
hǎi shí
  • marine abrasion;wave erosion;marine corrosion
海蚀 [hǎi shí]
  • [marine abrasion] 波浪使沉积物移动,因而引起海底发生的侵蚀

海蚀[hǎi shí]
  1. 客观存在和海蚀地貌融为一体,形成了具有极高美学价值的自然景观。

    They are connected with the marine abrasion landform that forms the scenery with very high aesthetic value .

  2. 岛的南部沿岸海蚀地貌发育,海蚀崖高达30~50m,海蚀平台宽20~70m,有35个大小不等海蚀洞。

    The abrasion forms , such as sea cliff as high as 30 ~ 50m , abrasion platform as wide as 20 ~ 70m and sea cave ( a total of 35 caves ), are developed along the south coast of the island .

  3. 石老人海蚀柱岩体稳定性评价

    Evaluation of the stability of " shilaoren " wave-erosion rock column

  4. 鲁东南和苏北北部沿海地区海蚀遗迹的发现

    Discovery of wave-cut remains in offshore areas of southeastern Shandong and Northern Jiangsu

  5. 漳浦游抽象画廊看海蚀奇景

    Zhangpu walking along Abstract Gallery seeing sea erosion wonder

  6. 应该是一种海蚀地貌吧?

    Should be considered marine-abrasion topography , right ?

  7. 渤海沿岸现代海蚀机制及危害与对策

    Recent marine erosion along the coast of the Bohai sea , its harms and our countermeasures

  8. 厦门西港鳗尾沙淤积区的沉积物为孤丘海蚀残积物及粉砂质泥。

    Sediments in Man-Wei-Sha siltation regions of Xiamen west harbour are sea erosion remains of hills and silty mud .

  9. 平潭岛海蚀花岗岩地貌&兼述花岗岩地貌的系列研究和创新

    Marine erosional granite landforms on Pingtan Island & with a discussion of the series study of granite landforms and its innovation

  10. 出露地表之上被称之为海蚀柱的岩石是华盛顿州奥林匹克国家公园太平洋沿岸鸟类和其他动物的家园。

    Rock outcroppings called sea stacks are home to birds and other animals on the Pacific shore of Washington 's Olympic National Park .

  11. 退潮得海蚀平台可让人们赤止戏水观看潮间带生物,各种奇岩怪石要好好发挥想像力。

    During the ebb , one can step on the abrasion platform to see the strand plants and all the different rocks and stones .

  12. 大连地区具有山地丘陵台地海蚀阶地组成的现代地貌类型及其结构;

    The DaLian area have the latest type and structure of landform that consist of mountain , hills , mesa , marine corrosion land .

  13. 虽然现在它是一个海蚀洞穴,但其历史是由火山活动造就的天然熔洞,火山活动给它留下了一个与众不同的人造外貌。

    Though it is a sea cave now , its history is volcanic in nature , and left it with an unusually man-made appearance .

  14. 这些沙岩和砾石形成的海蚀柱是在冰河世纪后期冰川肆虐的时候残存下来的,并且呈现出历经数世纪海潮侵蚀的沧桑之貌。

    These sandstone-and-conglomerate sea stacks were spared during the glacial sweep of the last ice age , but bear the effects of centuries of tidal erosion .

  15. 岸边坚硬的礁石,经海水作用形成奇特的海蚀穴、海蚀桥、海蚀崖等。

    And the hard rock at shore , which is formed by the sea water , form strange sea caves , sea bridge , sea cliffs and so on .

  16. 这一带地层,由砂岩堆积而成,受海浪长期的侵蚀和风化,在海边,形成陡直的海蚀崖及宽平的岩床。

    The band formation , formed by the accumulation of sand , long-term erosion by waves and weathering in the sea , forming steep cliffs and wide flat rock bed .

  17. 象鼻崖位于西贡桥咀岛(地质公园)南端大岩嘴附近有象鼻洞、倒吊蜡烛、达摩洞三个海蚀洞。

    Elephant trunk cliff in Sai Kung Kiu Tsui Island ( Geological Park ) south large rock cave mouth with Elephant trunk cave , hung upside down candle cave and Dharma Cave .

  18. 波切台的表面较平坦,其上常覆有沙、砾等海积物,或残留有较坚硬岩石形成的海蚀柱、海穹等海蚀地形。

    Hakiri Taiwan 's surface relatively flat , on which often covered with sand , gravel and other sea sediments or residues have a more hard rock columns formed by marine erosion , sea Qiong sea erosion .

  19. 连云港现代构造地貌的发育、海蚀地貌在云台山区的垂直分布,以及海岸线的位置变动,反映出新构造运动在局部地区的运动强度、方向和发展过程。

    The evolution of the modern tectonic geomorphology in Lianyungang , the upright distributing of the sea erosion geomorphology at Yuntai mountain area , and change of the coastline reflect neotectonic movements intension , direction and the course of development in parts of an area .