
  • 网络bottom water;antarctic bottom water
  1. 并且通过回归分析揭示了底层水对生物体中Cu、Hg和As的富集贡献较大。

    Moreover , regression analysis shows that bottom water makes an appreciable contribution to the enrichment of Cu , Hg and As in organisms .

  2. 63%的站位底层水NP含量高于表层水,这与底层水中悬浮物含量较高及沉积物中NP向底层水的释放有关。

    NP in bottom water has exceeded that in surface water in 63 % of the investigated stations due to high content of suspended solids and the release from sediments .

  3. 50m以下的深底层水主要由台湾东北黑潮的次表层水入侵陆架生成。

    The deep layer water below 50m is mainly formed by the intrusion of the sub-surface water of the Kuroshio northeast of Taiwan onto the continental shelf .

  4. 经测定,沉积物吸附/释放平衡点的一般为0.038~0.085μg/mL,此值一般高于底层水P浓度,因此推测,长江口地区沉积物有向上覆水释放P的倾向。

    Balance point of adsorption and release of phosphorus in the sediments is 0.038 ~ 0.085 μ g / mL by measurement . The phosphorus value is higher in upper water than in bottom water . The release phosphorus from the sediments to upper water in Changjiang Estuary was calculated .

  5. 主要表现为:底层水氨氮,TRP(总反应态磷)和SRP(溶解反应态磷)的含量明显高于表层水;

    The ammonium nitrogen , total reactive phosphorus ( TRP ) and soluble reactive phosphorus ( SRP ) in the bottom water were greater than those in the surface ;

  6. 在盛夏高温季节,水流滞缓的小河流表层水和底层水的氮磷指标存在明显分异:底层水NH4~+,水溶态磷和总反应态磷(TRP)含量高于表层水;

    At the height of the summer , the surface and bottom water of the creeks differed in N and P loadings . NH4 + , soluble P and total reactive P in the bottom water were higher than those in the surface ;

  7. 胶州湾底层水营养盐的分布特征及有机污染状况分析

    Nutrient distributional characteristics and organic pollution analysis in bottom water in Jiaozhou Bay

  8. 深层水和底层水的模拟是可以接受的。

    A encouraging improvement of simulation of the deep water and the bottom water is obtained ;

  9. 珠江河口沉积物粒度特征及其对底层水动力环境的指示

    Characteristics of Sediment Grain Size and Their Implications for Bottom Hydrodynamic Environment in the Pearl River Estuary

  10. 结果表明:深海采矿对底层水环境不会产生明显的影响;

    The results indicate that no significant chemical changes in bottom water can be expected from mining .

  11. 南极普里兹湾及其邻近海域的水文结构特征和底层水的来源

    Characteristics of hydrographic structure and source of bottom water in the Prydz Bay and vicinity sea area

  12. 海洋底层水成矿金属组分存在形式和沉淀矿物的定量研究

    Quantitative Study on Precipitable Mineral and the Existing Form of Ore-forming Metal Species of the Bottom Water in Ocean

  13. 分析判断与综合判断压裂缝高穿层造成底层水上窜的判断方法与原因分析

    Analytical and synthetical judgments Identification and Analysis of Channeling Upward of Bottom Water due to Connect the Testing Zone With the Lower Water Zone by Fracturing

  14. 同时推测冰期时低氧含量的底层水有利于有机物质的保存。

    Moreover , the bottom water with lower oxygen content is thought to play a significant role in the organic carbon preservation in the glacial periods .

  15. 以底栖动物作为底层水环境和底泥环境长期影响的指标,利用生物指数和种群结构的变化对底质进行评价和分析。

    The ground base was evaluated and analysed by using biological index and variation of population of benthon which are effected by bottom water and mud environment .

  16. 表层水DO水平略高于底层水,DO水平超标率分别为46%和667%;

    DO content in surface water were slightly higher than that in bottom water , 46 % and 66.7 % of which fell short of the standard .

  17. 在直接引用水库底层水进行灌溉的地区,水温偏低已成为影响效益农业高质高产的关键制约因素。

    In the areas which is irrigated by directly using the reservoir bottom water , low water temperature has become a key restriction factor which affects benefit agriculture .

  18. 压裂缝高穿层造成底层水上窜的判断方法与原因分析分层地应力方法在薄互层低渗油藏大型压裂设计中的应用

    Identification and Analysis of Channeling Upward of Bottom Water due to Connect the Testing Zone With the Lower Water Zone by Fracturing Application of stratified stress method in massive hydraulic fracturing design

  19. 表层水和底层水的菌数关系存在着两种相反的现象:一种是底层比表层高,另一种恰好相反;

    The quantity of bacteria occuring in the surface water and in the ground floor water shows two different phenomenon : One is that bacteria occur more in the ground floor water than in the surface water and another is just the opposite .

  20. 在温带半湿润季风气候区,运用复合式取水闸门引水库表层水灌溉农田,可避免取水库底层水时水温偏低,不利于农作物生长的问题。

    In semi-humid monsoon climatic areas in the temperate zone , adopting compound gates to divert surface-layer water from a reservoir for irrigating farmland can avoid taking low-temperature water from bottom layer of the reservoir which is unfavourable to the growing of crops .

  21. 目前底层水采样分析与海底沉积物取芯分析已成为海上油气化探一种有效且相对经济的技术组合,海底沉积物取芯测量和海水嗅探器现场分析是海上油气化探的主要手段。

    In present , bottom bed water sampling and analysis and coring analysis of submarine sediments have constituted an effective and relatively economical technical combination , and the coring measurement of submarine sediments and in-situ sniffer analysis are main means for offshore oil and gas geochemical exploration .

  22. 结合底层水溶解氧含量和浮游、底栖有孔虫碳同位素分析,认为底栖有孔虫组合的变化是南海底层水影响所致,以及南海北部表层和底层海水营养盐含量变化的共同结果。

    Combined with the results of the benthic foraminiferal oxygen index ( BFOI ) and carbon isotopes of planktonic and benthic foraminifera , we consider that the variations in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the area were mainly controlled by nutrient changes in surface and bottom waters .

  23. 夏季台湾暖流上层水主要来自台湾海峡,底层水主要由台湾东面黑潮的次表层水入侵陆架生成。

    In the summer , the upper water of the Taiwan Warm Current is mainly from the Taiwan Strait , and its bottom water is mostly from the sub surface water of the Kuroshio which flows on the shelf while passing through the east of Taiwan Island .

  24. 结果表明,夏季陆架水从表层向外海方向扩展,与黑潮水进行混合与交换;在陆架底部,黑潮次表层水涌升陆架后与陆架底层水进行混合。

    The results show that the continental shelf water spreads seaward in the surface layer in summer and mixes with the Kuroshio water , while at the bottom of the shelf , the Kuroshio subsurface water upwells and intrudes along the shelf and then mixes with the shelf bottom water ;

  25. 但是他计划继续在图书馆底层制作水过滤器。

    But he plans to continue making the water filters in the depths of the library .

  26. 到冬季快要开始的时候,沿岸的海水已经彻底混合,表层和底层的水几乎没有什么温度差和盐度差了。

    By the time winter begins , coastal waters are thoroughly mixed , with virtually no temperature or salinity differences between surface and bottom waters .

  27. 东海特定点近底层沉积物运移和水动力特征分析

    Analysis of transportation of near-bottom sediments and hydrodynamic features of a specific site in the East China Sea

  28. 为研究密云水库表底层水体交换试验中表层水体温度的变化及流速的变化,利用水泵将水库的底层水抽至水面,进行交换试验。

    To study the variety of temperature and flowing velocity of surface water in the experiment of exchange between surface and bottom water in Miyun Reservoir , the bottom water was bumped to the surface for the exchange experiment .