
dǐ shù
  • base number;the truth or root of a matter
底数 [dǐ shù]
  • (1) [base number]∶以之为基准而构成一组数或一数学表的数

  • 一组对数的底数

  • (2) [the truth or root of a matter]∶事情的原委

  • 心中有了底数

  1. 建立了公共场所动态管理长效机制,确保卫生监督员及时掌握公共场所管理对象底数及其动态变化。

    Established a long-term dynamic management mode of public places , to ensure the health supervisors to grasp the base number and dynamic changes of the public health monitoring objects .

  2. 对数说明一个底数的几次幂等于一个给定的值。

    A logarithm tells you what power a base number must be raised to in order to produce a given value .

  3. E属性返回自然对数的底数的值,或

    The E property returns the value of the base of natural logarithms , or

  4. @histlog提取器是一个以2为底数的对数柱状图(如下所示)。

    The @ hist_log extractor is a base-2 logarithmic histogram ( as shown ) .

  5. 文章给出一种新的RSA的快速算法,结合模n和底数a对指数m动态地取最优的幂后进行模幂乘运算,时间复杂性分析表明新算法可以减少加密和解密的计算量。

    It is shown by time complexity that the new algorithm obtains the speed improvement of encryption and decryption compared with the modular exponentiation by the repeated squaring method .

  6. 只要水域直径在3m以上,水深2m,水中的放射性物质微弱,用此法可得到相当近似的自然底数。

    In this way , a close approximation to the real value can be obtained when the diameter of water area is over 3 meters , its depth is about 2 meters , and it contains little radioactive material .

  7. 复底数和复指数的幂函数的值分布定理

    Distribution Theorems for Values of Power Functions with Complex Bases and Exponents

  8. 双方签约时,该房屋的水表底数是:0;

    The two sides signed , the meter of housing floor is : 0 ;

  9. 基于底数可变特性的模幂乘算法

    A Modular Exponentiation Algorithm Based on Variable Radix

  10. 三是对本企业的危险因素底数不清。

    Three is the enterprise risk factors incomputable .

  11. 通过审计,摸清全国政府性债务底数。

    We got a clear picture of total government debt in the whole country through auditing .

  12. 摸清底数,采取切实有效措施,尽快化解现有债务;

    Get to the truth of liabilities so as to adopt effective measure to dissolve current liabilities ASAP ;

  13. 中国官方准备在公布海关三月分贸易数据之前公布本次数据的底数。

    Chinese officials were preparing the ground for this announcement even before the customs agency announced the March trade figures .

  14. 视空间模板中的视觉记忆和空间记忆在同底数幂比较大小中的参与作用具有不一致性。

    There were differences between the roles of visual memory and spatial memory in the comparison of same base powers .

  15. 浮点表示法中的一个数字,该数字乘上隐式的浮点底数的幂就决定了所表示的实数。

    In a floating-point representation , the numeral that is multiplied by the exponentiated implicit floating-point base to determine the real number represented .

  16. 本研究针对于现今研究的空缺,探讨工作记忆系统中的语音环路和视空间模板在同底数幂比较大小运算中的参与作用。

    This study was to explore the role of the phonological loop , the visuospatial sketch pad in the comparison of the same base powers .

  17. 分析地铁列车交路设置的影响因素,给出任一交路下车底数下界的数学计算公式。

    This paper analyzes the influencing factors for metro train routing and presents the calculation formula on minimum quantity of required train sets for any routing .

  18. 本文讨论了三种测定γ辐射仪自然底数的方法:水面法、铅屏法和水中法。

    In this paper , three methods for determining the natural background of Υ - radiometers are studied : the methods of water-surface , lead-screen and submersion .

  19. 入户调查的目的是摸清人口底数,纠正户口登记项目中的差错,为第六次全国人口普查登记提供准确的基础信息。

    The survey aims to count the total number of Beijing residents and to correct false household registration information and provide accurate information for the sixth national census .

  20. 叶片活性铁含量可作为香梨缺铁失绿症的叶片诊断的首选指标,以单位叶面积为底数表征叶片全铁含量和有效铁含量更为熨切。

    The active iron content can be considered as the preferred indicators to diagnose the iron deficient chlorosis . Unit leaf area as the end of period is more suitable to measure the total iron and active iron contents .

  21. 第三节主要是论述在戒毒方面要做的工作,并从摸清吸食人员底数、创建无毒环境和加强戒毒机构建设等三个方面给出了具体操作办法。

    In the third section , the work that should be done in terms of rehabilitation is mainly discussed , and concrete methods in terms of making clear the number of people who take in drugs , establishing nontoxic environment and strengthening structuring of rehabilitation organization are given .

  22. 通过建立最大程度满足客流需求的最优车底配置模型,以及模型的求解步骤,实现了以车底数最优作为标准的多种地铁列车交路方案的比选。

    By establishing the optimized train set configuration model that can best meet the needs of passenger volume together with the solution procedures of this model , the paper realizes the comparison among different metro train routing plans by referring to the standard of optimized train set quantity .

  23. 只有通过加强税收征管才能将税源转化为入库税收,税源管理的目标简单概括就是要摸清税源底数,提高征管水平,实现应收尽收。

    Only by strengthening tax collection and can be sources of tax revenue conversion of storage revenue , sources of revenue management goal is a brief summary is to find out the sources of tax revenue base and improve collection and management level , to achieve due are collected .