
jìn shì yǎn jìng
  • Myopia glasses;glasses for the myopia
  1. 这是一副近视眼镜。

    This is a pair of spectacles for nearsighted persons .

  2. 本文分析了望远近视眼镜的构造原理。

    The structural principle of telescopic and near-sighted eyeglasses is analyzed .

  3. 望远近视眼镜的原理与设计

    Principle and Design of Telescopic and Near-sighted Eyeglasses

  4. 你们化学老师是怎样一个人?他相貌平常,矮个子,戴深度近视眼镜。

    What 's your chemistry teacher like ? He is an ordinary little man with thick glasses .

  5. 这人就是李玉亭:中等身材,尖下巴,戴着程度很深的近视眼镜。

    The man , Li yu-ting , was of medium height , had a sharply pointed face and wore thick-lensed glasses .

  6. 如改用双焦点或渐进多焦点镜片可能有助于减轻视疲劳。渐进多焦点近视眼镜的临床应用

    Use bifocal or varifocal lenses may relieve the asthenopia . An clinical investigation on the effect of progressive lenses for juvenile myopes

  7. 他戴着深度近视眼镜,身材瘦小,但他有一套可以使他的课生动,有趣的奇妙方法。

    He was a little man with thick glasses , but he had a strange way of making his class lively and interesting .

  8. 十三世纪末,欧洲发明了可矫正视力的老花眼镜,稍后发明了近视眼镜。

    Europeans invented the presbyopic glasses in the13th century , which used to help people to rectify their vision . Subsequently , they invented the myopia glasses .

  9. 我们认为有着中度听力损失的人们,应该能够在柜台上买得起助听器,就像你在当地药房购买近视眼镜一样。

    We think people with moderate hearing loss should be able to buy a hearing aid over the counter as easily as you can buy reading glasses at your local pharmacy .

  10. 它可以自由的人从轻度近视戴眼镜或接触。

    It can free a person with mild nearsightedness from wearing glasses or contacts .

  11. 近视防治眼镜的研制

    Development of a Preventive Eyeglasses for Myopia

  12. 当今眼科LASIK手术成为近视眼患者摘除眼镜的最佳选择。

    Nowadays LASIK becomes the favorite choice to cure myopia .

  13. 但上海一名眼科主任诸仁远医生表示,LASIK是唯一能够让近视的成人摘掉眼镜的疗法。

    But a chief eye doctor in Shanghai , Dr. Chu Renyuan , has noted that that LASIK is the only therapy allowing adults with myopia to drop glasses .

  14. 现在不少近视患者配戴隐形眼镜。

    Now many nearsighted patient wear contact lenses .

  15. 眼睛有点近视,要戴眼镜?

    Eye of myopia , to wear glasses ?

  16. 近视的人配戴眼镜或是隐形眼镜是很自然的事情。

    It is natural that a person with poor eyesight should wear glasses or contact lens .

  17. 最引人注意的问题,如近视,可以矫正眼镜或隐形眼镜。

    Most eye problems , such as nearsightedness , can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses .

  18. 双光的一个矫正远视而另一个矫正近视的,如眼镜手术矫治近视性屈光参差后双眼视觉的远期效果观察

    Having one section that corrects for distant vision and another that corrects for near vision , as an eyeglass lens . The long-term clinical effects of binocular vision after LASIK in myopic anisometropia

  19. 配戴近距离阅读附加双焦点眼镜的近视青少年近视增长速度明显低于配戴单焦点普通近视眼镜的近视青少年患者。

    This study was to investigate whether the adolescent myopia can be controlled after they wear double-focus spectacles of near-distance reading addition .

  20. 有的人,自己是近视,父母也是;有的父母并不是近视,自己却戴上了近视眼镜。

    Some people , oneself are myopic , parents also is ; Some parents are not myopic , oneself wore spectacles for nearsighted persons however .