
jìn hǎi yú yè
  • Offshore Fisheries;inshore fishing
  1. 赤潮发生对近海渔业的影响及防治对策

    Effects of red tide on inshore fishing and its control

  2. 高效二次燃烧高效耐久型人工鱼礁与近海渔业

    High Effective and Long Life Artificial Fish Reef and Inshore Fisheries

  3. 加强近海渔业资源保护、确保资源持续利用&近海渔业资源监测研讨会纪要

    Strengthening Protection of Offshore Marine Resources and Ensuring Continued Utilization of Resources

  4. 韩国沿近海渔业资源开发利用现状及其发展方向

    The Status and Trends on Utilization of Offshore Fisheries Resources in Korea

  5. 近海渔业减船政策的经济学分析

    An Economics Analysis on the Policy of Reducing the Offshore Fishing Vessels

  6. 辽宁省近海渔业资源状况的初步研究

    Study on inshore fisheries resource of Liaoning province

  7. 基于持续高产的近海渔业双寡头捕捞策略

    Two Players ' Harvesting Strategies in Offshore Fishing Industry Based on Maximum Sustainable Yield

  8. 围填海工程对辽宁省近海渔业资源的影响及对策

    Impact of the sea reclamation on fishery resources in Liaoning offshore and corresponding countermeasures

  9. 中国近海渔业资源结构特点及演替的研究

    Studies on characteristics and successions of structure of fishery resources in the China Seas

  10. 地学在加拿大近海渔业生产和管理中的作用

    Geosciences in management of offshore fisheries of Canada

  11. 海口市近海渔业资源衰退的原因分析与对策建议

    Analysis of Cause of Decline of Fisheries Resources along the Coast of Haikou City

  12. 近海渔业安全救助通信网关键技术改进及实现

    Mend of the Key Technique of the Safe Salvage in Inshore Fishery Correspondence Net and Realization

  13. 闽台近海渔业管理目标的研究

    Study on the target of the fisheries management in the offshore waters of Fujian and Taiwan

  14. 这已成了西班牙最大的生态浩劫,造成近海渔业停顿,也污染了海滩。

    It has become spain 's worst ecological disaster ever , halting coastal fishing and polluting beaches .

  15. 分析了近海渔业资源捕捞过度的原因。

    Secondly , the thesis analyses the reason for the excessive fishing of inshore fishery resources . 2 .

  16. 近十年来,随着中国捕捞能力的不断膨胀,近海渔业资源迅速减少。

    With constant inflation of the fishing capacity in nearly a decade , inshore fishery resources have being reducing sharp in China .

  17. “零增长”措施是实现我国近海渔业资源实现可持续发展的第一步,但它离可持续发展的要求还相距较远。

    In this paper , it is pointed out that the sustainable utilization of fishery resources represents a major direction in the world fishery development .

  18. 基于此,本文按近海渔业资源可持续捕捞的原则,提出了休渔制度的改革思路。

    The paper also put forward some thinking to reform the fishing-ban system in compliance with the principle which fishery resources can be sustainable fishing .

  19. 根据辽宁省海洋渔业资源调查与统计资料,分析了辽宁省近海渔业资源结构。

    Based on marine fishery resources investigation and fishery statistics data in Liaoning province , an analysis of the structure of offshore fishery resources was made .

  20. 开展人工鱼礁建设事业,可修复近海渔业资源,改善海洋生态环境,已成为国内外普遍采用的一种增殖和修复渔业资源的方式。

    Developing artificial reefs construction which still can repair inshore fishery resources and improve marine ecological environment has become a common way of proliferation and restoration of fishery resources .

  21. 地学在近海渔业管理中的应用虽是个刚刚兴起的研究领域,但已向人们展示了它令人振奋的成果。

    Exciting achievement has been acquired in the application of geosciences to production and management of offshore fisheries ( GPMOF ) although the application is just at its tentative stage .

  22. 除了是高雄新耶近海渔业中心,嘛是一耶观光点、嘛是有乎家庭野餐、鱼耶公园。

    In addition to being the new hub of the fishery industry , the harbor also serves as a tourist attraction and also a park for family picnics or barbecue .

  23. 本文对我国近海渔业资源捕捞现状进行分析,指出近海渔业资源捕捞过度的深层原因,并提出相应的对策建议。

    This paper analyses present over fishing condition of the coastal fishery resources , points out the direct causes and the root causes by related economic theories and puts forward some countermeasures .

  24. 随着人们对于鱼类蛋白质需求的不断增长以及海洋渔业资源尤其是近海渔业资源的日益衰退,海水网箱养殖业得到迅速发展,并正成为海洋渔业的一个新的增长点。

    With the demand increasing for fish and decline of the ocean fisheries resource ( especially the inshore fisheries resource ), cage aquiculture is becoming a new increasing point of the ocean fishery and develops rapidly .

  25. 近海渔业环境中的重金属污染问题引起广泛的重视,成为海洋资源与环境研究中的重要内容,重金属对水产品质量的影响也受到越来越多的关注。

    Heavy metal pollution in piscatorial environment has aroused extensive attention , and it becomes the main matter as the ocean resources and environment research , and it has received more and more attention about the affect that heavy metals to the seafood .

  26. 超短波无线通信是近海渔业的主要通信方式之一,超短波电台是近海渔业通信中使用的主要通信设备。

    VHF radio communication is one of the main communication methods of offshore fishing , and VHF radio is the major communication equipment used in offshore fishery communications . Most of the available fishing VHF radios are designed based on analogue technology communication system .

  27. 本文根据近海渔业资源衰退的实际,有针对性地提出渔业和渔业资源管理具体措施和建议,主要是:(1)削减捕捞力量,优化捕捞作业结构;

    In this paper , the measure and proposal of the fisheries and fisheries resources management was put forward by the fisheries resource deline condition in the offshore waters of Fujian . They are : ( 1 ) Reduced the fishing effort and selected fine structure of fishing operation .

  28. 赤潮已对浙江近海的渔业和养殖业构成严重威胁。

    Red tides constitute a threat against fisheries and cultivating fisheries off Zhejiang coast .

  29. 浙江沿岸和近海渔场渔业资源结构变化的探讨

    Studies on the Compositive Change of Fishery Resources in the Coastal and Off-shors Sea Areas of Zhejiang

  30. 长江径流对河口及邻近海区渔业影响的初步研究

    Preliminary studies on the influence of Changjiang River Runoff on the Fisheries of Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent sea areas