
hǎi yánɡ bǎo hù
  • Marine protection;conservation of ocean
  1. 这个新建的海洋保护区现在是太平洋上最大的这里将不允许捕鱼和采矿。

    The new marine reserve , now the largest in the Pacific , will permit no fishing or mining .

  2. 这是世界上所有国家中为建立海洋保护专属经济区所划拨的最高比例。

    That 's the highest percentage of an exclusive economic zone devoted to marine conservation by any country in the world .

  3. 参议员霍肯斯·鲍勒斯是帕劳《国家海洋保护区法案》的主要发起人,他说保护区将“通过守信我们过去的保护传统,给帕劳人民建立一个安全的未来”。

    Senator Hokkons Baules , lead sponsor of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary Act , said the sanctuary will " help build a allocate future for the Palauan people by honoring the conservation traditions of our past " .

  4. 运行着这里最先进的基地的韩国正加大其对南冰洋磷虾捕获量。而最近,俄罗斯倾尽全力阻止在这创建世界最大海洋保护区之一的各种努力。

    South Korea , which operates state-of – the-art bases here , is increasing its fishing of krill , found in abundance in the Southern Ocean , while Russia recently frustrated efforts to create one of the world 's largest ocean sanctuaries here .

  5. 为了避免这种情况,Stevens建议在海湾建立海洋保护区。

    To avoid that , Stevens has proposed turning the bay into a marine sanctuary .

  6. 来自南极和南大洋联盟(AntarcticandSouthernOceanCoalition)的代表马克·爱泼斯坦(MarkEpstein)表示,从会议的情况来看,很明显,绝大多数代表支持设立海洋保护区。

    Mark Epstein , a delegate from the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition , said it was clear from the meetings that the vast majority of delegates supported marine reserves .

  7. 优质燕窝可卖到每克155美元,比银子还贵,而据澳大利亚海洋保护学会(AustralianMarineConservationSociety)称,鱼翅售价可高达每千克700美元。

    Premium birds ' nest can command $ 155 a gram , making it more expensive than silver , while shark fin can fetch up to $ 700 a kilogram , according to the Australian Marine Conservation Society .

  8. 马尔代夫的新总统已发誓要加强群岛的海洋保护,但他的政府迄今迟迟没有响应Stevens的想法。

    A new Maldives president has vowed to strengthen the archipelago 's marine protections , but his government has so far been slow to respond to Stevens 's idea .

  9. 在太平洋沿岸一侧,热点旅游地是islacoiba,这块与世隔绝的海洋保护区过去是臭名昭著的监狱群,最后一名囚犯直到2005年才获释。

    On the Pacific side , the hot destination is Isla coiba , an isolated marine reserve that was a notorious prison colony until the last inmate was released in 2005 .

  10. 天妃以前的海洋保护神&白鹤崇和大帝赵炳

    The Former Ocean God & Whire Crane Mountain and Emperor Zhao Bing

  11. 我们就海洋保护区如何发挥功能进行了实质性的交流。

    There have been substantive conversations around how marine protected areas should function .

  12. 加勒比海海洋保护区的娱乐性水下呼吸器潜水活动:使用者支付费用吗?

    Recreational scuba diving in Caribbean marine protected areas : do the users pay ?

  13. 双方还就伊朗核问题、南极海洋保护等问题交换了意见。

    The two sides also exchanged views on the Iranian nuclear issue and Antarctic marine protection .

  14. 第二部分主要介绍海洋保护区的分类,国内外发展情况及特点。

    The second major part is about marine reserves classification and domestic and international developments and features .

  15. 阿拉斯加海洋保护理事会

    Alaska Marine Conservation Council

  16. 颜色鲜艳的圣达哥濑鱼吸引世界各地的潜水爱好者来到普奈茨海洋保护区。

    Undisturbed species like Sandager 's wrasse attract sport divers from around the globe to Poor Knights reserve .

  17. 继续在海事安全、治安和海洋保护领域寻求进行双边合作的机会。

    Continue to seek opportunities for bilateral cooperation in the areas of maritime safety , security , and stewardship .

  18. 有些环保人士同意,布什揭开了美国海洋保护的新时代。

    And some environmentalists agree he has ushered in a new era of ocean conservation in the United States .

  19. 作为海洋保护的重要课题之一,海岸线分类吸引了越来越多的研究者。

    As one of the important topic of marine protection , coastline classification has attracted a growing number of researchers .

  20. 并且这些鱼都来自于海洋保护区里的原始海域,所以不能将其归咎于污染。

    And the fish were caught in the pristine waters of a marine sanctuary , so pollution wasn 't to blame .

  21. 欧洲海洋保护组织表示,这些照片让他们“震撼、悲伤和生气,但并不惊讶。”

    Conservationists Oceana Europe said the photos had left them " shocked , sad and angry , but not surprised . "

  22. 美国将非常乐于为这项努力提供帮助,并欢迎东亚峰会未来注重海洋保护工作。

    The United States would be pleased to assist this effort and would welcome a future focus on marine conservation by the EAS .

  23. 它上月正式对外开放,拥有9座别墅,建在一座面积86英亩、人迹罕至的岛上,四周就是海洋保护区。

    It opened last month and offers nine villas , set on an otherwise uninhabited 86-acre Island , surrounded by a marine sanctuary .

  24. 他是麦克阿瑟天才奖获奖科学家及作家,2003年与人合作创立了海洋保护机构蓝色海洋研究所。

    He 's a MacArthur Prize-winning scientist and author who co-founded the Blue Ocean Institute in 2003 with the goal of protecting Earths oceans .

  25. 我们希望藉合办这次挑战赛,深化与世界自然基金会的合作关系,同时加强本港学校对海洋保护的关注,罗博士说。

    We wish to further deepen our relationship with WWF by co-organizing this contest to enhance local schools awareness in marine conservation , she said .

  26. 国际净滩日行动不同于一般的海岸清理活动,而是与美国的海洋保护组织相关的海滩废弃物监测计划。

    Different from general coastal cleanup activities , ICC is associated with a beach waste monitoring program operated by the U.S. - based Ocean Conservancy .

  27. 海洋保护组织珊瑚礁环境教育基金会的洛德埃金斯说,这些贪吃的鱼会吃掉途经的一切生物。

    These ravenous fish eat everything in their path , says Lad Akins , with the marine conservation group Reef Environmental Education Foundation ( REEF ) .

  28. 妈祖是中国的海洋保护神,从宋朝起,为历朝所推崇,形成中国特有的妈祖文化。

    Mazu is the Oceanic Protection Manito of China and has been canonized since Song Dynasty when the unique Mazu Culture of China came into being .

  29. 潜水队发现的垃圾最多的地方在科奇诺斯群岛海洋保护区方向,距离罗阿坦岛海滩15英里处。

    The worst of the rubbish the dive team found was about 15 miles off the coast of Roatan heading towards the Cayos Cochinos Marine Reserve .

  30. 我们与该会曾合作进行多个性质不同的海洋保护项目,向本公司职员和市民推广环保意识,并教育他们如何保护环境。

    We have cooperated with WWF in different marine protection projects to promote and educate both our staff and the public to care for our environment .