniferous forests in Sichuan Region

  12. 也论我国西南高山地区暗针叶林下发育的土壤

    A discussion on the soil below dark coniferous forests of the high mountains in Southwest China

  13. 贡嘎山暗针叶林枯落物截留特征研究长白山暗针叶林苔藓枯落物层的降雨截留过程

    Studies on rainfall holding process of the bryophyte and litter layer in coniferous forest of Changbai Mountain

  14. 高海拔原始暗针叶林采伐迹地次生植被结构与物种多样性研究

    Study on Structure and Species Diversity of Secondary Vegetation on High Altitude Dark Coniferous Forest Cutting Land

  15. 对长白山暗针叶林林隙一般特征和干扰状况进行了研究。

    Gap characteristics and disturbance regime in a dark coniferous forest in Changbai mountain areas were studied .

  16. 有60.8%的科、22.3%的属、7.2%的种与长白山的典型暗针叶林相同,因此沙地云杉林仍然属于暗针叶林范畴。

    Furthermore , the spruce forest in sandy land was obviously different with typical dark coniferous forest .

  17. 长白山北坡阔叶红松林和暗针叶林的土壤水分物理性质

    Soil hydro-physical properties under broadleaved Korean pine and dark coniferous forests on northern slope of Changbai Mountains

  18. 长白山暗针叶林苔藓植物群落特征与林木更新的关系

    The relationship between the moss community characteristics and the regeneration in the dark coniferous forest of Changbai Mountain

  19. 本区暗针叶林土壤腐殖质层涵养水源作用最为明显。图1表2参15。

    The humus horizon of the dark coniferous forest soil has the highest water holding capability in this region .

  20. 前人对原始暗针叶林水文学的研究已相当丰富,内容涉及冠层截留、地被物持水特征、森林蒸发散、土壤入渗、根土作用层等诸多方面;

    The physical characteristics of water for moss , litters and soil have been studied extensively in primary coniferous forests ;

  21. 暗针叶林采伐迹地几种人工混交群落乔木层结构及动态

    Structures & dynamics of the tree layer of artificial mixed forests in clear cut areas of subalpine dark coniferous forests

  22. 四川卧龙亚高山暗针叶林土壤水的氢稳定同位素特征

    Characteristics of Hydrogen Stable Isotope in Soil Water of Sub _ Alpine Dark Coniferous Forest in Wolong , Sichuan Province

  23. 针叶林阔叶化改造的森林生态防火效果初报与现在该地森林处于山地常绿阔叶林与暗针叶林过渡地段,属暖温带气候相一致。

    Experiment on Ecological Firebreak of Broadleaved-oriented Transformation of Coniferous Forest This result is in correspondence to present forest types .

  24. 川西亚高山暗针叶林区更新苗高生长规律

    Regulations of fast growth of the regeneration seedlings in sub - Alpine dark coniferous forest of western part of Sichuan Province

  25. 川西亚高山暗针叶林恢复过程中群落物种组成和多样性的变化

    Changes of Species Composition and Diversity in the Restoration Process of Sub-Alpine Dark Brown Coniferous Forests in Western Sichuan , China

  26. 对长白山北坡苔藓红松暗针叶林中云冷杉倒木的分解及其养分元素的含量进行了研究。

    This paper reported the decomposition and nutrient content of fallen woods in the moss-Pinus koraiensis dark-conifer forest at North Slope of Changbai Mountain .

  27. 岷江上游暗针叶林采伐迹地人工混交林群落结构

    Structures of the artificial mixed forests in the clear cut area of subalpine dark coniferous forests on the upper branch of the Minjiang River

  28. 本文以贡嘎山东坡和九寨沟自然保护区的暗针叶林下发育的土壤为例,研究其发生学特征,运用中国土壤系统分类方法作了新的分类尝试。

    This paper takes the soils below dark coniferous forests on the east slope of Gongga Mountains and in the Jiuzhaigou natural protection regions as an example .

  29. 随着顺行演替的进行,林下箭竹的更新与生长发育状况逐步好转,至演替顶极暗针叶林阶段有所下降。

    And ④ the regeneration and development situation of bamboo taken progressively a turn for the better along with community succession , but lowed a little up to succession climax .

  30. 阿尔泰山的山地森林是西西伯利亚山地南泰加林在南端的延伸和楔入草原地带的北方暗针叶林的代表。

    Altaic Mountain forest not only is extension of West Siberia southern taiga in the south , but also is the characteristic of dark-coniferous boreal forest which extended grassland district .