
Densely Underway Measurement of Surface Temperature and Salinity in Xiamen-Quanzhou Near-shore Area
The nutrient concentrations in the Changjiang River Estuary and adjacent coastal waters decreased from the nearby shore , and existed a wide range of the high value area from the Changjiang River mouth to Zhoushan Islands area all year round .
Understanding of the importance of seagrass ecosystems ought to be enhanced , in order to restore injured seagrass beds in the northern inshore areas of China .
It shown that the model fits for three-dimensional numerical forecasting of current field and water quality for the ocean engineering in estuarine and nearshore , so that some useful references could be provided for the hydrodynamic environmental parameters and impact evaluation of water quality .
The result shows that the intra-seasonal variability of SST is much significant in the northern ECS , the offing of the ECS and the YS , and it is influenced by solar radiation , topography , current , atmospheric intra-seasonal oscillation .