
  • 网络Penetration;Transmittance;transmissivity;transmission;ROP;UVT
  1. 此拥有紫外光穿透率提升的氧化铟锡薄膜在目前紫外光光电组件的应用上是绝佳的选择之一。

    Such an ITO film with enhanced ultraviolet ( UV ) transmittance has become an alternative candidate for applications in current UV photonic devices .

  2. 运用窄谱带模型,根据气体介质的物理性质,分别计算对应各个波长段的辐射强度和穿透率,进而计算总的辐射量。

    The dissertation calculating the spectral intensity and transmittance along the wavelength , using narrow band model , according to the physical property , as well as the total directional radiated energy flux .

  3. 用FCS~G/TH冻存的精液经SPA检测,其穿透率为新鲜精子的51.9%。

    Fertilization viability of FCS-G / TH frozen sperm was tested in sperm penetration assay ( SPA ) and the penetration rate of the store frozen sperm was 51.9 % of that freshly collected sperm .

  4. 复合硬质穿甲弹(APCR)炮弹的穿透率最高,并可以在几乎所有的坦克中使用。

    Shells have the highest penetration value and can be used on almost all tanks in the game .

  5. 3)预制破片可击穿披挂在8m处的防弹头盔或防弹衣(防护标准为54级),穿透率不小于95%;

    3 ) Prefabricated fragments can penetrate the bullet-proof helm and the bullet-proof vest hung 8m away ( safety standard : class 54 ); penetrating ratio > 95 % ;

  6. 用NE213谱仪测量了dT中子的075~15MeV泄漏中子能谱,能量大于075MeV的中子的穿透率为084±003,中子能谱实验误差为5%~7%。

    The leakage neutron spectrum is measured using NE 213 spectrometer . The energy range of measured neutron spectrum is 0.75 ~ 15 MeV . The overall experimental error is 5 % ~ 7 % .

  7. 通过将Hawking辐射看成是穿过事件视界的隧道效应,计算出隧道穿透率并且得到了一个相对于半经典穿透率的修正。

    Hawking radiation is viewed as a tunneling process across the event horizon and the tunneling probability is calculated . According to the tunneling probability , a leading correction to the semi-classical emission rate is found .

  8. 用14C标记氯氟氰菊酯测定甜菜夜蛾抗性和敏感品系5龄幼虫表皮穿透率结果表明,处理后8h,抗性品系5龄幼虫的表皮穿透率仅为敏感品系幼虫表皮穿透率的555%。

    After 8 ? h treatment the results indicate that the rate of cuticular penetration of 14C-lambda-cyhalothrin in 5th instar larvae of the resistant strain was only about 55.5 % of that in the susceptible strain .

  9. 随着我国GW级风电场的建设,风电规模的不断增大以及风电的电网穿透率不断上升,风电场输出功率的波动性给电网运行带来的不利影响亟待解决。

    With the construction of GW class wind farms , the scale of wind power is growing and grid penetration of wind power is rising , so the adverse effects of output power fluctuations must be resolved .

  10. 根据国家标准,只有UPF30+和紫外线穿透率不低于5%的材料,才能算得上是防紫外线产品。

    According to national standards , only umbrellas made of materials that have UPF 30 + and restrict the penetration of UV rays at 5 percent or less are qualified products that can be said to block UV rays .

  11. 浆层纸离子穿透率的简易测定法

    A Simple Method for Determinating Ion-penetrating Rate of Battery-used Coated Paper

  12. 户外专用光学强化玻璃,高穿透率,低光损。

    Outdoor special optical strengthened glass , high penetration rate , low light loss .

  13. 林冠截留量、径流量、穿透率与降水量均呈显著的正相关,并分别给出了它们之间的经验模型。

    The experiential models between canopy interception , stemflow , throughfall and rainfall were given .

  14. 证实表皮穿透率的降低是产生抗性的一个重要机理。

    It is safe to say that delayed cuticular penetration is an important mechanism responsible for this resistance .

  15. 透明质酸对猪精子活率、获能、顶体反应及体外受精穿透率的影响

    Effect of Hyaluronic Acid on Motility , Capacitation , Acrosomal Reaction and in vitro Penetration of Spermatozoa in Pigs

  16. 回归分析发现,梭梭与白梭梭茎流率、穿透率、截留率与降雨量之间呈显著对数关系。

    Regression analysis showed that the stemflow , throughfall , and interception of the shrubs had logarithmic correlation with rainfall .

  17. 过滤介质的粒径越小,粒子的扩散沉积效应越高,穿透率也就越低。

    The smaller the diameter of filtration medium was , the bigger the Brownian diffusion deposition and smaller the filtration efficiency were .

  18. 34例有生育力的供者,穿透率为26%~100%,平均为83.4%;

    In the 34 fertile donors , the penetration rates were 26 % to 100 % , with an average of 83.4 % .

  19. 对于不同降雨量级来说,穿透率和树干茎流率随着降水量的增加而增加。

    Regarding the different rainfall magnitude , the penetration coefficient and the bough stem rate of discharge increases along with the precipitation increases .

  20. 首先利用量测薄膜经雷射照射后的穿透率变化,来界定薄膜临界损伤状态。

    First , we determine the threshold damage condition of thin film by measure change of penetration of thin film after laser irradiate .

  21. 在水平井钻井中,通常采用地质导向钻井技术来提高井眼轨迹在油层中的穿透率。

    During drilling horizontal well , usually adopt geometry steerable drilling technology to increase the penetration rate of borehole track in oil reservoir .

  22. 高穿透率的分布式电源接入电力系统将给电网带来电能质量、系统稳定等一系列问题。

    High penetration of distributed generation into the power system will result in some deteriorative influences such as poor power quality and stability issues .

  23. 藉由观察不同结构之穿透率频谱图将可设计最佳化的宽频滤波器。

    By observing the transmission-frequency curves of various configurations , we can modify the structure and finally find the optimized design of the filter .

  24. 影响I/O比的因素包括建筑围护结构的穿透率、通风换气、颗粒物室内源强度、沉降速率及二次悬浮等,课题主要研究对通风换气对室内外颗粒物浓度关系的影响。

    Factors affecting I / O Ratio include penetration ratio of building envelop , ventilation , indoor source , deposition rate and particle resuspension .

  25. 气溶胶粒子的穿透率随着柱长的增加而降低,随流速、气溶胶粒子粒径和石英砂颗粒大小的减小而减小;

    The longer the packed column , the slower the flow velocity and the smaller aerosol particles size and quartz size , the lower the penetration coefficients .

  26. 研究证实斜纹夜蛾对氯氟氰菊酯的抗性是否与其表皮穿透率降低有关。

    In this paper , the relationship of the resistance of the common cutworm , Spodoptera litura Fabricius , to lambda-cyhalothrin and cuticular penetration of lambda-cyhalothrin was studied .

  27. 实验表明人精子穿透率,能育者为14.8%,不育者为10.32%,经抗精子抗体处理的为5.5%。

    The results showed that the SPA rate of fertile human was 14.8 % , of sterile human was 10.32 % , of spermatozoa treated with antisperm antibody was 5.5 % .

  28. 人类精子经过卵黄贮存液在4℃状态下长时间获能(至少24小时)后,与去透明带金黄地鼠卵孵化0.5~5小时,分别观察并动态测定其穿透率和受精指数。

    After capacitation for 24 hours or more at 4 ℃ in egg yolk buffer , human sperm were co-incubated for 0.5-5 hours with zona-free hamster oocytes and the penetration rates and fertilization indices determined .

  29. 已完成的8口薄油层水平井的平均油层穿透率87.35%,原油产量是直井的3.6倍,经济效益非常显著。

    The average penetrating ratio of eight horizontal wells drilled in thin reservoirs is 87.35 percent and its producing capacity is 3.6 times of that in straight hole . Their economic benefits are very remarkable .

  30. 现场测试表明,该技术对焊接烟尘的滤除效率提高了3%,尤其对微细粉尘效果显著,2μm粉尘穿透率相对下降了47%。

    Results show that the collecting efficiency for the welding fume increases by 3 % compared with ordinary fabric filtering , especially for those fine particles . The break through rate of 2 μ m particles decreases by 47 % .