
  • 网络Seawater quality;sea water quality
  1. 小海湾所有样品中镍的浓度超出了海水质量标准(GB3097-1997)的一级标准。

    Concentrations of nickel in all sites from Xiaohai Lagoon exceeded the Grade 1 of sea water quality standard ( GB 3097-1997 ) .

  2. 应用最新的海洋模式数据,研究了海水质量再分布对地球动力学扁率变化(δJ2)的影响。

    Based on the most recently global numerical ocean models , the effect of oceanic mass redistribution on the Earth 's oblateness variation is examined .

  3. 近岸海水质量量化方法及分类评价

    Quantification methods of coastal water quality and classified evaluation for offshore

  4. 厦门东侧海域表层海水质量现状与评价

    Assessment on present status of seawater quality in eastern sea area of Xiamen

  5. 秦皇岛港10年海水质量状况回顾

    Review of Ten-year 's Seawater Quality of Qinhuangdao Port

  6. 全球海水质量季节变化研究

    Study on seasonal variations of global ocean mass

  7. 通过比较,可以看出,海水质量变化可以部分解释1998年以来地球动力学扁率的异常变化。

    The result suggests that the oceanic mass redistribution can partly explain the abnormal variation of the Earth 's oblateness from 1998 .

  8. 大气、陆地水储量和海水质量分布变化与地球低阶引力场球谐系数的关系

    Changes of Atmosphere , Continental Water and Oceanic Mass Distribution in Relation with Low Degree Harmonic Coefficients in the Earth 's Gravitational Field

  9. 基于全球海洋数值模式,估计了海水质量非潮汐变化对低阶地球引力场季节性变化的贡献。

    Based on the global numerical ocean models , the contributions of nontidal oceanic mass change to the seasonal variations in the low-degree Earth 's gravitational field are estimated .

  10. 本文讨论海水质量守恒改正和等潮图的差异对计算负荷效应的影响,并研制海潮主要分波的球谐模型。

    This paper deals with the effects of conservation of mass and discrepancy of cotidal charts on Loading tidal computations , and handles the spherical harmonic model of the main constituents of ocean tide .

  11. 然而社会发展也使大量的污染物排入海中,导致海水质量下降,这必然影响到海参和鲍鱼体内有害重金属含量。

    However , with the social development a lot of pollutants were discharged into the sea , resulting in decreased water quality and inevitably affecting the contents of harmful heavy metals in sea cucumber and abalone .

  12. 粪便污染带来的有机物、致病菌等,不仅降低海水质量,影响海水养殖业,同时也给人类的健康带来威胁。

    It will degrade water quality and influence seawater breed aquatics , as well as recreational activities , such as pathogens associated with fecal pollution can lead to human disease and economic losses in industries that depend on coastal waters .

  13. 利用GRACE卫星观测得到的重力场系数变化资料及重力卫星测高得到的海平面变化扣除由模式得到的热容海平面变化,研究了海水的质量变化。

    Using the data of gravity field parameter variations observed by GRACE , and mean sea level variations observed by satellite altimetry removed steric sea level changes calculated from the numerical ocean models , global ocean mass change is studied .

  14. 湄洲湾海水环境质量和水产业发展的关系

    Relationship between the marine environment and fishery resources in Meizhou Bay

  15. 大连湾海水环境质量状况分析

    Analysis on sea water quality status in Dalian Bay

  16. 海水环境质量评价的灰色聚类法

    Grey classification method of assessment on seawater environmental quality

  17. 从实际水样测定结果发现,溶解性钒在南海北部表层海水的质量浓度为1.56μg/dm~3,随深度增加则浓度渐增。

    The vanadium concentration is 1.56 μ g / dm ~ 3 in surface waters of the South China Sea , slightly higher at greater depths .

  18. 结论:陆源性生活型污染物的污染是影响梅沙浴场海水卫生质量的主要因素。

    Objective : To search the basic reason that influence the sea water sanitation quality of Shenzhen Dameisha and Xiaomeisha bathing beaches , and to find the strategy for reply .

  19. 结果显示:监测海域表层海水环境质量较好,水质综合质量指数为0.55,主要污染物为活性磷酸盐,个别站无机氮超标。

    The results showed that the surveyed sea water quality was generally good ( Integrated Quality Index 0.55 ), the main pollutant was PO_4-P and DIN was over the standard at a few stations ;

  20. 中国海水养殖环境质量及其生态修复技术研究进展

    Development of Water Quality for Mariculture and in Its Ecology Rehabilitation Technology in China

  21. 中国系列标准海水制备与质量评价膨润土系列防水材料

    Preparation and Quality Evaluation of the Series of China Standard Seawater

  22. 核能海水淡化源蒸汽质量流量的测量与新的密度补偿式

    Measurement for mass flow of low pressure saturated steam in nuclear seawater desalination and a new density compensation formula

  23. 加强青少年探险者们在测量该领域海水的温差、含盐量和海水质量及沉淀物方面获取实际的学识。

    Enhance Young Explorers to acquire practical learning , in the field of measuring temperature differences , salinity and quality of the water and sediments in this region .