
dǐ tè lǜ
  • Detroit
  1. 在上个赛季,新泽西队全胜底特律队。

    New Jersey swept Detroit last season .

  2. 红袜队以一场之差将冠军输给了底特律队。

    The Red Sox lost the pennant to Detroit by a single game .

  3. 底特律的阿拉伯人所表达的似乎主要是一种挫折感。

    The predominant opinion voiced by Detroit 's Arab population seems to be one of frustration .

  4. 他不再满意底特律的生活,想要过加利福尼亚那种刺激快乐的生活。

    Life in Detroit no longer satisfied him ; he wanted the fast life of California .

  5. 这是去底特律最快的路线。

    It 's the quickest route to Detroit .

  6. 他去年秋天被底特律雄狮队选作队员了。

    He was drafted last autumn by the Detroit lions .

  7. 从底特律迁到了硅谷,在那里,无人驾驶汽车正焕发生机。

    It has migrated from Detroit to Silicon Valley , where self-driving vehicles are coming into life .

  8. 在一次试图使无人驾驶汽车生产回归底特律的努力中,密歇根州的立法者提出了一个可以使该州成为全美即使不是全世界开发无人驾驶汽车并让它们上路的最佳地点。

    In a bid to take production back to Detroit , Michigan lawmakers have introduced legislation that could make their state the best place in the country , if not the world , to develop self-driving vehicles and put them on the road .

  9. 最后,他说,“我们给底特律各地的家庭分发了64份火鸡大餐。”

    In the end , he says , " we handed out 64 turkey dinners to families all around Detroit . "

  10. 身着红色的超级英雄服装,伊万在密歇根州底特律的一个公园里开心地向饥饿的人们分发了70份午餐。

    Wearing his red superhero costume , Ewan happily helped pass out 70 bag lunches to hungry people in a park in Detroit , Michigan .

  11. 不过底特律仍然是三巨头(BigThree)的大本营。

    Yet Detroit remains the home of the Big Three .

  12. 底特律的应急管理人凯文·奥尔做客福克斯电视台的《NewSunday》节目时被问到了同样的问题。

    Detroit 's emergency manager Kevyn Orr was asked the same question on Fox 's New Sunday .

  13. 本周在底特律,福特发布了新款福克斯(focus)车,这是该公司最畅销的车型。

    In Detroit this week , the company unveiled a new version of the focus , its top-selling car .

  14. 我父亲因出差之便,带我们乘坐豪华的“东方诸州”号(EasternStates)到了底特律。

    My father took us along on a business trip to Detroit aboard the palatial Eastern States .

  15. 底特律三大汽车制造商以及全美汽车工人联合会(UnitedAutoWorkersunion)对此表达了最严重的关切。

    The Detroit Three car companies and the United Auto Workers union have expressed the greatest concerns .

  16. 在底特律,通用汽车(GM)是最大的公司。

    In Detroit , GM is the biggest game in town .

  17. 维克多·雨果,我是J·科比·格里莫林,从底特律来。

    Victor Hugo , I 'm J Curby Gremlin . From Detroit .

  18. 而在底特律,FellowBarber理发店正打算在其门店内增设一个吧台。

    Fellow Barber plans to add a bar to its Detroit location .

  19. 很快,汽车业的目光就将聚焦到底特律,北美国际车展(NorthAmericanInternationalAutoShow)即将在此盛大开幕。

    In less than 72 hours , the attention of the automotive world will laser in on Detroit , scene of the North American International Auto Show .

  20. 美国驾车者本周将看到一款新车,通用汽车(generalmotors)这款车有助于使购车者相信,底特律正“洗心革面”。

    American motorists are getting a glimpse this week of a vehicle that General Motors hopes will help convince car buyers that Detroit is mending its ways .

  21. 近日,底特律一所房子的主人表示愿意用新款iPhone与这所房子作交换。

    One homeowner is resorting to bartering for the latest iPhone as a tactic to sell abeleaguered property in Detroit .

  22. 在上世纪90年代中期,通用汽车将其总部搬到底特律市底特律河最著名的地标建筑——复兴中心(RenaissanceCenter),这个名字可谓恰如其分。

    In the mid-1990s it moved its headquarters to the city 's most prominent landmark on the Detroit River , known appropriately as the Renaissance Center .

  23. 市长DavidBing表示,这样的人口普查结果将为底特律和密歇根州带来巨大的经济损失。

    Mayor David Bing said the low census figures will cost the city and the state of Michigan more money .

  24. 影响力极大的网站赫芬顿邮报(huffingtonpost)去年登载了一组照片,反映底特律这个城市的衰败景象。

    Last year , the ultra-powerful website the Huffington Post ran a haunting slideshow depicting urban decay in Detroit .

  25. 曾一度传言会离开活塞转而执教尼克斯队的NBA底特律活塞队主教练拉里·布朗日前向媒体明确表示,他现在没有离开活塞的打算。

    The NBA Champion Detroit Pistons coach Larry Brown made it clear he has no plans to leave the team .

  26. 普查数据遭到质疑市长DavidBing表示,他对现在的统计数字表示怀疑。现在的普查结果为,底特律的人口总数为713777。

    Census figures questioned Bing said he intends to challenge the current census figures , which puts the population of Detroit at 713777 .

  27. 她的新职责为她在2014年接替CEO艾克森的职位增加了新的筹码,而这将成为底特律女性创造历史的第一次。

    Her new responsibilities boosted her standing as a favorite to succeed CEO Dan akerson in 2014 & an historic first for a woman in Detroit .

  28. 据巴克莱(Barclays)估计,这家底特律汽车厂商的中国合资企业今年一季度营收为5.5亿美元。

    The Detroit-based auto maker earned $ 550 million in the first quarter from its Chinese joint ventures , estimated Barclays .

  29. 他们认为Tesla有望挑战底特律汽车三巨头并一跃成为第四巨头。

    They view Tesla as having the potential to turn the Detroit Three and create the big four .

  30. 在上个月底特律汽车展上,汽车业记者投票评选现代首款豪华轿车劳恩斯(Genesis)为北美年度最佳汽车。

    At last month 's Detroit auto show , motoring writers voted the Genesis , Hyundai 's first luxury sedan , North American car of the year .