
cháo zhǎng
  • tide bulge
潮涨[cháo zhǎng]
  1. 59潮涨必有潮落时。

    59 every tide hath its ebb .

  2. 三天后我们就出发,月圆之夜,潮涨之时。

    We move out in three days , when the moon is full and the tide is high .

  3. 人的一生如同大海:人来了又去,潮涨了又落。这就是全部历史。

    The course of life is like the sea : men come and go ; tide rises and falls ; and that is all of history .

  4. 潮涨时,附近海军基地的水兵到来,说可以把飞机拖上沙滩,但那两名守衞警告他们不要走近。

    When the sea began to come in , sailors from a nearby naval base came and offered to drag the plane up the beach , but the two guards warned them off .

  5. 并且今天又是诺第留斯号在这一带海面停留的最后一天了,因为照尼摩船长的诺言,在明天潮涨的时候,船就要浮出去了。

    Besides , it was the last day the Nautilus would spend in these waterways , if , tomorrow , it still floated off to the open sea as Captain Nemo had promised .

  6. 牛顿认识到,为了使物体运动,无论是一个苹果从树上落下,还是海洋中的潮涨,都得有一种力存在。

    Newton realized that in order to get an object to move , whether it was an apple that fell out of a tree or the tides that rose in the oceans , there had to be a force present .

  7. 潮在涨,我们的犯罪现场却在下沉。

    The tide is rising and we have a sinking crime scene .

  8. 例如看着潮汐随着潮退潮涨而改变,真是奇妙无比的。

    For example , it 's amazing to see the way a tidal pool changes with the tide .

  9. 通常会有上千名观潮者挤上海宁或萧山的堤岸来观潮,潮可以涨到9米高。

    Normally , thousands of visitors of Haining or Xiaoshan to watch the waves , which can swell up to9 meters high .

  10. 感潮河涌涨落潮期间的污染物浓度和水位变化呈现显著负相关,落潮和涨潮期间污染物浓度比率为1.2~2.2;

    Trend of pollutant concentrations showed significant negative correlation to those of the water level , and the pollutant concentration ratio of low-to-high water level was1.2 to2.2 .

  11. 在人生之路上,我有很明显的因果报应意识,即潮会涨也会退,而你必须做的主要事情就是影响自己在大潮上所处的位置。

    As I go about my life , there is a clear sense of Karma , that the tide is going to come and go and the main thing you have to do is influence where you are on the tide .

  12. 因为你的眼睛就是海,永远有泪潮在那儿涨退;

    For still thy eyes , which I may call the sea , Do ebb and flow with tears ;

  13. 潮落和潮涨在海滩上留下许多稀奇古怪的东西。

    The ebb and flow of the tide leaves many strange things on the beach .

  14. 感潮河道、感潮河口、潮港.河水涨到跟河岸相平了。

    A tidal river , estuary , harbour , etc The water is coming up to the bank .

  15. 那些在潮退时看似被石块盖掩着的杂草,在潮涨时却会变成彩色缤纷的珊瑚,与海葵一起随着水流荡漾。

    What looks like rock-covered clusters of dark weeds at low tide will become a colorful coral with sea anemones waving in the currents at high tide .