- 网络bottom current

The observation of bottom current in the area of Taiwan warm current
Food is a control factor for the meiobenthos distribution , and its distribution is also affected by the sediment type and bottom current .
There is a northward component of current at upper layer and a southward component of current at lower layer , this indicates that there exists transverse circulation .
The control of environmental factors on nodule distribution is discussed . The complicated local-scale nodule variation is mainly controlled by the complex local variation of seafloor topography , AABW , sedimentation rate , etc.
During the period from 1984 to 1986 , a large number of " Artificial bottom floaters " were plunged in the South Yellow Sea and the East China Sea to measure the bottom current .
3 , In the estuary region , surface residual current flows outward from the river mouth ; but bottom residual current forms a convergence zone .
The bottom residual current is similar to the surface one , but the bottom current speed is smaller , and the alongshore current direction is west by north with a compensation current character .
To achieve optimum performance and memory efficiency , you need to give the data binding tool direct access to the underlying XML stream .
The bottom trinal net fishery , which was developed recently , is one kind of representative fisheries in Mingdong area .
The obvious solution is to expose the underlying raw XML stream to the data binding tool .
Additionally , the underlying code for making HTTP connections in Axis and others solutions is also stream based .