
àn xiāng
  • Black box;camera obscura;camera bellows;magazine
暗箱 [àn xiāng]
  • [camera bellows;camera obscura] 照相机内部的空间,关闭时不透光,前面装镜头、快门,后部装胶片

暗箱[àn xiāng]
  1. 流动洗片暗箱在大骨节病病区应用效果分析

    Analysis of the Application Effect of Mobile Camera Bellows

  2. 假球、黑哨、暗箱操作、球场暴力及权力“越位”等违信现象,严重地阻碍着联赛市场化的发展。

    False ball , black whistle , camera bellows operation , ground violence and power " more " etc. These dishonest phenomena badly hamper the development of match market turning .

  3. 牙医声称政府正通过暗箱操作将牙医业私有化。

    Dentists claim the Government is privatising dentistry through the back door .

  4. 到17世纪后半叶时,小的手提式暗箱已经很普通了。

    By the later part of the sixteen hundreds , small hand-held camera OBSCURAS were commonplace .

  5. 但是中国的GDP是个暗箱,控制权在他们手中。

    But China 's GDP is a " black box , they control it . "

  6. 实验b组的大鼠光照6小时后在暗箱中喂养,且每天应用地塞米松。

    The rats in group b were maintained in dark box after 6 hours ' light exposure and given dexamethasone by intraperitoneal injection every day .

  7. 对大多数开发者来说,XSLT是一种暗箱操作。

    For most developers XSLT is a black-box operation .

  8. 美国总统乔治W布什暗箱操作,把决策权交给一小部分拍马逢迎之徒的做法,已彰显其害。

    US President George W.Bush has shown the dangers of excessive secrecy and confining decision-making to a narrow circle of sycophants .

  9. HavasMediaGroupUK首席执行官保罗•弗兰普顿(PaulFrampton)表示,它们是权力过大的“暗箱”。

    Paul Frampton , chief executive of Havas Media Group UK , says they are " black boxes " that have too much power .

  10. 在FACE(FreeAirCarbonDioxideEnrichment)平台上,采用静态暗箱气相色谱法观测研究了大气CO2浓度增加对稻田CH4和N2O排放的影响。

    Effects of elevated atmospheric CO 2 on CH 4 and N 2O emissions during the paddy rice-growing season were examined in a FACE ( free-air carbon dioxide enrichment ) study .

  11. 这意味着有可能利用TerahertzCT进行暗箱识别探测,该技术的原理在安全检查和无损探测等方面的应用有着广阔的前景。

    Therefore , it is possible to employ the principle of Terahertz CT to classify the target inside a black box . This implies potential applications is security inspection and nondestructive examination .

  12. 因缺乏必要参数的实际观测值,本文只能根据暗箱观测值计算CO2净交换通量的最小取值NEEmin。

    Because of lacking in observation data for some necessary parameters , e.g. , dark maintenance respiration coefficient , only the minimum value of NEE ( NEE min ) was calculated based on opaque-chamber measurements .

  13. 因为人们不认可Klout评分方法,质疑它在暗箱操作。

    Because outsiders were unsure of how scores were achieved , they questioned their validity .

  14. 由于经常批评富豪圈内的暗箱交易,香港公司治理倡导者大卫•韦伯(DavidWebb)成了广为人知的股市牛虻。

    David Webb 's Private Side : Value Investor David Webb , a Hong Kong corporate-governance advocate , has earned his gadfly reputation attacking the back-room dealings of the territory 's clubby tycoons .

  15. 方法用间氯苯哌嗪(mcpp)诱导产生焦虑,观察ddy小鼠和ICR小鼠在明暗箱的行为表现。

    METHODS The behavior activity of ddy and ICR mice in light-dark box was observed after sc m-chlorophenylpiperazine ( m CPP ) to induce anxiety .

  16. ddy小鼠替代大鼠的经济简便的抗焦虑药筛选改进模型&间氯苯哌嗪诱导的小鼠明暗箱焦虑模型

    MCPP-induced Anxiety Model in Light-dark Box in ddy Mice & A New Economic and Simple Method for Screening Anxiolytic Activity

  17. 实验采用EPM、明暗箱两个模型互参,从非条件反应模型角度观察环烯醚萜类成分对动物的抗焦虑作用,大大增加了药效学评价的可靠性。

    Experiments using EPM model and the mice light-dark box model to interaction parameters . Observation From the non-conditioned response model that stable antianxiety effect on animals of iridoids . Has greatly increased the pharmacodynamic evaluation of reliability .

  18. 我们真的要暗箱操纵亚利桑那?

    Do we really want to go dark in arizona ?

  19. 几种中药提取液对小鼠明暗箱行为干预的评价

    Effects of several herbal extracts on anxiety behavior of mice

  20. 选举工作几乎没有暗箱操作的可能。

    You could hardly accuse the vote of being stage-managed .

  21. 还有一部分刚果人则担心选举会被暗箱操作。

    Others have expressed fears the election will be rigged .

  22. 平衡影像是一个电子版本的影像暗箱。

    " A Parallel Image " is an electronic version of camera obscura .

  23. 加强采购部门的管理,防止暗箱操作等三个方面的对策。

    Strengthening the management of the purchasing department and preventing the unethical behavior .

  24. 专家称,很大一部分钱是暗箱操作,而且没有妥善支出。

    Much of the money is opaquely handled and poorly spent , experts say .

  25. 这种行为被称为暗箱操作,它会让我们白白花费一些没有必要的钱。

    This process is called earmarking , and it often results in unnecessary spending .

  26. 确保整个过程都是暗箱操作。

    Make sure the entire business is invisible .

  27. 手腕部X线摄影配套暗箱研制及应用价值分析

    An analysis on the development and application value of camera bellows for wrist X-ray photographs

  28. 其二,政府采购中信息公开、竞争公平,无法暗箱操作;

    Second , government procurement of information open , fair competition , not black-box operation ;

  29. 期间有很多政治上的暗箱操作,花了很多钱才摆平

    There was a lot of backroom politicking , a lot of buying people off .

  30. 暗箱:制版照相机上可以伸缩的部份,它连接起镜头和影像平面。

    Bellows : The folding portions which unite the lens and image plane of process cameras .