- tidal flat

Influence of Tidal Flat Plant on Contents of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in North Jiangsu Province
B. the washout zone of middle tidal flat ;
Distribution and Exchanging Characteristics of Porewater Nutrients in Tidal Sediments-Water Interface
The Spatial Analysis of Erosion and Deposition of Tidal-Flat by GIS
Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotopes as Tracers to Source Organic Matter in the Yangtze Estuary
The pH ranges from 3.0 to 6.9.The developmental models are mainly to plant rice and to develop aquiculture .
Compared with sediment criteria , the heavy metals pollution mainly are Cu Pb and Zn .
~ ( 210 ) Pb as a Tracer for the Tidal Flat Sedimentation in the Southern Hangzhou Bay
Effect of benthic alga on ammonium flux in the intertidal sediment-water interface
Distribution of Poly chlorinated Organic Compound in Yangtze Estuary and its Correlation with TOC and Particle Size
The results had shown that the different input sources and the hydrodynamic conditions were the main factors controlling the spatio-temporal variations of total phosphorus .
Clinical Value of Prenatal Care with Different Methods on Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy ; Tidal Flat Erosion-deposition Observation Methods and Research of Real-time Observation System
The analysis of PAHs in 14 surface sediments of tidal flats of the Yangtze Estuary showed that total PAHs concentration ranged from 0.263 to 6.372mg/kg .
Study on Model of Surface Sediment Humidity on Tidal Flat Based on Remote Sensing Image of TM & A Case Study of Radial Sands Banks in Jiangsu Province , China
Distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) and organochlorine pesticides ( OCPs ) in the tidal beach surface sediments of Yangtze estuary
Retention Effect of Wetland for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrients in the Coastal Zone of the Yancheng The main aim of this thesis is to research the transporting regulation and the retention effect of N and P for the different dimensions pond wetland system .
The middle tidal-flat of CM ( CM-2 ) was source of atmospheric methane and the maximum emission flux occurred in July ;
They indicate that the nitrification in sediment may be strong , which may partly contribute to the NH3-N purification function of the tidal flat .
The concentrations of active Cr , Pb , Cu , and Zn in the intertidal sediments of Yangtze estuary were extracted by three extraction procedures ( Tessier sequential extraction , DTPA and HCl ) .
Petroleum-derived contamination may be dominant source in the study area , depending on the distributions of fluoranthene / pyrene and 2 + 3 ringed and 4 ringed PAHs compounds in surface sediments .
Using static closed chamber-GC technique , carbon ( CH_ 4 and CO_ 2 ) fluxes through intertidal flat wetland-atmosphere interface of the Yangtze estuary were measured continuously for one year at Chongming east intertidal flat ( CM ) .
We go along a acute toxicity test of benthic fauna Bullacta exarata for about 24 hours in order to evaluate the effect of heavy metal Pb to benthic fauna in coastal tidal flat of Changjiang Estuary .
The bioavailable phosphorus ( BAP ) is mainly controlled by human activities , which can be used as one of indicators for the potentially ecology risk assessment in the Yangtze estuary .
Effects of Environmental Factors on NH_4 ~ + Release in Tidal Flat Sediments Along the Yangtze Delta Chapter four analyzes the current development situation and existent issue of urban system in the area of the Yangtze Delta .
In this paper , causes of the drift problem occurred in PHC piles foundation of a high-rise residence building are analyzed , and the method of the strengthening for the foundation with cast-in-place grouting piles is described .
The correlations between soil POC contents and contents of grains in different size fractions indicated that grain size characteristics of samples from high marsh were similar to those of samples from middle marsh .
We have interpreted tidal flats and tidal creeks in 5 typical tidal basins around the Yellow River Delta using Landsat TM / ETM + images acquired in June 1986 and August 2001 . The drainage density and fractal dimension of tidal creeks of each tidal basin were calculated .
Tianjin lives in the top of the Bohai bay , has 155 km . long coastline and 3 to 8 km . long tidal bank .
The grid is 480m × 620m , and 4 lays in vertical are used . The shallow water areas and tidal areas in the Bohai Bay are taken into account .
According to surface elevations of stations and calculated sedimentation rates in different stages , the applicability of Pethick-Allen model is analysed in Jiangsu tidal salt marshes .